Life on Crescent Beach

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     Major! How many times have I told you to play with your headphones. I swear you're going to wreck these old windows and none of us are deaf yet, and neither are the guests around us. Well except the seniors downstairs. We live in a hotel, not a lone bungalow in the middle of the woods. When I get old and I won't be able to hear your yapping mouth, you can play that guitar as loud as you want, but till then I don't want to hear another stroke on that guitar, without those headphones.  Do you understand me! That's my Ma...  This woman is the most proud to be american the world has ever known. She tries to symbolize this family as the american dream. Her parents are from Europe, but Ma doesn't accept that and she doesn't like it when people mention it, good piece of advice  don't mention it. And she tells everybody that everyone in her family is from the United States of America, which tells you all you really need to know about her. Then there is me. Major   I am your average daily American teenager, with constant mood swings, a big crush at school, and a whole lot of freckles, but I'm not a nerd. Definitely not a nerd. Major Eugene Jerome! Oh! I hate my name.Like seriously... Who names their son Major.  What if you were to say Major we got a major problem! And whose middle name is Eugene. And Jerome! Jerome! Like Seriously! Major How many times have I told you to not leave your toys lying around the house! 109. What! Yesterday you said I told the boy 109 times to not leave his things lying around the house. Unless you were talking about another boy. Don't get smart with me young man! (Whispers to self) Not my fault I'm smart. Major! What! I heard that! (Intimidates mom mockingly and quietly ) I heard that. And that too! It's either i can't whisper or that woman has the hearing of an Entire lebucher mountain dog. I bet she heard that too...  Now back to me and my not very pleasant name. You see, my dream is to play for the yankees. I might live in florida, but not for long! I really wish I could change my name, but that's not gonna happen while Ma's         around. I also wish I was Italian. All the best yankees are Italian. You need to be a Joey or Frank. And Ma used to make her spaghetti with ketchup, until we brought in our 60 years old italian friend,  Salvatore, but we just call him Sal, after one of the greatest italian yankees players of all time, Sal Maglie.  Now Sal makes delicious spaghetti. Sal, came to Florida 5 years back, because I called him and said that we need somebody to make good spaghetti. And also because his wife had divorced, because Sal found her cheating on her 20 year old yoga instructor or something flaky like that. But mostly because we needed someone to make decent spaetti, because I don't think i could have survived another day with mom's ketchup spaghetti. Fun fact. We live in St- Augustine Florida, because Florida was the first of the 13 american settlements, +making it the oldest states in the US, and we live in St- Augustine because it's the oldest city in Florida, and mom says that the older the place you live in you will embrace more american history making you even more american. And I tell her that we came from african descendants, because well that's where cavemen came from, but Ma says that Cave men came from America, and they immigrated to Africa after. That's my mom's logic, and if my mom was a teacher, this would be a very weird country. To the table everybody. Yes! Today is mini calzones stuffed with Pepperoni, Pesto, and Ricotta. AAn american italian classic. Every day we eat different american italian dishes, like yesterday we ate Eggplant parmesan. Along side with the main course, we have some Cà del Bosco Franciacorta Annamaria Clementi for the adults. This wine from Northern Italy is full-bodied with notes of citrus and a refreshing finish—perfect for an Italian-style special occasion dinner. "It's often compared to the French Dom Perignon.. Its said to be the most delicious wine yet. Sal inherited a wine company from his distant uncle, back when Sal was still in Italy and well being an Italian. So that's where we get the very expensive wine.
