Star Wars: Rey x Kylo

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Status : In Progress

1.) The Power of the Dark Side
I know this is not my best work, sorry!

All Kylo Ren wanted was for Rey to be by his side. The two were powerful. Some would consider her skills to be unnatural, but she was untrained in the ways of the force. All there was now, was to get her on his side. The words and begging was starting to go deep into her brain, consuming her thoughts. His hand reached out in front of her, almost even calling to her.

Let go... let go... it seemed easier said than done, but her mind was foggy When she looked up, she no longer saw her former Resistance friends at a horrible disadvantage, but as scum of the galaxy. She couldn't think any more good thoughts about her friends. Quite honestly, all she could see, was Kylo. He would be her teacher as he now took hold of her thoughts. Rey's eyes glowed a faint bit of dark amber, signifying that she truly was turning dark. Slowly, her hand reached out and grabbed his own, large hand.

"Now, we shall begin your true training."

He had complete control over her thoughts. When she faces the Resistance fighters that she once called friends, they can tell that she isn't the same warrior they had met on Jakku, but of someone being manipulated to truly become something she isn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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