Jeantonio Epilogue

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Antonio and Jean-Paul has settled into there new home in Buras Louisiana. Despite the small community there internationally themed taco food truck the "Go Taco Móle" had been successful enough that they could put a down payment on a little house in the centre of town. They moved all there worldly possessions, which wasn't that many, from Joshua's Marina to there little white house on Foster Lane.

This wasn't the life they were used to, but anything together was better than jail apart. Antonio had met Jean-Paul at a school for thieves called V.I.L.E. Academy and had worked together ever since. Slowly falling in love in the process.

Antonio was shy but found that he would often talk more when he was around Jean-Paul, and this trust he had for him very quickly became a crush. Antonio only realized his feeling for Jean-Paul not long after a caper in Boston. For Jean-Paul he always had an admiration for Antonio, he found himself drawn to him, and although he could work with any other V.I.L.E. operative, he found himself almost exclusively working with 'El Topo'. Jean-Paul always found Antonio attractive, but it was not until after a caper in Rio de Janeiro when Antonio confessed his feelings did Jean-Paul finally realize his own.

That had been an interesting day. Antonio, who was so often quiet and rarely spoke his mind, had boldly taken Jean-Paul aside and pulled him in for a kiss before declaring his feelings and stated that even if Jean-Paul did not feel the same he wanted him to know the truth. It took Jean-Paul a couple of seconds to process what had happened, but he than pulled Antonio into a hug and expressed his own feelings back towards him. From then onwards there relationship of being partners in crime had a new meaning. They decided to not give there superiors leverage over them by keep there relationship secret and only refer to each other as "mi amigo" and "mon ami", but they suspected that those who had worked with them knew they were dating before they even were.

There day began like any other had been for the last three months, except now they were in a bedroom they could call there very own.

"Es-tu réveillé mon amour?"

"Sí Jean, pero no quiero levantarme. Esta cama es tanto comfier que la cama en Joshua."

"It wasn't the bedz that were uncomfortable-"

Jean-Paul rolled over and faced away from Antonio and looked at his hand. He had experienced negative stereotypes for his race, for being European, and for being French, but he had never felt self conscious about his skin until they had started staying at that little inn. The older couple had made it know to Jean-Paul almost everyday that they were there that they didn't like that he was there and that he made them uncomfortable.

Jean-Paul was still staring at his skin when a strong arm rapped around him and pulled him close. Antonio held Jean-Paul with one arm, and with the other gently rubbed his fingers up and down Jean-Paul's arm.

"They were jerks, it is just us now. And I don't care what those racist owners or anyone else think, I love you with all my heart. I never want to let you go."

Jean-Paul smiled and rolled over so he was now face to face with the love of his life.

"You really know what to say, don't you mon amour."

"Solo digo la verdad mi amor."

They kissed and the anxiety Jean-Paul had felt melt away. Eventually they got up and dressed and walked to work. There food truck, which they had 'borrowed' from a junk yard in New Orleans, had been fixed up by DTR with parts from Carquest Auto Parts, and had been running it on a hill near Rex Felid for two and a half months now.

They opened up the truck and started getting ready for the day. They turned on the equipment and stocked the fridge with the ingredients they had picked up and made the previous night. They took off there rings and washed there hands before they started preparing the food. Antonio was on prep and grill, and Jean-Paul was on assembling and taking orders. There weren't must competition when it came to food in Buras, there was a Vietnamese place, Black Velvet Oyster bar & grill, a couple other seafood places, and Iguana's Daiquiri Express, so they usually had a good tern out most days.

Jeantonio: EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now