You can pair it with: Parma ham or spaghetti carbonara. After 5 years I hadn't learnt a single word in Italian, but I know every italian american dish, and every italian wine from a-z. Another fun fact we live in a hotel called Pearl by the Sea, and Pop owns it all, and... Violet your canvas is in the attic, you can make your next painting after dinner. Make it about the beach will you. Its getting kind of depressing outside if you will. Before I continue... That's Lola, mom's sister. Lola's husband died last years from a heart attack. The thing is nobody saw it coming, and he was a really hyped. Guy.. Since Lola was only a house mom she had no more money, and she couldn't afford to live on her own, and she definitely couldn't pay for her kid's tuition. Lola is nice and all, but she is really dependant on others, and you'll always find her in the bathroom for hours, trying make up, and what not. Then we have her kids. Violet is the 10 year old, but not the 10 year old you're probably think of. To put it bluntly, she isn't good at school, but she loves to read and write fantasy stories, and most of all she is a prodigious painter. This house was all old, and spooky when we arrived, but Violet gave life to it the day she moved in. The walls in every corner in every room are painted. Landscapes, abstract, you name it she does it. Doctors say that she is on of 10 people on this planet who has "photographic memory"Then there's the 16 year old teenager you see everyday. Patricia, but everybody calls her Patty. She isn't great in English or history, but she is a goddess in the sciences. She is quite the contrary of her younger 10 year old sister. She despises books, and she hates painting or drawing, mostly because she draws like a baby. Although she loves music like me, but I like rock and heavy metal, while she likes the classics like Bach and Mozart. Also, she doesn't  feels really comfortable around animals. Violet used to have a lizard names Coa, but Patty murdered it with a hershey chocolate bar. I think anyway... Fun fact number three. You are going to be getting a lot of fun facts in this story. Fun fact number four, I am trying to learn as many languages as possible, s that if I can't play for the Yankees, I'll run away to a foreign country and start my own business. Dinner's ready! Can I eat in my room MA! No Major, this is a family dinner. Fine! Major go help your father with his bags will you? On it! Hey dad... How was work! Fine... Let's eat I have to go to work. Okay so this is Dad. Names Hugo, but we call him Hugh. Don't know why we call him Hugh cause its just as long as Hugo, but whatever. Dad is the hardest worker IJ have ever seen. He works 2 jobs cause well 1 job wont do the trick for 2 families. Even since own the hotel, you might think that he should be wealthy and all, and believe he is, but 2 families is a lot to afford for. Especially in Florida.  Actually, if you think bout it he works 3 jobs. His, first job is Deputy Chief of Police at Miami Gardens Police Gardens. The best department there is in Miami. Nice building too. And dad had to drive there and back home very single day. It was like he was born at 42. Then he comes back to work his second job as the local real estate agent that everybody knows, because it is a small Neighbourhood. Then as his third and hopefully last job is him just owning  and managing the hotel. And because he hates to go to sleep, then again because he never had experienced the pleasure of sleep, since 6 years old, he writes. That's my dad.  Come on boy! Whoa Who's carrying me! Who's carrying you! Reese! I thought you were at work. I was, he answered depressed. Don't sound very convincing. Come we' ll talk laterI am carrying you to the table cause I can definitely eat some calzones right about now. This is my big brother. Reese is exceptionally intelligent it's not even real. He has never got worse than a 95 on a test or quiz, since the day he was born. He is also very physical, and loves sports, and you might think that hmm smarts and athletics. Weird combination.  