Chapter 23: When's the Date

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It's surprisingly easy to get a marriage license. You pay 35 dollars and you sign a few documents.

"So..." The court clerk, June, says "when's the date?"

"Today." Lucy beams at June, she practically shaking with barely contained excitement.

"Well, this says you have to wait a minimum of 24 hours to get married." June explains but she's got a smile on her face.

"We'd very much like to be Mrs. And Mr. Dragneel today, please." Lucy leans across the counter "We've already gotten dressed and his grandma is getting an ordained minister and she bringing my bouquet."

June chuckles, everyone smiles when Lucy is around.

"I noticed." June eyes Lucy's robe "can't let the groom see the dress?" she guesses, Lucy nods and smiles at me "See, she knows."

"Whatever you say, Lucy." I agree.

"So, can they get married today?" Juvia asks, joining Lucy. June grabs another paper and jots a few things down.

"This is a judicial waiver, sign the bottom and we'll get you two married today." June handed Lucy a pen. Lucy screams and signs her name all big and loopy and hands me the pen. I sign mine with less flare and pass it back to her.

Lucy watches the paper as June's hand closes around it and this is it. Lucy is really going to be mine.


Dear Time,

Yes time, how are you doing?

I've realized something. The thing about living a long life is that it doesn't really matter if you live to be one hundred if you've never really lived.

All these people that die tragic deaths like Steve Erwin or Paul Walker. They still lived more than a lot of people who lived to be eighty or ninety years old because they were doing what they loved.

They didn't waste time with they took time by the horns and said yeehaw!

Time, you were my enemy for a lot of my life. I don't think we have to be enemies. I think we can be friends.

Don't you?


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