➼ Chapter 3 ➼ Lingering Curiosity

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It had been a few days since Jaehyun last texted his number neighbor. He'd promised himself he wouldn't be that guy—the one who texts too often or gets too invested. But he couldn't help it. His mind kept drifting back to the sarcastic stranger behind the unknown number.

Jaehyun opened his messages and stared at the last reply: Maybe. With a sigh, he typed a quick message and hit send before he could overthink it.

Jaehyun: Hey, number neighbor. You still alive?

He dropped his phone onto the couch, convincing himself he wouldn't check for a response right away. But his phone buzzed almost immediately.

Taeyong: I could ask you the same. No weird questions today?

Jaehyun grinned to himself. There was something about their brief, guarded exchanges that kept pulling him in.

Jaehyun: Starting to think you blocked me.
Taeyong: Thought about it. Didn't.
Jaehyun: Lucky me, then.

His thumb hovered over the screen for a moment, considering what to say next. He knew he shouldn't push too hard, but there was a certain thrill in seeing how far he could go.

Jaehyun: So, what's new in the mysterious land of my number neighbor?
Taeyong: Not much. Same old. You?
Jaehyun: You've been thinking about me, haven't you?
Taeyong: Wow, you're really full of yourself.
Jaehyun: Just saying... you replied fast enough for someone who almost blocked me.

The typing bubble appeared, lingered for a moment, then vanished. Jaehyun waited, his heart doing an odd little jump of anticipation. After a few moments, another message popped up.

Taeyong: Maybe I was bored.
Jaehyun: Bored enough to keep texting a stranger, huh?
Taeyong: You tell me. You're the one who keeps starting these conversations.

That little challenge—so subtle, yet so deliberate—made Jaehyun smirk. He was starting to enjoy this game of teasing replies and guarded defenses.

Jaehyun: Maybe I just like talking to you.
Taeyong: Maybe?
Jaehyun: Okay, fine. I do like talking to you. You're not so bad once you drop the whole blocking-threat thing.
Taeyong: Don't get ahead of yourself.
Jaehyun: Too late.

Jaehyun laughed softly to himself, the tension of the past few days easing as their conversation flowed. Even though they didn't know much about each other, it was fun—effortless, even.

Taeyong: You're weird.
Jaehyun: Weird, huh? You don't even know me.
Taeyong: You don't know me either. But you keep texting.
Jaehyun: I think we've established that I'm persistent. You're curious, though.
Taeyong: Curious? What makes you say that?
Jaehyun: You haven't blocked me yet.
Taeyong: Haven't decided if I will.

Jaehyun stared at the screen, feeling that same warm spark from earlier. It wasn't full-on flirting, but the playfulness in their conversation was starting to feel more intentional.

Jaehyun: Speaking of curiosity, I think it's time you tell me your name.
Taeyong: Why?
Jaehyun: Because I need to save you in my contacts, obviously. I'm getting tired of seeing just a number.

The typing bubble appeared again, teasing him for longer than usual. Jaehyun held his breath. He half-expected a sarcastic response or maybe even a refusal.

Taeyong: Maybe I like being just a number.
Jaehyun: I doubt that. Come on, don't make me guess.
Taeyong: You first.
Jaehyun: I'm not falling for that.
Taeyong: Thought you were confident?
Jaehyun: Fine. Jaehyun. Your turn.

A few seconds ticked by, and for a moment, Jaehyun thought maybe he'd pushed too far. But then:

Taeyong: Taeyong.

There it was. A name to go with the number that had been lighting up his phone for the past few days. He felt a small, inexplicable sense of victory.

Jaehyun: Nice to meet you, Taeyong.
Taeyong: Took you long enough.
Jaehyun: Hey, you could've asked sooner.

With the names exchanged, the conversation somehow felt different—like the mystery between them had shifted ever so slightly. They weren't just two anonymous strangers texting anymore. Now, it was Jaehyun and Taeyong.

And maybe just maybe that meant something.

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