He got the smarts from Dad i guess, and he probably got the the ,muscles from well Wesley was his older brother. I never really new the guy, but Wes had been gone missing for the past year fighting in Vietnam, and there was no luck bringing him home. It hit mom and pops pretty hard, but Reese was the most touched. He was his best friend, and now Reese always talks about him, which always makes me wish i knew him more. Come on Maje, were all starving here. Coming! After our infamous dinner, i went to my room and when i opened the door, Reese covered my mouth with his greasy hand, and quickly but silently closed the door, like i was being held hostage. He took away his hand, and i spit violently. You're hand tastes like burnt rubber. I'm in trouble Maje, i'm in real trouble. What why! Hat kind of trouble. Did you get fired! No you lost your salary.  You forgot an assignment! You came in a hangover. Oh did your boss give you a friend request. Oh i got it your were flirting with his wife! What no! Then what is it! I got a promotion. What that's horrible! Wait what! I got a promotion yeah i heard you the first time. Fun fac number 5 did i tell you wed we be getting a lot of fun facts yeah i did! Well Reese is a city guide writer the best job there is for young adults like this guy. They write well city guides if you will about neighborhoods and stuff like that and Reese says that they get paid like 50 to 100 bucks per project. And the best part little guy is that i have been hired to only the best tour company yet. Gray and co. T Gray and co people get to cycle all over. You can bike to Greece, Spain, Laos, Canada,Mynammar, Australia, Africa , around the carribeans Brazil and other hot places its amazing and i get a raise of 60 dollars so each project is like 150 dollars to 200. Damm! The not so good part is that i can't stay. Can't stay. What do you mean cant stay. I'm mean that if i want this job I'm gonna have to move around a lot. Like you mean aroundd the world. Well yeah pretty much. You see hoe it works it that i get assigned a country sort of, and a group of people or tourists are my responsibility, and i have to do reasarch on this country to make a city guide. And do you know where you're first assignèrent is. Yeah but i need to call the company to tell them thatg its all good and that i can work their. Full time. Manning i , might only get to see you once in a while. Well you could always come and visit in the holidays, like summer. No i cant Maje cause that's where there is a lot of people amd now i am stuck.Well Reese the only advide a little brother is to ask Dad. Hey are you still awake i told you to get to bed! We'll talk in the morning. Major! Wake up. Snores! Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up! Major Eugene Jerome. SHh the money is under the bed... What! The money is under the snores! If you don't wake up in 5 Snores. The diamonds are in the closet snores! You leave me no choice!AAAAAAAH aAaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaah. I'm up. Are those my football socks from last month. They stink. Well who do you think is going to wash them me!Get dressed and go to Cinnabons and get me 30 slices of Ricotta, and make it extra thin.May I remind you that we live in a hotel with a buffet filled with food. Why cant i just get stuff front their. Because i said so. And you need to get exercise. That's just a bad excuse. Go before i throw your stink socks at your face, and you'll lose your sense of smell for good. Right! You know i feel Howe do i put itunloved bu ma sometimes. Hey where's Marty, no here1 Great i have to ask an impatient elder man to cut 30 slices of ricotta! At least Marty had patience and delicacy!What do you want kid! 30 slices of ricotta extra thin, 2 cheese cakes, a bundle of âme filled donuts and pecan pie. Oh and 30 solides of ricotta extra thin. You said that already kid! What are you feeding 2 families. Exactly. This thin enough for ya. Nah has to be more thin. How bout this. No ma likes kit extra thin like that but a little thinner little thinner perfect actually no a bit thinner there we got Only 29 more! 30 minutes later....  Tank you good day to you sir. What a nebbish! If only i could hit on in the Kishka. That little boy got a screw Losose , I'm telling ya. And he forgot his sweets! Back with the cheese! Major ! Where do you think you're going! Upstairs! Get back down here youn man! Sit1 No not on the floor, on the chair. You and I are going to have a little chat. What were you and your brother discussing about hmm. What what brother! Oh um nothing nada. Major! What. You're hiding something.No Yes No yes not No not th hard stare you could be so intimidating something's. Just put dad Police uniforms and sun lasses and there you have it. Miss Very intimidating cop. Eugene Jerome! Fine Reese got a promotion and he could could get big bucks, and he has to leave home, and now he doesn't know what to do. You happy now. You satisfied. Oh boy! Ok got to your room and get your brother for me will you? Reese Ma wants you.  