The Quidditch World Cup

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A/N : I understand that their third year went by quickly! TvT I'm sorry about that. I didn't have many ideas on what to write about considering I was trying to incorporate some things into it and I don't know the whole timeline of the movie.


Satori unlocked her Death Omen, she found out that her curse causes her eyes to change colour by her emotions.

Harry and Hermione rescued Sirius and Satori learnt that Sirius is her godfather aswell. She hopes to meet Sirius some time in the future.

Cedric and Satori's relationship grew stronger, will it continue to grow, or will something tragic happen to them.

A/N : They are now in their fourth year but first The Quidditch World Cup!

I woke up to the kettle boiling, Cedric's father must be making breakfast. I looked around and saw my clothes already set on my bed. Cedric must have got them ready for me.

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup, we were going to The Quidditch World Cup today and I would see Harry, Ron and Hermione.

I went downstairs and Cedric was already eating, I yawned softly.

Satori : " Good Morning Cedric.. "

Cedric : " Morning baby, eat up.. we'll be leaving soon.."

I nodded and sat down, starting to eat my breakfast. Cedric looked at me happily, he must be happy to see me eat more once again.

I finished eating and so did Cedric. We then went outside, we were going to be walking somewhere.

We followed Cedric's father into the forest. We waited for the Weasley's to arrive there but they were late.

Satori : " I bet you Harry and Ron slept in again.. "

Cedric chuckled as we saw them approach us. Arthur said that some of them had a sleep in and that's why they were late.

Satori : " Told you.."

We started walking again as I caught up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Talking with them about this year. I hoped there wouldn't be any surprises this year.

We soon all arrived at a place and there was an old boot on the ground.

Satori : " It's a boot.."

Fred : " It's a port key Satori.."

George : " It'll take us to the world cup.. "

We all held the boot and we were sent up into the air, this made me dizzy. We were told to let go so that's what I did.

I let go and fell to the ground, everyone else did aswell. Except for Arthur, Cedric and his father.

Cedric ran to me and helped me stand up.

Cedric : " You alright? "

Satori : " Yeah I'm fine.."

We made our way to an area with millions of tents. I parted ways with the Golden Trio and went with Cedric and his father.

Time skip —

We were walking up the stairs, rather high up. I wasn't too good with heights.

Satori : " How far up are we? "

I heard a voice from below me, I looked down to see Draco and Lucius.

Lucius : " If it rains, you'll be the first to know.."

I snarled at him and kept following the group, Draco had grown, well I mean so have I.

I wasn't small anymore, in fact I had rather nice curves and I had to cover my boobs half the time.

But Draco looked attractive, what am I thinking? Draco isn't attractive, I have a boyfriend.

Just like that the game begun.

Time skip —

Cedric and I were in the tent, having fun with eachother and playing games when we heard a commotion outside.

Cedric's dad made us leave and we did so. I looked around and saw some people in masks. I felt the urge to go towards them.

I started running though, but I tripped over and lost my glasses. I looked for them but I kept getting stepped on. I passed out for a bit after that.

Some time later I woke up to Harry shaking me.

Harry : " Satori, we need to go.."

I looked around and the place was burned down. It was just Harry and I. Until I saw a man, it appears Harry did aswell because he grabbed me and we started running.

Soon there were spells being sent towards us, Harry and I ducked down. Arthur Weasley stopped them, I looked at Cedric.

Cedric : " You okay Satori..? "

I looked at the sky and my scars started to hurt, so did Harry's. There was a mark in the sky. It was the death mark.

Harry and I knew what this meant.

Time skip —

We were on the train, I was sitting with the Golden Trio. Harry's scars were still hurting and so were mine.

Satori : " Harry, could he be back..? "

Harry : " I hope not..."

We soon arrived at Hogwarts and went to the castle, apparently two other schools would be joining us this year.

Dumbledore started announcing that this year Hogwarts would be hosting the Tri Wizard Tournament. He then introduced the two schools.

Ladies from Beauxbatons Academy came down the hall and did a wonderful routine, I saw Cedric falling head over heels for the girls and I got a bit jealous.

After the ladies routine the handsome men from Durmstrang Institute came down the hall doing an amazing routine.

I saw Victor Krum and my heart was beating fast, he was so handsome, I noticed Cedric looking at me with jealousy.

We were then told that nobody under the age of 17 would be allowed to compete in the tournament as it is too dangerous.

The dinner feast then began and I started eating. I was starving.

Cedric : " I'm going to enter.."

I looked at Cedric in shock, he was going to what?! Enter the tournament? I hope not!

Satori : " Cedric, it's dangerous.."

Cedric : " I know, but I want eternal glory.. that'd be awesome.."

Satori : " If you say so Cedric.. but be careful.."

I couldn't argue with him, if I was 17 I would want the same thing he wants, I would want to make people fear me less, and have eternal glory.

Time skip —

I headed to my room, nothing had changed. It was the exact same as last year. I was happy to be back at Hogwarts but I knew bad things would happen this year.

I was exhausted and ready to sleep so that's exactly what I did.

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