Silly Yearnings of the Heart (Part 1)

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Title: Silly Yearnings of the Heart 

Pairing: Spideyflash (Peter Parker/Flash Thompson) 

Summary: After a battle, Flash Thompson finds himself at Avengers Tower for a victory party. Feeling intimidated by so many other heroes, he sticks to the back of the room and keeps to himself, with nothing but Venom to keep him company.

That is until a tottering, drunk Spider-Man joins him and he has some words he wants to share with Flash.

Authors Notes: Welcome to the book for the 2021 USM Bingo, hosted in the USM fandom chat. Here is where I will be putting all my finished bingo prompts. 

This first prompt is dedicated to Noone. Got posted by end of January, as promised!

Decided I didn't have to challenge myself and split the one-shot into two parts. Part 2 is already written, it just needs to be edited.

Another battle won.

Thank goodness.

That was the fourth one this month and it had been a doozy.

When Flash signed on to become a SHIELD agent, and by extension a 'superhero,' he already figured there'd be a lot of fighting involved - it came with the costume, so to speak. But he wildly underestimated just how often that would be. It was hard enough being an instructor at SHIELD Academy now - thus his every waking hour was filled with training bots, costume emergencies, and villains getting a little too cocky - but being an instructor and a field operative at the same time was nigh impossible. On good days, he went straight from teaching classes to bed, too tired to go out patrolling. On bad days, he fell asleep right there on his desk.

Which was a shame because there's a certain someone he's been trying to get some alone time with, and he couldn't do that when he was dozing off every time his body stepped outside the Triskelion.

On the bright side, when there were big battles like the one they just had, it attracted the Avenger's attention, so not only did it take a load off Flash's plate but he also got to use it as a learning experience for his students - which was still such a weird concept to think about. Him? Have students? The most he's ever done was lead a high school football team to the championships.

To think, he thought the craziest his life was going to get was bonding to a symbiote created from the blood of one of his closest friends. Life has a way of breaking your expectations.

Anyway, with the Avengers taking the brunt of the attack, Flash got to use it as a lesson and exercise for his class, which was great because now he didn't have to plan a discussion for next week. Hell, he'd even been able to step back from the battle to survey his students and point out and address errors that they could meet up later at the Triskelion to address.

He liked to imagine himself as a coach watching his team during a game and picking out ways to improve their performance for next time - at least with this mindset, he wasn't focusing too much on how overwhelming his job was. Ben liked to joke that he couldn't handle the responsibility of being an instructor, but Flash didn't think he was doing so bad.

In fact, not to toot his own horn, but he thought he was doing rather well.

The battle was over now. It had been a semi-large invasion of strange, blob-like creatures from outer space that wanted to use Earth as their mating ground, or so Flash heard. The blob-creatures weren't necessarily hard to fight, but what they lacked in battle prowess they made up for in numbers. There were thousands of them - so much so that they had to evacuate half of the city to get civilians out of the way.

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