chapter thirteen (satzu)

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It was Saturday night, Sana is on a night club dancing while holding a glass of wine on her hand,
She wanted to have fun tonight since she haven't done this again since Nayeon disappeared

Nayeon and Sana used to go to this places before, and she felt sad cuz she know Nayeon wouldn't be able to go to this places anymore

Nayeon is always there to cheer Sana up whenever her heart broke, cuz she's the type of girl who you can fool easily

Sana always wanted love but she thinks no one gives her a true one,
Her parents were divorced she live with her very busy mom and her dad doesn't care about them anymore,
That's why Sana is craving for attention,love.

And when she's with her friends she could feel love, but one of her dreams is also finding true love,
Finding her soulmate

"Hey wanna go somewhere?"
I random guy approached her, Sana didn't even bother to response since she was busy dancing

The guy pissed off so he grabbed her arm, "I'm talking to you, answer me!",
Sana was startled, she feel scared seeing the guys furious expression

Sana asked, her voice is shaky and wanted to scream for help,
"I asked if you wanted to go somewhere?"

" I'm fine here"
The guy tightened his grip, "come with me or else.."
He started pulling Sana's arm but Sana's trying to get away

"I said come with me—"
He didn't continued his words, someone punched him in the face that causes him to let go of Sana's arm,
Sana was shaking internally,
Everyone noticed the fight and quickly ran around them

The guy look so pissed right now and attempted a punch but the other person was fast and avoided the punch

Sana's heart beating so fast and don't know what's happening anymore,
She suddenly remembered what happened years ago, it's too traumatic and Sana was panicking internally

"Hey everything's alright now, Sana..SANA!"


Sana woke up with swollen eyes, She rubbed it many times, she couldn't see clearly but she knows someone's beside her

"Where am I?"
She asked, The person beside her moves a little, "glad you're awake"

Sana closed her eyes and when she opened it again, she can see clearly,
She looked at tzuyu who's beside her, she was surprised

Tzuyu scratched the back of her neck, she also just woke up, she feel asleep waiting for Sana to wake up

"Uhhh, you blind?"
Tzuyu asked cuz Sana being stupid it's really obvious that it was tzuyu,
Sana looks around the room and it's so unfamiliar to her

"Uhh, where am I?"
Sana asked, "You're in my room"
Tzuyu said like she doesn't care if someone's in her room, but Sana did,
She thought tzuyu did bad thing to her, tzuyu was about to approached Sana to check her forehead but Sana move away from tzuyu


"Calm down Sana, I'm trying to help you"
Tzuyu said, she think Sana was sick since she pass out last night at the club,
"What did you do?!"

"Uhh, I literally just save you from that bad guy in the club, and one more thing, are you even allowed to go to clubs? Aren't your parents be mad if they find out about it?"

Tzuyu asked with concern, Sana crossed her arms, "I was just trying to have fun"
Sana said, Tzuyu felt sad for Sana, she was sure Sana was lonely and wanted some attention, like her too,
She wanted some too

"How are you feeling right now?"
Tzuyu asked, Sana think for a second and smiled widely, "IM TOTALLY FINE! CAN YOU DRIVE ME HOME NOW?! IM SURE MOM IS GETTING WORRIED RIGHT NOW!"

"Fine fine! Don't shout!"


Sana arrived at their house after eating breakfast with tzuyu,
It became so awkward when Sana's mom asked tzuyu to come in

They are now at the living room, Sana and her mom sitting together in their couch while tzuyu was infront of them

"So where did you find Sana?"
Sana's mom asked, tzuyu cleared her throat, she wanted to tell everything to Sana's mom, she was about to speak when Sana stood up and sat beside tzuyu,
Tzuyu was startled

"Mom..w-we had our..first date last night.."
Sana lied, Tzuyu's eyes widened, Sana hold her hand and smiled, "right babe?"

What is this girl doing?!
Is she out of her mind?!
Sana winked at tzuyu trying to tell her to act like she was her girlfriend,
Tzuyu smiled shyly on Sana's mom

"Uhh...yes ma'am, I'm sorry for not bringing her home last night"
Tzuyu said, Sana's mom was so shocked, she almost dropped her jaw, she wanted to bit Sana up but tzuyu and Sana look so good together

"Y-you gotta be kidding me?!"
She shouted, "mom sorry for not telling you, I was scared.."

"N-no..I need to think, Could you two please get out for now"

Sana quickly pulled tzuyu outside their house,
"What was that for?"
Tzuyu asked with her poker face,
Sana sighed, "look, I don't want my mom to know I go to club, she'll be really furious or decide to sent me to States to my grandparents, she already warned me about it, and I Don't wanna go there, please can you help me?"

Tzuyu throw bored look at Sana but she decided to help the poor girl infront of her, she patted Sana's head, "okay babe"
Tzuyu said and walk towards her car,
Sana was startled, "b-babe?"
She whispered, Tzuyu waved her hands as she got inside her car

Sana could feel butterflies in her stomach as she heard those words coming from tzuyu

She was great ful and really didn't expected tzuyu to accept her favor,
She walked inside their house with a wide smile on her face



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