Untitled Part 1

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Title: Raising Nemo
Author: Zee's Muse
Fandom: Into the Storm
Genre: FCHET

Pairing: Gary Fuller/OFC

Characters: Gary Fuller, Trey Fuller, Donnie Fuller, ofc, omc
Rating: Mature – just to be safe. Y'all know me. Good intentions go straight to hell!
Disclaimer: I own nothing from the movie. No harm intended. I don’t own any of the characters recognizable. All recognizable characters belong to their various creators, of whom I am not one.
Timeline: Modern Day Oklahoma
Setting: Slightly two years after the storms
Warnings: There will be sex. There will be a really cute puppy making all sorts of messes and there will be two teenaged son being teenaged sons.

Dedication: To every single parent who had to survive Empty Nest alone.

Spoilers: None.
Beta: The wonderful and amazing Alex-Cat! Why do you put up with me?

Summary: It is time. At least, according to your sons, it is time.

Raising Nemo

 An Into the Storm Fanfic

 Chapter 01

If there was anything Gary Fuller knew, it was stress. It was being the underdog, the underling, the low-man on the totem pole. He knew about burning candles at both ends; he knew single-parenting was a job no human being should have. He knew women who were single parents, respected them. Some had working relationships with their children's fathers, some struggled without them, fought with them, and at least one that he knew of had the good sense to wake up and not tell her sperm donor she was expecting and struggled through life raising that child on her own.

 And then, there was Gary Fuller.

 Gary Fuller: super dad, Gary Fuller hero of the mega-storm. Gary Fuller...


over-worked, under-paid and today, U-haul van driver and moving man.


Today, Gary Fuller was designated to drive the small moving truck to Oklahoma State University, where both of his sons – Donnie, sophomore, majoring in eco-biology and up until three days ago, also majored in Katelyn Whatwashernameagain? - and Trey, incoming freshman, majoring in meteorology.


Trey wanted to chase storms.


Gary wanted to strangle him. His youngest son had seen what destruction and havoc Mother Nature could whip out and she was unforgiving. But Trey had a nose for danger and a desire for an adrenaline rush that frightened... no... terrified Gary Fuller.


There were things in this life Gary did not like. He did not like water. He did not like storms and especially he did not like adrenaline rushes. He was the one who stayed on the ground and kept everyone's things when they went on roller coasters and other thrill rides. Those were not for Gary Fuller. Excitement for Gary Fuller was sitting quietly at home, enjoying a well-cooked meal and watching a drama or a well-fought football game on television. It did not include lots of alcohol, horror movies, or any sort of Need for Speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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