Episode 3

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The Visions were new on the block and sadly the only one who expected me . I mean I know I'm weird but the Visions are on a whole different level of weird. I could not explain it at all I think I meet them somewhere but I can't remember when or if its just my mind playing tricks on me. I was driving home from work when I noticed another car in the Visions driveway. I know its creepy for me to notice these things but they pay attention to me and so I think they at least should have someone to notice this things. I shrugged and started toward my house wait....  this isn't my house! Did I even own a house ? A quick picture of a small but welcoming house came into my mind , as soon as it was there it was gone. I looked at Wanda's house to see that the car was now gone I was still in my car on the side of the road trying to figure out if I owned a house. I had to have been sitting there for a long time because it was now pouring rain and I was drenched with the rain. I started to shiver from the cold .I looked at my feet to see water covering my feet I looked at my car roof to see water coming in from the roof like it was raining my reaction was to gasp in shock. The water suddenly stopped I looked at the roof of my car . Maybe I was dreaming again I mean I did it a lot. I looked down at my feet to still see the water in my car . I turned the key hopeful that the car would start. I closed my eyes when I heard the sound of my car attempting to start  then the sound faded to the engine starting. Now how to get rid of the water in my car . I got opened my car door and as I did water came rushing out but there was still some water so I started towards the Visions household to borrow a bucket . I rang the doorbell and I heard distance the words " Oh Shoot" was that Wanda and what is she saying 'Oh Shoot' about? " Wanda , whats up?" Wanda looked out of breath like she had just run a mile and she was wearing a thick blue coat "Its 75 degrees out honey you making a fashion statement?" It was 75 degrees out but yest it was just pouring rain strange. " Oh hi, Geraldine you know now is not really a good time" She looked sadden to say so but she must have been really busy if she was wanting to pass up a visit from me but I still needed that bucket. "No no no it's foxy . You'll have to let me borrow it sometime." I went back to the fact that she was wearing a coat at this weather.  " But first I gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear to use. " I added when I noticed the look she gave me . Wanda closed the door still looking out of breath and I noticed she was holding herself differently then she normally did . Focus Geraldine on the task at hand .  " Somehow , all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out." I hated lying about what happened but I couldn't admit that I didn't know if I even owned a house. " All right sure. Just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen" Wanda's voice sounded different it was like she had a hint of an accent. (I know in the episode this didn't happen but I think if Wanda is in pain her accent would start to show tell me what you think and please be honest.)   She started toward her kitchen leaving me all alone in the middle of Wanda entryway. "I  think it's just here under the sink" Wanda yelled so I could hear her though I still pick up on a accent in her voice . Weird I wonder where she gets it from I never heard it from her or anyone else before. There was a scream of pain from the kitchen. " Are you all right in there?" I knew for a fact that the concern that I was feeling was being dispelled in my voice. " Yes , I'm just looking..." Wanda stopped and groaned in pain again.  Not knowing why she was in pain I started towards the kitchen saying " I'll come help" " No! I mean , no thank you." Even though she was in pain she still cared about other above herself. I was walking into the kitchen  Wanda was standing there with nothing in her hands I payed little attention to her and went over to her storage  to find a bucket . I quickly found a bucket. I looked at her again and noticed that now she was not wearing that coat and was holing a fruit bowl ." Would you look at that" " What?" Wanda sounded scared to death, so I walked over to her and picked up an apple from the bowl saying " Fruit. Wanda! Thank you." I could not remember the last time I tasted fruit I took I bite of the apple. I started toward the door and Wanda followed close behead still holding the fruit bowel. "Well good luck with the leak " Then I remembered that I also needed to ask her something else. " Oh , that... oh! Say Wanda. I got a question for you." I started towards her couch and sat down and started talking about how my boss gave me a rise I had not told anyone yet so it was exciting to talk about. Though I noticed that Wanda was distracted by something. " And jumping out when he least expects it , like BOOM!" Wanda screamed and threw an orange  and after she threw the orange there was this weird bird sound. "Wanda ,what was that" My voice