Chapter 1 - How it all began

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Each morning she wakes up beside him and they are the true OTP (one true pair). They spend as much time as they can together and their children are magnificent, and not to mention the most amazing part , how they came from two separate hearts to be joined as one . But if I'm going to tell this story correctly I must tell it from the beginning.
It all truly started in about grade 7. Michelle had found her true celebrity crush. Well sorta, not everyone knew about him and he wasn't that popular either . However he was part of this group as I can remember. Anyway as this "group" thing ended , some people gave up on him , some people forgot about him. But not Michelle , she was always there to hold his hand if he wanted.
Now you may think they knew each other, well at this point in time HAYES GRIER (Michelle's celebrity crush) had no clue who she was. Everyone (well most people) thought that they were the worst couple , that he will never know who she is, that she's crazy for thinking he will meet her, that she's insane for loving this "Hayes" guy because she didn't know him physically.
But were they wrong... I never quite understood how she came upon him but she did and her passion for Hayes grew. She began getting his merchandise and constantly thinking about him and looking at pictures of him.
Let's pause right now ... Most of us will probably think that she is crushing on this guy because he's a hot famous dude, but the truth is, he is not like One Direction or Justin Bieber, all he did was make these 6 second, hilarious vines. So at this time period Michelle was 12 years old and Hayes was 14. But were they meant to be or was she over reacting...Most of you will say okay what's the point it's just a guy, but for Michelle he was truly her first TRUE love and he mattered a lot.
2 years passed and Michelle was now in grade 9 which made her 14 so Mr. Grier was now 16.
It was Monday ... And I know what you're thinking eww Monday ...that means school...but that's exactly what Michelle was thinking eww school. But it was the day where they didn't have to wear their uniforms. So the day started off pretty normally , with Michelle getting up to that heart attack machine, called an alarm and when she realized she was late she quickly got dressed with her "Hayes" sweater (so as you can see she was still crazy for him) and some leggings. As usual she was running late for school so she skipped breakfast and ran for the bus. On the bus she sat beside her best friend Sarah. Sarah was also in grade 9 and she didn't quite understand Michelle's crush on hayes, honestly nobody did except her , but Sarah was always there for Michelle no matter what and vies versa.
When they finally got to school she attended her classes or as she calls them the "HOURS OF DOOOOOOM!" Then after school Michelle rushed home and because it was a Monday her teachers decided to be nice and did not give her any homework. As soon as she got home she plopped on her bed and checked her social media.
She checked instagram, then snapchat, then her messages from her other friends asking "UMM what's for homework," because they don't pay any attention during their classes aka (also known as) "HOURS OF DOOOOOOM!" Then finally.....IT WAS RIGHT THERE !?!?!?!?!?! She was in shock... Was it true...was it real...was she dreaming.
Nope she was not dreaming , this was real and Michelle was extremely amazed... THERE IT WAS AND SHE SAW IT WITH HER OWN EYES.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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