The Letter and the Invitation

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Bulimia trigger warning!


Harry, Ron, Hermione and Satori found out that Quirrel was actually possessed by Lord Voldermort. They got the Philosophers Stone and saved the school.

Harry and Satori were in the hospital wing and Cedric got angry at her because she lost house points. Satori started crying and Cedric comforted her.


It was breakfast, the last day at Hogwarts. I was sitting by Cedric when an owl came flying to me, it was my pet owl.

I got one along with my cat in secret, so my muggle parents could send me letters. The owl dropped a letter into my lap. I opened the letter and it started talking to me.

Dear Satori.

Our dear, due to you becoming a Witch it is too dangerous for you to come back home. You will not be welcome back into our house ever! Please understand that we still love you, just we can't have you any longer.

Love by Muggle Mom and Dad.

Everyone in the hall heard my letter and stared at me. My heart sank, my muggle parents had just disowned me. I had nowhere to go.

Satori : " I-I.. "

I looked at everyone around me.

Satori : " I need to go.."

I got up and ran out of the hall.

Draco's Pov

I heard a letter talking and looked to where the noise was, it was Satori. Her parents had just disowned her.

Everyone was staring at her, she looked sick and she ran out of the Great Hall. I saw Harry and Cedric run after her.

I got up and went out of the hall, I had a feeling on where she was. I went to the third floor girls bathroom and heard sobbing and gagging.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and saw her by the sink forcing herself to vomit. I ran to her and hugged her from behind.

Draco : " Stop, don't do that.."

She looked at me, she was sobbing quietly. My heart shattered, I hated seeing her cry, it was very upsetting.

Draco : " I heard your letter.. it's okay, don't worry.. uh, I actually have a favour to ask you, it'll give you a place to stay for the holidays.. "

Satori : " What is it Malfoy? "

I snarled at her saying my last name but I understood that she was upset.

Draco : " My family is throwing a party and I need a date, I was going to bring Pansy, but she's insufferable.. so would you be my date please? "

I noticed her face start to turn red.

Satori : " S-sure Draco, I'd love to be your date.."

I smiled at her response. She smiled back to me and then Cedric and Harry came in, of course they had to ruin our moment.

Cedric : " My love! Are you alright?! "

I heard Cedric say to Satori, love? What was he going on about, she wouldn't pick Cedric right? He has every girl looking at him.

Satori's Pov

I got out of the hug Draco had me in and smiled gently.

Satori : " I'm fine Cedric, would you please stop calling me love? It's embarrassing.."

Cedric : " Ah, I'm sorry.. are you okay? "

Satori : " I'm sorry! I'm fine.. I've found a place to stay.."

Cedric : " Oh, where? "

Satroi : " Uh, that's not important.."

I looked to Draco, I knew he was still thinking about his reputation, he probably has standards for when I go to his house, or mansion? He's rich duh.

Cedric : " Well I'm glad your okay.."

Harry : " Uh, hello? I'm here too.."

Satori : " Sorry Harry! "

I ran to Harry and hugged him, he hugged me back and started to tickle me. I started laughing and giggling.

Satori : " H-Harry!! "

He laughed and kept tickling me. Cedric started laughing aswell. I looked around and Draco had already left. When did he leave? He was just here a few minutes ago.

Satori : " Huh, where did Malfoy go? "

Harry : " Malfoy was here? "

I lied to Harry : " Yeah, he was.. he said something pretty snarky to me.."

Harry : " Tch, that spoiled little brat.. I'll deal with him.."

Satori : " No need Harry, it's fine.. I better go pack my stuff.. the train will leave soon.."

Hours later!

I was on my way to the train, carrying a bag and my cat. I was looking for the compartment that Draco was in. I soon found him.

He was with Blaise and ugh, Pansy. That girl made me want to vomit. I entered the compartment.

Satori : " Hello Draco.."

Draco : " Ah, Satori! You finally found us.. took you long enough- "

Satori : " Give me any attitude and I'll hex you.."

Draco then shut his mouth, I smirked slightly but then Pansy pointed her wand at me.

Pansy : " Don't talk that way to Dracy! I'll hex you first Umari! "

Draco : " Pansy! That's enough! "

I grabbed my wand : " Expelliarmus! "

I said and Pansy's wand flew out of her hand.

Satori : " Shut your mouth would you Pansy, God your voice is unbearable.."

Pansy started to cry, she grabbed her wand and ran out of the compartment.

Blaise laughed : " Oh, that was amazing to watch! Who knew a hufflepuff could be so bold! "

I laughed and sat next to Draco.

Satori : " I think this will be my seat now.. is that okay with you Dracy? "

Draco : " Ughh, bleh.. I hate that.. never do that again.."

He said while laughing. I chuckled at this.

Satori : " Thanks again Draco for allowing me to come to your house.."

Draco : " My Manor actually, Malfoy Manor.. "

Satori : " I figured something like that.. you are a Malfoy after all.."

I chuckled. Draco made a small chuckle aswell. We soon got to our destination and we were met by Lucius Malfoy. Draco's father.

Draco and I went with Lucius to the Manor.

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