Madnessa- confessing feelings

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hey guys just a warning this is gonna be quite long also if you don't understand some of the words in this its because i'm British and my slag is weird as fuck :)

Mad's POV

It was a Wednesday and we were on set. It was in between scenes and me and Travis were just sat on the small couch in my trailer waiting for me to be called to do a Choni scene with Vanessa. The thing with mine and Nessa's friendship is that we have always been best-friends and we don't keep anything from one another but there is one thing that i can't share with her as i could ruin our friendship.The one secret that i can't tell her or anyone else for that matter is that i have a crush on her and it's not one of those that come and go this has been with me since i first seen her in our studio test. I would tell her how I feel but i don't think she feels the same way so it would just be awkward and yes while i have a crush on her i do have a boyfriend but i don't want to break up with him as he is really possessive and he get get violent and i also think that he is homophobic.

while i was thinking about all this i got called to set. The scene we were filming is the one in La Bonne Nuit where Toni, Cheryl and Veronica trick Hermosa into coming back to 'the maple club' where veronica is waiting to confront her. I was getting ready to walk down the stairs, when i seen Nessa stood against the bar and she was looking hot like hotter than she had ever looked. I think because i couldn't have her i wanted her more but there is nothing i could do about that.

Nessa's POV

I was waiting to start filming this scene with Mads and Mishel. I was stood against the bar waiting the directors to start the scene when I looked to where Mads was and i seen that she was staring at me. She doesn't know this but I actually have a crush on her but i can't tell her cause it will ruin our friendship. But the other thing that is stopping me is the fact that i'm married to  Michael but I don't love his I don't think I ever have. I think I just got with him and married because i thought it would help me get over Mads but I didn't I just made me want her more. I think once I have filmed this scene that i might tell Michael how I feel and ask him if we can get a divorce and talk to him about my true feeling towards Mads.

As I was thinking about all of this I heard the crew ask I if was ready to start filming, I just nodded not wanting to say anything. i got into the character of Toni and waited for Roberto to shout action. As soon as he did this the music started play and Mishel started to walk down the stairs and we said our line and I and just before i had to take her onto the  dance floor i said "I know exactly what we can do while we wait" and pulled her to the dance floor and we started to dace with each other. soon enough Mads made her way toward us and started dancing in font of Mishel. 

Soon enough while were dancing the Choni kiss was coming up so I knew that i had to not put all my emotions into the kiss other wise she would know something was up. Mads made her way around Mishel and came up to me so i grabbed to back of her head and kissed her. Once the scene was over i got on my dressing gown as its cold her and made my way back to my trailer where i knew Micheal would be waiting for me. As i walked into the trailer i seen him sat on my couch  and as soon a s i walked in i was met with a "hi baby" I replied with " hi, erm we need to talk" he replied a bit worried but with " okay , is everything  okay?" i was hesitate but decided to tell him "Right what i'm about to tell you has nothing to do with you or anything its just to do with me" he looked at me worried and said " Okay Nessa what up your scaring me" I took a deep breath and said " i don't love you Micheal i love Madelaine and i always have and i think i just got with you to try and hide my feeling for her but that didn't really work and i understand if you never want to talk to me again" After i said that I just looked down sadly cause Micheal looks so hurt. " hey nessa, i have always know this and i only didn't say anything because you didn't and i didn't want to push you, but i just want you to know that i will support you through everything". i lifted my head back up to look at him and just gave him a big hug. when we pulled out of the hug he told me that we can get a divorce and that we can still be friends.

He left my trailer and i just sat there thinking about everything and i decided that i will tell Mads how i feel just not yet because i didn't want to scare her off.

Mads POV

Me and Travis were just sat in my trailer cuddling when i decided to tell him the truth. "Hey Travis, can we talk"" yeah babe what up"he asked curiously. " right Travis i don't know how you are going to take this news but i don't love you anymore i have developed feeling for anyone else" "who" he asked slightly raising his voice. "Vanessa" i whispered " really you have fell for a girl you dyke i can't believe i ever loved you. I'm done I'm going never contact me again" he said and stormed out my trailer.

When he left my trailer I just broke down in tears and curled up in a ball on my couch. There was only one person in the world who could make me feel better at this moment and that was Nessa so i called her and she answered straight away "Hey Mads, you okay?" I couldn't say anything back and just started crying me more. When she heard me crying i just heard her say " Where are you Mads?" i could just about get out the word trailer when i heard the phone go dead and i just presumed that she was on her way here. Soon enough i heard my trailer door open and Nessa's face drop when she seen the state i was in. She quickly rushed over to me and pulled me into her lap so that she was hugging me. 

Nessa's POV 

When i got to Mads' trailer and seen her crying that much I knew that something must have been seriously wrong so I just went over to her and pulled her into my lap and just gave her the biggest hug of all time until she calmed down enough to speak again. Once she had stopped cry i asked her "Babe what happend to make you this upset" she then told me about everything that Travis said and how he just stormed out and called her a 'dyke' and by the time she told me all of this she was crying again and so was I because it hurt me to see the person i care so much about this upset. 

Once she had calmed down more I asked her what made her realise she was into girls but she was hesitate to reply at first. Finally she replied with "I want to tell but if i did i don't know how you would react and I don't want to ruin a friendship i have with the person" " hey Babe, what ever it is the person who it about will still love you no matter what"She just looked up at me and we made i contact, she then diverted her eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. I started to lean in and so did she, and when our lips finally met it felt like fireworks went off in side me. when we both needed air we both pulled away not really wanted to but we needed to. " so if it isn't clear the person who i like is you and i always have i never liked Travis i was just with him to distract me from you but it didn't really work" she said kind of whispering the last part so i couldn't hear it even though i did.i replied with "that's what i was like i only married Michael to forget about you in a way but it did't work and i am still madly in love with you" She looked at me and said " So obviously me and Travis are over and you and Michael are getting divorce. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I decided to tease her so i said " I would have to think about that" she actually looked upset so i quickly said " are you stupid yes i have been waiting for this moment for years now" once i finished say this i was pulled into a very passionate kiss, this kiss lasted about 3 minutes and neither of us wanted to pull away but we had to we couldn't breath.

Me and Mads talked for a while after our kiss and we decided that we would tell everyone about us at a later time and we just wanted to keep it to our self for a little while. 

Right guys i'm sorry this is so long but i started it on paper while i was in school and i had a free lesson and i got up to 7 pages but i have shortened it down so i didn't bore any of you that's if anyone actually reads this. if you do read this don't be shy say hi, i don't bite but i will be uploading more and i think i might make this into a multiple  ships story and add ships from other TV shows films or anyone else i ship

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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