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Previously on The Bangtan High~

You stood at your place frozen...


You came back to your senses when you saw through the door's gap, TV switched off by itself followed by slight shifting. Knife.. I need a knife, you quickly looked around the kitchen immediately spotting a butcher knife.

Picking it up you go inside the staff room through the kitchen, locking the door firmly behind you. Your hands where shaking as you reached out for your phone which was kept on a small table in the corner of the room.

"Excuse me" you could hear the voice out side, "I thought you were bringing me pie" the voice was cynical, it gave you creeps. "Where are you?" you could hear footsteps along with the sound of metal being dragged along the cemented wall.

The man dragged the truck key he had in his hand across the wall as the walked towards the kitchen door. You quickly dialled the emergency number but didn't click the call button. "I want my pie, that's all" his words were followed by loud bangs on the kitchen door.

Shit! you fumbled through your contacts quickly dialing the first number you see. If he breaks through the kitchen door, he will be only one door away, your eyes swelled up with tears out of fear as you tried to supress your sobs.

"The person you are trying the called is unable to attend the call now, please try again later" the monotonous voice was followed by a beep. Please someone pick up at least, your vision was blurry as you clicked on a random contact.

"Hello?? Arianna?" before you could say anything, the kitchen door burst open, the loud bang made you flinch and the phone fell of your hand. "I know you are here" you could see his shadow from under the door gap moving throughout the place follow by a screeching noise of a metal peice being dragged.

"Where are you?" he began dragging his key through the kitchen wall as you could hear the high pitched screech coming closer towards the door. Suddenly it went silent, dead silent, the footsteps retreated as you felt like you could breath again.

After sometime, you heard the door bell chime, confused you opened the door, enough to see through. There was nothing in sight, all you could see was the broken kitchen door, now lying on the ground.

Your grip on the knife tightened, as you slowly stepped out wiping your tears. You hated being afraid, all your life you had been a coward cat and never retaliated, always stayed in a corner getting beaten up by the bullies and crying in misery.

Not anymore. You walked out the door to the main café area and stood at your place as you saw the person sitting on the same table, his back facing you. "So you never left" you said standing firmly on your ground.

"Why would I?" He said with a scoff. "I know you would come out" he stood up and started walking towards you. "I swear to god, you take one more step and I won't hesitate" you raised the knife in your hand.

"I won't hurt you" he rasied up his hands in surrender. "You won't be alive to do so" you scoffed. "You don't believe me?? We never harm our kind" he said with a smirk. "What are you even talking about? I am not like you, you are a fucking murderer!" you yelled.

"You might know my daughter, Shelly" at that point it felt like you lost all your senses. "She told me about you.. Arianna.. is hat even your real name??" he said with a smug smile. "Do not step any closer" you pointed the knife towards him.

"You really thought that I would believe you huh? The police would be here any minute now" you tried to threaten him. "Who are you trying to fool?? Both you and me know that you didn't call the police!" he took constant steps towards you.

"Wow, you seem pretty confident" there was another voice that made the man turn around and the next moment he was knocked out on the floor. You looked at him gratefully, "Are you okay??" he rush towards you pulling you into a comforting hug.

"Thanks Taehyung" you mumbled against his chest as he reassuringly patted your back. "Sir, should we take him?" Taehyung turned around and you saw they were five to six men in black coats. "Yeah, be careful nobody should know" he said and the man nodded.

"What are the things that he touched?" Taehyung asked you, you looked around. "That table, that door and probably the kitchen door" you said and he left with an handkerchief, to wipe out the fingerprints, you assumed. Tow men picked up the unconscious serial killer lying on the floor.

You tried to go out but another man stopped you, "It would be better if you stay inside for now Miss" he had his arm straightened out blocking your way. "Where are you talking him?" you asked, "It would be better if you stay out of it Miss" he said in an emotionless, stern voice.

"Are you talking him to the headquarters?" you asked, making him look at you in disbelief. "How do you know about that place... but if you do, you should also be aware of the fact, that is the only place these kinds of bodies go" the man said clearing his throat.

"Body?? He is not dead yet.." you asked confused, "But he will be soon" he looked at you. "Alright, we are done" Taehyung came towards you "Leave know" he said to the man, "You know what to do with it" he said, "Yes Sir" the man said before leaving.

"So Jimin doesn't know?" Taehyung asked as both of you walked back to the school premises, "I am the one to be blamed" you shook your head, he looked at you, his heart still beating frantically. He had almost lost his breath when he picked up the call, his heart had stopped beating for a second.

"He knows that I will be back by morning. If he sees me know, I am dead" you chuckled, but all Taehyung could see was how beautifully the glowing moon illuminated you face as you shook your head smiling.

"It's really weird how these thing don't bother me anymore. I guess I have already gone through much" you laughed. "What are you gonna tell him?' Taehyung asked to which you shrugged. "His inner interrogating skills surface in these kind of situation" you sigh. "It's difficult dodge his questions" you said thoughtfully not realising both of you were already inside the school.

"Well you are always welcomed to my place" he said looking at you.


I know it's late.. I was being an lazy ass as always, but anyways here is the most awaited ( well not really) update.

Anyways toady's shoutout goes to anushka_xd when you pmed me, I finally felt like writing, so this chapter is here now . I hope you have a great day.

Also Jenger fam is now if 200 people. I can't believe that 200 people broke their fingers on the follow button. If you haven't followed me yet then make sure you do that, I keep posting announcements, so yeah..

Also check out my spotify playlist "Spring Lights" for quality music.

That's all for today, don't forget to break your finger on the follow button.

See you in the next chapter~

~Author Nim

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