Great am n 20 either means i was knocked out unconsciousness by mom, or i away! He slowly tiptoed down the staircase as if not to disturb someone. Its been 10 days but i found my way to spy on the conservation.Ma was on a lounge chair while Reese was deeply putting her into thought, cause mom didn't even open. Her mouth which is a rarity. He walked around the chair with his hands behind his back with his head bowed O'Donnell. Beads of sweat trickled down his neck so immense i coi;d see them from the window, but at the end of the conversation Ma started to weep and launched herself out of the chair hugging Reese   , but i was beginning that my brother was suffocating. Luckily escaped. Coming back to the room, Reese slowly turned the knob and once he entered the room he dropped face first on his bed, and started to cry. Well that that was a lot of crying in 10 minutes. Um just to clarify are you crying of joy are shedding tears of sadness.mamamammmjngdbhhd What?! Mjajaajnajanjana Englsih please. Mom says that i can go. Great! But i don't know if I'm gonna do it! What why! Well aren't you gonna miss me. Well yeah, but you were  gonna leave anyway weren't you. What do you mean! I mean come on Reese, your 20 years old. What were you talking about? I thought that you know you were tired of living in this house, and begin you know your own life. You're right, but yes of course i would miss you. You know what Maje. I want you to go to college. Don't go to work like me alright. I had the smarts, but i didn't use them, because i truly wasn't smart. But you you're gonna use those smarts and you go to college you understand me. Well i guess you gonna take the job. Thanks to you little brother, but you still got 14 months with me. And i'll spend them right! I'm. Make sure of that. Alright boys time for bed! Major! Wake up. Okay I'm up, no stinky socks I'm up. Lola was up early surprisingly. Putting makeup on not so much. Violet was hypnotized in her painting down in the basement as if her soul was sucked into the canvas and it explored a whole other dimension while her body remained in its place. By her side stood a wooden table that i never even knew we had. It held all three meals of the day cooked last night. Breakfast: Zucchini Crêpes one the most delicious Italian breakfasts. For lunch classic mega deluxe pizza, healthy because needs to be that way since her mom has never let her even try chocolate saying it tastes exactly like broccoli. And supper is classic lasagna.  Cause once the girl starts to paint she will stay in front of that canvas. Eat all 3 meals in front of that canvas. Sleep in front of that canvas until she is finished. Reese was upstairs criss cross on his bed like a Buddhist monk meditating filling out his application form crying i think it was a mix of sadness and joy. Patty was in her room playing classical music like she was conducting an orchestra. Lola walked out of her walk in closet aka bathroom which was now only reserved to her fro to 4 am to 7am. Her face was covered in greenish lemon cream making her look like with she stuffed her face in a fruitilicious cake or she was abducted by Martians. Dad was all dressed up as if he was going to a casino n vegas. Visconti Apollo briefcase, cost big bucks, but saved up. in his left hand and a lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole bean coffee its what he has every day in a 2.2 Pound bag. In the kitchen, Sal was toasting yp some satifying snacks, while Harriet was scolding him for making a mess and Ma was Cinderella on her knees sweeping the place u, nothing suspicous bout that. And me, i was still sleepy and drowsy as if i had just come from a hangover.  Major i know go to Cinnabons. Nope  you gonna go to Tiffany's and get me a 1 pound of brown sugar. Yeah i' ma do that and than I'm gonna get me self a long nice nap. Yeah we'll se about that. No we won't, that's a fact. Since when are you the one to make decisions. Nope sorry i withdraw my statement. Now its just a suggestion. Um hmmm. Now I WANT TO SEE YOU RUNNING! 15 minutes later.....

