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Satori's Pov

I woke up, today was Halloween and I was excited. I loved Halloween, there was lots of candy and exciting things happening, even the scary stuff was fun too.

I had spell class with Professor Flitwick first up today. We learnt how to do the Wingardium Leviosa spell, swish and flick, though I couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

However Hermione did it perfectly.

I made my way to the Great Hall at lunch with Cedric, he was now one of my bff's, besides The Golden Trio. I sat with Cedric at the Hufflepuff table and started to eat.

The Great Hall was all decorated with floating pumpkins on the ceiling. I looked over at the Gryffindor table and I didn't see Hermione.

I excused myself and walked to Harry and Ron.

'' Guys, where is Hermione..''

'' Not sure. ''

I sighed and nodded.

'' I'll go look for her..''

Just like that I walked out of the Great Hall, there goes all the food that I was looking forward to. I sighed as I left the hall.

As I was leaving I saw Professor Quirrel running past and my scars started to hurt again, I didn't think much of it at that time.

Professor Quirrel yelled.

Quirrel : " T-T-Troll in the D-Dungeons!! "

I panicked and quickly went to look for Hermione. I finally heard the sound of sobs coming from the girls bathroom and rushed in there.

'' Hermione? We need to go, there is a troll loose..''

'' I'm not going anywhere, Ron was a jerk! ''

She sobbed, I sat down and comforted her, she soon calmed down but then as we were leaving, we saw a troll, we both screamed and rushed into one of the stalls to hide.

The troll started to swing it's bat at the both of us which we both screamed more.

The trolls bat hit my head which made me go unconscious.

Harry's Pov

'' Ron! That was Satori and Hermione! Quick we've got to save them! ''

Ron and I quickly ran to the girls bathroom and saw both Hermione and Satori hiding under a sink from the giant troll that was standing before us.

Hermione was holding an unconscious Satori, Satori's head was bleeding. She must have been hit by the troll.

Ron started to throw wood at the troll which then the troll focused it's attention on us. Great going Ron, now we're dead meat!

I was picked up by the troll and thrown onto it's neck. It was gross but I stuck my wand up the trolls nose.

'' Ron, do something! Your a wizard Ron, think of something! ''

The troll smashed one of the sinks/mirrors that Hermione and Satori were under and it caused smashed glass to go into Satori's leg.

'' Ron, Swish and Flick..''

I heard Hermione say to Ron.

'' Wingardium Leviosa! ''

Suddenly the bat that the troll was holding started to float and Ron knocked the troll out by using the bat.

Just then Professor McGonagall came in. She was mad and took 5 points from Gryffindor but then gave them back just by sheer luck.

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