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It was the first day of eighth grade I walked into school with a hoodie over my head so no one would recognize me ever since last year trust me I don't want to talk about it but for the sake of the story I will. Last year it was kitties and rainbows I was the most popular girl in school me Penelope chance everything was going good for me I had the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friends and just a perfect life until one day I got home my mom told me I had to get braces I begged her no to well she did it was terrible. When I went to school my so called friends pointed and laughed at me I ignored them but then they had the nerve to say "for the sake of our popularity we have to dump you" 😤😤. I was so mad and then my so called boyfriend Chris broke up with me and then went out with my ex friend I thought I would still be a little bit popular but no I was officially the most unpopular girl in school and now I'm stuck here for another year.

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