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I was with Cedric, he was going to put his name in the Goblet of Fire. I was nervous for him but also very excited.

He put his name in and ran to his friends hugging them and laughing, he seemed happy which made me happy.

I then remembered that I had tutoring with Draco, Snape still wants him to tutor me. I quickly grabbed my books and ran to the potions classroom.

I opened the door and saw Draco waiting for me, he looked mad. He was mad.

Draco : " Your late! "

Satori : " Sorry, I was with Cedric.. "

Draco : " That guy again? Haven't you had enough of him? After all, every girl is falling for him.."

I looked down, my eyes turning Dark Green, I was clearly jealous by the fact that Cedric was very popular with the girls.

Satori : " Cedric would never cheat on me! I know he wouldn't.. "

Draco : " Whatever you say, but don't come crying when he breaks your heart.. "

I sighed and nodded, I grabbed out my books figuring we would be listing ingredients again.

Draco : " No, today you'll be making a potion.. "

I looked at Draco nervously, he was trying to test me now. I nodded and went to one of the Cauldren's.

Draco : " You'll be making a Liquid Luck potion for me today.. "

Satori : " Okay.."

I knew alot about Liquid Luck. Actually it was one of the potions I knew the most about. I started to grab the ingredients I needed.

Draco was watching me intensely with his Icy Grey eyes. I started to add the ingredients in one by one, examining it every step of the way.

Soon enough I had created the Liquid Luck potion. I looked at Draco.

Draco : " Hm, very impressive.. well done.."

I sighed and nodded, he was proud of me. That's a first. I then noticed him walking closer to me, what does he want?

He grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. He was smirking.

Satori : " Draco, what are you doing? "

Draco : " Admiring your beauty.. you really have gotten sexier haven't you?~ "

I felt my face flush red, my eyes started to turn pink.

Satori : " Could say the same about you Malfoy..~ you have gotten alot more attractive.. "

Draco : " Oh really? Then you won't mind if I do this.. "

Draco's lips were on mine, I didn't resist. I kissed him back, I've been wanting to do this for ages just never told him.

Draco smirked as he pulled away. My eyes were now fully pink.

Draco : " My my, you really do like me don't you?~ "

Satori : " Shush, I still have a boyfriend Malfoy.. "

Draco : " But you liked the kiss, don't deny it.. you want me don't you? "

I looked into his eyes before he placed his lips on mine once again and let go of my hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I really did want him.

Just then Snape came into the room. Draco got away from me and groaned.

Satori : " Ugh, so much for a romantic moment.. "

Snape : " Sorry for interrupting.. I just came in to get something.."

Satori : " It's fine Snape.. Draco and I were just leaving.."

I grabbed my books and left the class. Draco followed me, which I hoped he would.

Draco : " Where are we going exactly? "

Satori : " The Astronomy Tower.."

Draco and I walked up to the Astronomy Tower. I placed my books down and sighed.

Satori : " Why does Snape have to ruin almost everything? "

Draco : " Cause he's your godfather? "

I rolled my eyes and looked out into the beautiful view. I looked back at Draco with purple eyes.

Satori : " Draco, do you think Voldermort is back..? "

Draco : " It's possible.. "

I sighed and sat down. Draco sat next to me and held me close.

Draco : " But I'm sure that you'll be protected.."

Draco placed his lips on mine once again, I returned the kiss and wrapped my arms around Draco's neck.

Draco and I stayed there for a while making out until we heard footsteps coming up the Astronomy Tower.

Satori : " Ugh, can never get some peace can we? "

Draco chuckled and took my hand as we left the tower together. I giggled, this was fun. Draco and I were actually getting along with eachother.

We went to the library, Draco decided to help me study, well actually he asked for my help because he was terrible at doing homework.

We were sitting in the library next to eachother, I was helping Draco do his potions homework, I was repaying him for tutoring me.

Harry, Ron and Hermione saw us. Harry came up to us and pointed his wand at Draco.

Draco : " Ugh, can't I do homework anymore? "

Satori : " Harry calm down, I'm helping him.. "

Harry : " Helping him? Why? "

I looked at Draco, I knew his reputation but I told the truth, I mean it was the truth but also a lie.

Satori : " He asked me to.."

Harry : " You mean he forced you to! "

Satori : " Exactly.. but I don't mind.. it's really not a big deal Harry.."

Draco : " Exactly, now leave us alone! "

Harry and the others left. I started laughing and so did Draco.

Satori : " Oh, I love keeping your reputation safe.."

Draco : " Thanks.. you've saved my reputation quite a few times.. "

I shrugged, it wasn't like I was lying to Harry, I told the truth. Draco and I continued to study.

Time skip —

I was sitting with Cedric, it was now dinner time but I wasn't hungry. All I could think about was Draco. I looked over at Draco and he was looking at me.

I smiled softly, Cedric looked at me.

Cedric : " Hey, you should eat.."

Satori : " Oh, I'm not hungry.. I ate lunch, I'll be fine.. "

After dinner I headed to the common room and into my dorm. I was hungry now, but dinner was already over and I was tired.

The Champion Selection would be happening soon.

I went to my bed and went to sleep.

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