turned from my story telling voice to my stern voice . Wanda was looking like she could faint. " Did you hear that?" I asked to see if I was going crazy " No" was all she said so yes I was crazy. " It was like a chattering sound like, um"  I stared to explain the sound when Wanda mocking the sound perfectly. " That's my new ice maker built right into the fridge." I looked towards the kitchen as if I expected to see the fridge. "Oh that makes sense"  Wanda chucked nervously. I started on my story again. Though I could not help but notice that Wanda was talking deep breaths once again acting like she was in pain. She started glaring at the couch edge as if she was looking at something." and right at that moment the Clint walks in " " Oh , no " was all Wanda said but it was a perfect answer for me to keep telling my story.  " Oh yes. oh yes but you know me Wanda I keeps my cool no matter whats going down. I look at the Clint and I look at Mr. Haddox's feet floating in the air next to me, and I look back at the Clint and I say ' Gravity Os , Launch into your day the right way'. " I started laughing and adjusted my feet and I heard Wanda's laughter along with " Thank you." I have no idea what she meant but I kept my cool and said" That's exactly what Mr. Haddox said. Oh Wanda I landed a rise and now I that I've gone all corporate, I need some office supplies. Which bring me to my question do Y'all still keep those in your spare room? " I said pointing to the open door of the extra room. " because  I was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing with your good friend" I was in the door way I could not believe my eyes. Where there used to white walls there were now painting of storks , and where there used to be office supply's there was a crib. Wanda was planing a family. I smiled to myself she was going after her dreams. " Is that what I think it is ?" I asked " Oh a stork yes, I can explain" Wanda giggled nervously while saying it. " No the crib!"I said pointing to the crib with pride. Suddenly the flower vase that Wanda was holding drop to the ground , she started breathing heavily. I didn't have anything to question why she had a flower vase because she was in deep pain and she needed to be cared for. " It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming." Wait first of all Wanda pregnant and  second how long has she been in labor ?! " You're pregnant?!" I lead her out of the room into the living room attempting to claim her down. " OK Wanda lets get you comfortable Okay?" I was still in shock but right now I needed to take care of Wanda and the baby." I think I'm going to lay down right here " Wanda said as she made her way to the floor to lay down. " Okay you do you sister." her vacuum started moving by itself I would worry about that later I had to keep telling myself. " Vision ran to get the doctor he'll be back soon" She was now on the floor I put two pillows under her head for support. " Okay when did he leave?" I asked trying to find out as much as I could. " Right before you came" Her answer shocked me " So you have been in labor since I got here and you said nothing?!" Wanda nodded. She had been in pain while she let me rant about my job wow Wanda just wow. She was groaning in pain and I had no idea how to help her I had never wittiness birth before so I was learning as I went. " You know your breathing right?" Her answer was heavy breathing I was in the kitchen looking for towels. I ran out of the kitchen to see a pictures on the walls spinning in circles and the non-light fire was was now light I paused and looked at Wanda was she doing that? I started toward her again when the light above her dinning table fell to its death OK she was doing what ever I'm seeing . " I may be late to the party ,but I imagine there is a logical explanation for this" " Oh its all perfectly natural!"  How did she think this was natural?  I was right in front of her legs so that I could grab the baby.  " your doing great look at me look at me " I said as gently   as I could mister." I can't do this " Her words were heartbreaking but I had to keep moving forward. " Yes , you can Wanda you are the strongest women I have ever met" She looked at me her eyes her filled with tears as she said something in a different language and I could not understand what she was saying but she was crying. How was I meant to calm someone down if I didn't know what they were saying?? " Push Wanda come on Wanda you can do this!" I was on the verge of tears myself. " Its my fault , Its all my fault  Geraldine" I didn't know what she was talking about but this was the most I had ever gotten out of her. " I don't know what your talking about honey but you got to push . Use your anger to push Wanda!" She nodded and she started screaming and I saw the baby's head the lights started to flicker . You know this was not the strangest thing today I'am not even shocked anymore. " One more big push Wanda your almost done" She pushed once more and out came a little baby boy and as Wanda started to relax the fire died down and the pictures stopped spinning . " its a