Chapter One

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I grinned when I saw a smirk light up my younger brother's face as he sauntered toward the Slytherin table, taking a seat across from me, right next to one of his dull-looking goons, Vincent Crabbe. 

"Congrats little bro, maybe you won't be a disappointment after all!" I teased

"Well, one of us has to try if we don't want the Malfoy name to lose its importance" he shot back quickly. 

"Good job Draco!" My best friend, Tyler Zabini, smiled down at Draco, pride shining in his eyes. 

Tyler and I had known each other our entire lives, since the Zabinis and the Malfoys were close, mainly because they were two of the oldest pureblood families. Even though my family was pretty elitist about blood status, I hated that some wizards were petty enough to be prejudiced about wether your parents were wizards or not.

 Tyler had warm, dark skin, a few shades lighter than his younger brother's, and they both had the same chocolate brown eyes, and same hairstyle. Tyler and I were the only Slytherins in our friend group,  which consisted of the Weasley twins, Fred and George, who were both tall red heads with brown eyes, and Maddie Davis, who had short blonde hair and dark green eyes, were all in Gryffindor. 

Jake Walker and Anne Sallow were our two Ravenclaws,  Jake had long black hair that was always messy, and piercing stormy blue eyes, and Anne had long black hair too, but she had dyed the ends a beautiful dark blue, which looked awesome with her dark blue eyes. They looked really similar since they were cousins. Emma Dawson, who had dark brown hair that was amazing with her hazel eyes, and Shane Jones, who had dirty blond hair and light green eyes, both belonged to Hufflepuff. 

We had all decided on the train to sit at our respective tables for the sorting, even though we usually sat together. Suddenly, Potter, Harry was called up to place the ragged, old brown hat over his head. My attention snapped back to the stool all the first years sat on for the sorting, and I watched as the hat was placed on his head by Minerva McGonagall, one of my favorite professors. The hat seemed to be taking a long time to decide, but finally yelled out:


I glanced over at the Weasley twins, who had Maddie sitting across from them, and laughed when I heard them brag, we got Potter, we got Potter. 

The banquet filled up a little bit after, with plates and plates of mouthwatering dishes all along the table. Tyler, somehow knowing what I wanted before I even told him, handed me a plate of mashed potatoes doused with gravy and green beans on the side. I gave him an appreciative smile, and dug into my food passionately, pausing only to add something to the conversation going on between Tyler, Blaise, and Draco, which was on the best quidditch strategies. 

After a little while, my eyelids started to get heavy, and Tyler glanced down at me, a smirk on his lips, and wiped mashed potato off of my cheek. He playfully rolled his eyes, and the glanced around. 

"We best get going, love, or we are going to be late" he said.

It took me a moment to remember that he was talking about the plan our friend group had made to hangout before the banquet ended under the leaves of a giant weeping willow tree named we named Branchy. I looked around and saw that all of our friends had left, which meant we were late, and probably going to get pranked if we took too long. I jumped up, and Tyler jumped up with me and we both headed outside. 

Once we had gotten outside, we raced to Branchy, and Tyler beat me only by a few seconds. 

"I let you win" I lied panting as I sat down next to Fred. 

"Sure you did, love" Tyler replied with a smirk as he took a seat next to Anne, confirming my suspicions that he liked her. We all talked for about an hour, laughing when Jake told us about how he and Anne had made a prank backfire on Fred and George, who had tried to bewitch their books to scream nerd whenever they opened them, but the spell had ended up hitting the Weasley twins's robes, so they loudly yelled nerd every time they moved until they begged Anne to change them back. 

We all headed back to our dorms, yelling goodnight as our ways parted. Tyler left my side to go talk to some of his roommates, and I was left to climb up the stairs to the girls dorms, grateful my bags had already been brought up to the room I was sharing with some of the worst girls in the entire year, who were all obsessed with blood status and thought they were better than everyone else. I opened the door to my dorm, and was faced with Padama Parkinson. She was literally an example of what people from other houses usually think Sytherins are like, mean, cruel, and thinks that blood status is the most important aspect of a wizards life. 

"If it isn't Y/n Malfoy, back for another year of attempting to be smart" she drawled, smirking.

"look Parkinson, I'm not really in the mood to have a fight right now, so why don't you help us both and just back off" I suggested, glaring at her. 

She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by another one of her friends coming in, Jamie Bullstrode, who was mean, but she wasn't as bad as Padama, in fact, she probably was the least mean person I had to share the dorm with. I quickly escaped to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I changed into my favorite pajamas, which was a dark green tank top and grey sweatpants, and, got into bed before Padama or the rest of our dorm mates, who had all come inside by now, decided to start another fight. 

A/N: Hey, thanks for reading this story, I hope ur enjoying it so far, this is the first fanfic I have ever written, so srry if its not that good. Comment ur fave Hp ships!

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