First Date Or Something More

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Dead leaves scrunch beneath their paws, snow crinkling and wind chiming, they sprint towards their freedom. Their fur sways with the quick motion as they twist and turn between the heavy forest covered in a thick blanket of snow.

Y/n was one step ahead on the run while Jimin was hot on her tail, guarding behind her. They ran towards the peak, the same place they went hiking with Taehyung and Jungkook. Except this time, they only had each other's company, and that was enough.

A squeak leaves Y/n the moment she feels a nudge against her hip and she tilts her head around to see Jimin poking her with the top of his head. She growls at the way he grins wide with sharp teeth and puffs her tail into his face to get him away from her butt.

She giggles when he huffs. His mouth opens and snaps playfully towards her so she fastens her paws to escape his mischievous mouth. Her eyes soon land upon the mountain peak that still shines with frozen snow so she sprints towards it with Jimin growling behind her.

She howls in pure euphoria as she gets close to her destination. Her excited paws drag the ground the moment she gets close to the edge and balances herself. And then Jimin comes jumping from behind and tackles her to the ground.

A squeal leaves her as she is grounded by his much bigger body that is almost double her size. Both of Jimin's paws are rested on both her sides and his head leans down towards hers where he gently nibbles her ears.

A whine leaves her and her body gives up the struggle to free herself. She melts underneath him, head bowing to where she rests her chin on one of his paws as he rubs his neck on the top of her fluffy head. He rests his head over hers after that and she fully feels the growl that vibrates his chest in content.

She is engulfed by him completely. His berry scent surrounds her senses and his body enveloped her in its warm arms. She is glad her tail is tucked under him or he would know immediately how much she is enjoying this by its uncontrollable wiggle.

They settle down, her whining once in a while when he strokes the back of her neck with his paw. The wind could do nothing to chill them and the pile of snow felt relaxed underneath them. This is definitely what they needed.

"Y/n." He suddenly nudged her head. She shook her head a little, tongue peaking out to lick his paw. She swore she heard him giggle inside her head.

"You can leave if you want to.." The words echoing inside her head are a whisper and they have her tilting her head back slightly his way.

He continues. "I know I tried to stop you from studying once in the past. I didn't understand why you wanted to go further with it when I could give you anything you asked for."

"But I do understand now. I know how much you want to move forward, cause you love it. It's your passion and who am I to deprive you of that? I admire that part of you that yearns to change. You're so brave and I don't want to stop you from your dreams."

He sighs, but she can hear the shake in his voice."I will wait for you. It's okay if you want to leave for studies. It will only make me more proud of you."

Her heart swells in her chest. The change in him brings her such happiness. He was so uptight when he first came. Like the world had made him dead on the inside, like they had forced him to be a man. Is she the one who changed him so much? She would be on cloud nine if that's the case.

"I don't want to leave you." She mumbles what had been in her mind since the morning.

Her words had him perking up in his place. She immediately shys away. "You're suffering. You think no one notices but we do. I do. I can hear your thoughts in the middle of the night and the wish to escape you have in your eyes during the day. I am not saying you are unable to heal without me. I think you can. You don't need me to be with you. It's me who doesn't want you going through the same pain of being left behind."

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