Chapter 1

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          Today was like any other day me heading home from school as slowly as I could just so I would have less pain and less time around my father. I didn’t think much of my mother who was around but not really, if you could call being high every minute of the day as being around then she was. I sigh as I pull on the sleeves of my top worried that the burses would show making people stop to ask me if everything was alright. The moment I walked into the house I feel a slap to my face causing me to slam into the wall as the door slammed shut behind me. “What did I tell you about being home late? Takara you should know better than to be late.” Dad screams before he slaps me again. I whimper before he hits me several more times all over until he finally kicks me in the ribs and yells at me to make him and mom something for dinner. I hurry to the kitchen with my backpack pressed tightly to my chest the fear of him hitting me again sky rocketing.

          The moment I got into the kitchen I see mom sitting there at the table laughing like crazy. She was normally sitting in the kitchen or in the living room laughing her head off until her crash when she would start to yell at the top of her lungs at both myself and dad. Normally at that point dad would yell back before hitting me a few times for killing their happy marriage before he would drag mom to their room and I would hear them fight for an hour before the moans started. I shake my head to rid the thoughts swimming around before starting on dinner which was mom’s favorite zaru soba. She would sometimes spill food on her and she would yell to loud if they were hot before she would laugh harder than before.  Dad finally got tired of me making hot food and mom had eaten this all the time when she was pregnant with me so she must have liked it.

          Once I was done with dinner I plate it up and set a bowl in front of mom and walked out to where dad was sitting. “D…Dinners done.” I say shaking a little almost afraid of him hitting me again. He grunted before getting up and walking over to me before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the kitchen. I wanted to hiss in pain at the pressure he was putting on my arm but knew better than to make a sound as he pulled me behind him before he lets me go knocking me over in the process and I was lucky I only hit the freezer and not the oven which was still hot. I scramble to my feet and serve my dad who was sitting next to mom watching her eat. He had a small smile on his face as she eats and I place a bowl down in front of him and stand in the corner watching them. I wasn’t allowed to eat until they both were in bed. Dad eats quickly as he watches mom not saying a word to me. Not long after mom was done she came down from her high but instead of yelling at us like normal she looked around until her eyes land on me in the corner.

          “Takara what are you doing over there? What happened to you face baby girl?” Mom asks as she gets up and rushes over to me. It wasn’t often that mom would be like this when she got off her high. “I got hit with a volleyball in gym today. Don’t worry so much about me mom. I’m just cleaning up after dinner.” I say. Mom smiles at me before she helps me clean up. Dad watches us a smile on his face and I give a small sigh knowing I wasn’t going to be hit at all tonight with mom like this. Once we were done cleaning mom and dad head to the living room to watch some TV and I eat quickly. I was finishing up cleaning the bowl I had used when mom walks in and pulls me back into a hug. “Takara sweet heart why don’t we head to the store to get what we need to make a chocolate cake?” Mom asks and I smile a little. “Takara has homework to do why don’t we talk a little dear.” Dad says as he walks into the room and my smile fades the moment his eyes land on me. Mom nods and before she leaves the room she gives me a kiss. “I love you Takara you’re my moon child after all.” She says before walking quickly over to my dad letting him pull her away up to their room. I sigh before heading to my room and fall into a peaceful sleep, one that isn’t interrupted by dad in the middle on the night for messing something up.

          The rest of the week was odd. Mom didn’t get high at all over the week and she cooked dinner every night. We would eat as a family and mom said she was going to get help to fix the marriage. Dad agreed to this so at the end of the week when I came home mom was gone and so was dad. I walk up to my room dropping my bag down on my bed wondering what was going on. A few hours later I heard the slam of a car door and not long after the front door before stomping feet coming up the stairs and my bedroom door slam open. Dad looked mad and he runs over at me and slaps me hard across the face. “You stupid little brat. It’s your fault she is gone!” Dad screams before he starts to hit me over and over again. By the time he was done I couldn’t move and was looking at the pool of blood around me. I’m not sure what he did to me and what I did wrong but I might die tonight. I close my eyes praying that I was somewhere else, anywhere else but here.

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