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A/N: Italics= thoughts/memories/dream

Bold= text messages


     There is always a something that triggers a memory. A smell, a saying, an action. But memories don't come up every time you encounter this thing and, I don't think I want to find out why. I'm not saying I don't want to know because I think it's bad. I just think there's no point in knowing. Although it is a bit odd. How connected people are even without meeting each other. 

Part one:

     Outside I watched small shrubs pass by outside the car window as I drifted through my thoughts. They were cut short when the radio played a robotic voice, "We interrupt your scheduled programming to bring you this important message. In recent light, there have been incidents within local pharmaceutical establishments and now cases of celebrity home invasion. Such as Eugene Hartley; well-known Australian psychomedicine scientist. Police say that they should be on the look out for a young-middle aged man possibly having a psychological break. Public news was released advising citizens to please lock their doors incase of the subject devolving."

"Glad it's not us getting hit. You know how small town outbreaks get," My Dad drummed on the steering wheel .

 Reaching over to punch his arm lightly my brother chuckled, "Your cruel, you know that?" Technically he's not really my brother, he's my best friend, but he's more like family than some. 

 "I heard there might be a storm over the course of a few days."

 "Do you think?" Grayson said sarcastically while looking at the dark clouds forming. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore as I was daydreaming about my plans for the rainy night. I was thinking of starting a new show tonight and bingeing it over the long weekend.

 "I guess we should pick up some stuff, huh?" Dad spoke in a teasing tone, "We never know what these rains could bring." He stared out the window, focusing on driving.

 "Snacks!" Grayson cheered from the back, oblivious to Dad shifting uneasily in his seat.

I ran from the truck into the cold rain pulling my jacket tighter around myself immediately getting soaked. I feared the sight of the crumbling cabin. I didn't know why I was there. Cautiously, I investigated the house, the grass surrounding the walkway was over-grown and dead. Pieces of nature wrapping around the walls of the house claimed it as old and abandoned. The front door was rotten through so badly, I could see the floorboards and living room while still standing outside. The inside was worse, eerie even. It looked like the people that lived here left abruptly. Dishes with rotting food still on the table, plates in the sink, a newspaper left open on the table. I wanted to turn back but my feet kept moving. The newspaper was faded, from the sun streaming in through the broken window, too badly to read it's contents. A faint thud was heard from below the house and slowly I crept to a door following the thud that lead down into the basement. More muffled noises came from the bottom steps as I stood weighing my options; should I turn tail and not look back or should I walk down the stairs and see what that was. With reluctance, I started to walk down the stairs. My curiosity is going to get me hurt or worse someday. 

"What could possibly be down here that's still alive?" I mumbled quietly. Now at the bottom, I turned the corner-

"Hey! Wake up, we're here." Grayson shook me awake.

I groaned at his timing. With the dream still fresh in my mind, I wondered if I should go back to sleep to finish the mystery and join the boys later. Slowly, I opened my eyelids to see towering evergreen trees and our small A-frame cabin. The dark brown color of the cabin contrasting yet blending in with the green trees. Although I couldn't see it very well since it was starting to get dark outside.

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