Huh huh, huh! 4 minutes a 3.4 seconds. Where's Reese! Upstairs! Opens the bag. HUH!!! The boy ate half a pound of sugar! Reese! Reese where are you Reese. Reese! Like a drunk man, I scramble to Reese's desk, and there's a note. Do not go to the park. I am not at the park, so defintely do not go there. What! does this guy take me for a madman!  Uh Ma i'm gonna go to the park k! I thought you were tired.  I was actually going to give you a break... Maybe next time! I don't think you are going to get another next time. Ill take the chance! Whats he doing at the park! Why would he even be at the park. He hasn't been there for years! And out of all places why the park? Reese! Over here! On top of this tall  tall all very tall tree! Oh Hot pot of coffe! What in the world are you doing=d up there! You really have been acting weird these past few days! A squirrel chased me! HMMM! Its true! Oh sure! A 18 m fur ball chased a 6 foot 1 20 year old man! That is totally believable! Ok well i don't know what i'm doing. Whta do you mean you don't what yiu were doing, Youre hiding something, but Ill let it slide.  So why did you call me over. I didn't! I said do not come to the park. Quit messing around, Reese. Let's just go! Fact number 6: Harriet is the complete opposite of Sal. I dont even know how Harriet came into this family, but her husband was in the navy, and she still likes everything ship shape. Doesn't really get along with Sal any way. She came from Manchester England, and came here before my mom or dad was even born. Ma, I'm out of pastel. And i also need more linseed oil. Ma, my violin string snapped. Ma I need more canvases. Ma i need a new violin and .....     Ma I also need another Viola DE Gamba, Valiha, Vibraslap, Virginale, Vuvuzela, Vibraphone, and a Viola de Arco de Cabaca. Patty, you don't even have half of the instruments you named. I know.. but I want them. My house need only one word to describe it. Chaotic. On a daily basis the house was more chaotic than the French Revolution battlefield, and on some days it could = turn out tot be like the Cold War for crying out loud! Usually which is nothing actually usual, the place is a large hotel room like no other nice silky white blinds covering the shaggy old window frames. The floor creaks on each step you take, thinking that someday you'll plainte 20 floors down to the seniors. No worries, they'll probably not see you or not hear you anyway. The walls are covered in colors and different exaggerated expressions. Every door looks the exact same, flower designs that make absoloutely no sense, but who said it had to. They were the color of Marcona Almonds a neutral color with no emotion, then again doors aren't supposed to have emotions. Sometimes I go to the bathroom instead of the kitchen by mistake since the doors look alike, quite humiliating if you ask me and the staircase ressembles an endless walk to a diabolical, despicable place appointed with massive mythical beast not even Hercules could face with evil schemes into conquering whatever their is to conquer in this house. At the end of the bimestriel senescent stairway lies a wooden surface from unfinished timber, with devilish bite marks, covered in immense dentings, and the worst thing bout is that it has a mind of its own. It makes humans do the most barbaric and malevolent thing that threatens the face of humanity. This unpolished wooden surface, a relic of Hell's most pesimal weapon is called a school desk!!! Ahh.. The word just sends  bleak and algid shivers down spine and filled me up with goosebumps. Even worse, it makes you do the most unforgivable thing imaginable. HOMEWORK!!! I walked towards the single window in the isolated room and there outside was no living soul in sight and only a few broken down cars. I imagined the Neighbour hood to be like an empty dessert with only tumbleweeds, then the entire set changed. Now there was a homeless man walking towards our door. I leaned closer to get a better view. The man was around like 22 23 years old. He was stubble, tall. Real dirty. He looked like a painting and an artist threw a bunch of ugly colors at him. He was covered in like 50 shades of brown, and he was covered in messy wounds probably real infectious! I couldn't see a spot of the man's real skin or what e could have been wearing. He seemed as he was going to fall unconscious. He stumbled to the door like a drunk man who drank a shot of Spiritus Polish Vodka. I slowly stride down the stairs actually thanking the man from interrupting the fact that I had to obey the commands of the dirty  desk and homework! I jogged down the highway from hell to where there was somewhat life around me. Eventually the doorbell rang, and Reese was the first there. He swang open the door and his smirk then turned into a neutral emotion. I was second to the door and saw the American flag patched on the homeless man's shoulder. So, you were in the army, I asked. Then came mom dad and the rest of the family. Then mom gasped and grabbed dad's arm and sobbed continuously. Reese lunged into the homeless man's like a baby who had never seen a freind in years.He too started to weep like a toddler who's toy got taken away. Ohhhhhhh! I exclaimed. Come in here little buddy. And he grabbed me into the huddle. Over dinner, I could finally see that after a hot and lengthy bath. It was Wesley. It was over dinner that he told us how he was mercilessly tortures in a Vietnam prison, but escaped and found his way back home.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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