chapter fourteen

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(3 days later)

Nayeon's pov

"Hurry up nayeonnie! Everyone is waiting outside!"

Sana is grabbing my sweater while I'm busy putting stuffs inside my bag,
I soon as I put all the stuffs inside I closed the bag and grabbed it,
Sana grabbed my arm and ran outside my room

"Yaa Sana why are you being so excited?"
I asked, She didn't replied until we already arrived outside,
I saw everyone's already here,
Jeongyeon, Momo, Mina, chaeyoung, jihyo, Tzuyu..

"Glad you're here"

"Isn't it a nice morning?"

"Yeah feels like I wanted to stretch my bones"

"Are you sure that cabin is nice?"

"Yeah, it's my grandparents cabin"

I watched them and smiled, seems like they get a long that quick,
Jeongyeon approached me and grabbed my bag, I smiled at her, she kissed my forehead

"Yaa nayeonnie"
I looked behind me and saw mom, "take care, okay?"
She said and patted my head

"Don't worry auntie I'll take care of her"
Jeongyeon said, mom chuckled,
"Yes I know, I know"

Jihyo shouted, they're all inside the van waiting for us,
It's a big van so I guess we all fit inside it?

"Mom we gotta go"
I said, she nodded
"take care of yourselves there!"

Me and jeongyeon just nodded, I grabbed her hand and went towards the van,
We sat on the back while infront of us there's, Mina, and Momo,
And Infront of them are tzuyu, and Sana, while Chaeyoung is the one who's driving and jihyo's beside her

"Okay let's go!"

Sana shouted in excitement, we all chuckled, "yaa you aren't that excited aren't you?"
Tzuyu said, Sana pouted "seriously let's go"

Jeongyeon lean on my shoulder and play with my fingers,
I kissed her head and then chaeyoung turned on the radio

Now playing: party favor by Billie eilish


"ME TOO!!"

"Yaaa don't even dare to sing!"


"Or when you got a minute!!"

Everything went so chaotic when all of them starts singing,
I'm laughing so hard at Tzuyu who looks so done with sana

"I love that song too"
I said, "oh didn't know you're into Billie eilish songs huh"
Jeongyeon said, I smiled, "mm, I love her"

"What about me?!"
Jeongyeon asked, she looked at me with her puppy eyes, I slapped her forehead, "stop it you dork",
She didn't replied, instead
Im looking at jeongyeon's eyes while she's looking at my lips, she bit her lower lip while still looking at my lips

"Damn baby your lips were calling for mine"
She whispered,
I rolled my eyes, "oh really?"
I asked sarcastically, She hold my thigh and I'm wearing a mini skirt so it's too easy for her to hold it,
I slapped her hand

"You idiot what was that for?"
I asked, Her touch slowly moving and it's almost at my...ya know

"Yaa jeongie"
I whispered, she smirked, and chuckled, damn..her chuckle sounds different!

I hugged her instead, damn jeongyeon if you'll get to far I might give in
"Stop it"
I whispered, her hands were still on my thighs and a single move will lead her hand to my..errr it's embarrassing to say it!

She kissed my neck, at first I thought It wouldn't take long but damn!!!, SHE START SUCKING IT!!!

I tried pushing her but she's too strong,
I rolled my eyes, why is she being so horny in this hour?! It's like 8 in the morning!

her hands are now inside my sweater real quick, "jeongyeon stop"
I said, she cupped one of my breasts and that made me moan, good thing the radio is loud and my friends still vibing on Billie eilish songs

"J-jeongie" I whispered, she kissed my lips passionately, I kissed her back to be fair,
She stopped and smirked, "jeongyeon.."
I whispered again, she opened my sweater and went inside it,
I'm still sitting while she's inside my sweater

She start kissing my tummy, while her other hand is cupping my breast

I moaned, I bit my lower lip trying to stop my moans,
I could now feel her unbuckling my bra, I slapped her head for doing that but she won't stop

I could now feel her breathe on my breasts, "jeongyeon please stop~"
I said, "please baby..just this once"
She said, I rolled my eyes, "damn.. fine"
I said

She starts sucking my right breasts while she's cupping the other one,
It feels good, a little ticklish..

I moaned again, I covered my mouth,
Jeongyeon is still sucking it,
Damn!! Why does it feels so good?!,
I almost forgot about our friends who's sitting infront of us..
Jeongyeon driving me crazy again!!!


Jihyo's pov

"At last! We're here!"
I said as I went outside the van, it's 4 hours drive and we're finally here,
At my grandparents house near the mountains, yeah we decided to take a break here, We could do everything here really, it's close to the road and it's very nice

"Wow, that's a nice view over there"
Sana said,
"Alright let's take our stuffs and go inside"
Tzuyu said

"Yaaa nayeonnie! Jeongyeon! Wake up!"
Momo is shaking the lovers who's been asleep for hours,
I shook my head

"Strange, they look tired huh"

"They've been so quiet earlier we all didn't noticed they're already asleep"

"It's just you"

"Look at them, they look so sweet, aww"

"Are you jealous?, Let's go and sleep here"
Tzuyu said and patted the other seat, we all chuckled

"Yaa tzuyu! Hajima!"

"Is there something going on between you two?"
I asked, The two of them went silent

"Alright that explains a lot"

"Lets go inside, let's just leave them here"
I said, everyone nodded and we went inside, we saw my grandparents on the living room

Grandma stood up and gave me the sweetest hug ever,
"We didn't noticed y'all already arrived" grandpa said and hugged me too

"So these are all of your friends?"

Everyone bowed, "Annyeonghaseyo grandma and grandpa"
They all greeted, My grandparents smiled, "kamsahaeyo"

"Introduce yourselves idiots"
I said, "yaa jisoo who told you to curse your friends, huh?"
Grandma said, I scratched the back of my neck, "mianhae"
I said, I heard my friends chuckled

"I'm chaeyoung and I'm cute"

"I'm tzuyu and here to remind you that chaeyoung is such a liar"

"Mina myoui"

"Momo hirai!!!"

"I'm Sana"

"And we have two friends left in the van, they're sleeping"
I said, "okay I'll prepare lunch while you jisoo prepare the rooms"
Grandma commanded,
I just nodded and then went to the rooms

"So your nickname is jisoo?"

"It's jihyo's other name only her family loves to call her that"

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