boy Wanda a perfect baby boy" The baby started crying but I didn't care I loved baby's and children so much. I handed the baby boy over to Wanda who face was still red from crying . "Hi, Oh hes perfect" I smiled one moment the front door was closed and the next  the door was wide open and vision was standing in the middle of the room with a man I'm guessing is the doctor on his back . I'll just add it to the questions that I will have to ask later. Vision put the man down and looked at his wife and son and said with disappointment but also happiness " Oh no I missed it" I knew that they would want to get a moment to themselves so I looked at the doctor and said" Hey, Doc why don't you help me out in the kitchen?" He was still in shock but he nodded saying." We went so fast it was like we were flying." We started toward the kitchen and he saw the light that fell onto the table and he pointed to it I just shock my head . " I have no idea" We were sitting in the kitchen when Wanda started screaming and I heard Vision yell " There's another baby coming!" Both me and the Doctor ran out of the kitchen and I was thankful that there was a real Doctor here this time. Wanda gave birth to a another baby boy. Vision moved the crib into the living room and currently Tommy and Billy were fast asleep. Vision was walking out the Doctor so it was just me and Wanda. " you're such a strong lady Wanda never forget that." Wanda looked at me I could tell that she didn't believe me. " Can you believe it? Twins!" I smiled once again and gently grabbed Tommy's hand Wanda's next words made me see her with different eyes. " I'm a Twin."She paused giving me the time to process it then she said" I had a brother" Had she had a twin brother this must have been a tough subject for her. " His name was Pietro. He was always there for me ." she smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek. She leaned down and started singing something in a different language the same one she was speaking earlier. Pietro I heard that name before but where? Then I remembered something ."  Pietro and Wanda Maxianoff were orphaned during the bombings in Sukovia at age ten. " "  Pietro was killed by mutiple gunshot wounds fired by Ultron."  When she stopped singing I looked at her and I said the words. " He was killed by Ultron , wasn't he? " I did not know where those words came from but I could see that it was true but who was Ultron? " What did you say?!" I could tell it was still a fresh wound . " How do you know who Ultron is !" Wanda was sobbing and I could not see the end to her sobbing so I rapped my arms around her . I slowly lead her to the couch where she laid her head on my shoulder and her cry's began to get quieter until they were no longer heard. " I don't know how you know who Ultron is but I think you should know I mean you must have thousands of questions. So ask away! " She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.  OK lets start simply and then work up I told myself. " OK so why is Visions name Visions I mean what kind of name is that!?"She laughed and got up and said " Let me get Vision so he can explain that one" She walked upstairs and came back down with Vision in tow. Vision sat himself in the chair closet to the crib and Wanda curled next to me. I smiled at the fact that now she was so close to me. " Vision we can truest her OK we don't have to worry." Wanda spoke softly and Vision nodded . I was looking at him waiting for him to say something I blinked and where there was man with blonde hair there was a man who had red skin and sliver pieces of skin. I gasped softly. " Hi, my name is  Vision and I'm an Android created by Ultron ." Wait what Wanda's husband is an robot and was created by Ultron which does not seem like a good thing." OK Wanda you have to go now" Wanda sat up and looked at me I was honesty scared to see what she could do ." Me and my brother Pietro became homeless when we were kids because our parents died in a bombing ." She stop and took a deep breath. " A man said he would take us in and care for us as long as we agreed to let him do experiments on us we agreed and out of 100 people me and my brother were the only survivors . He got speed and I got ... wells its better to just show you."  She moved her fingers in a circle and a red light came out of her fingers . I gasped so that's why things went flying around when she was in labor. " I can also look into peoples minds it makes it harder to sleep being able to do that . When I was 17 I lost my brother to Ultron and Vision was the one who help me though it ." She smiled slightly and then the smile fell when she said" Natasha was also there she understood what I was going though she dealt with a lot of death so she was helpful ."  Wanda lost so many people and I choose  in that moment  that I would stick with Wanda as long as I could

So what did you think? Please be honest and yes I know that never happened but Wanda needs love and so I gave it to her please don't be mad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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