My Ending

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I noticed that this story has been getting a lot of attention lately so I want to take this chance to promote my story 'The Ship'.

If you're looking for a full length story, check out, 'The Ship'. This story is teen romance except it's girl x girl if you're into that sorta thing and so far it has over 20000 words.

I find 'The Ship' far better than this story so feel free to check it out. But in the meantime, enjoy this super unedited fan fiction thing.

Winnie waited anxiously for the clock to stroke midnight. For she knew that once the grandfather clock stroked twelve, it would be her seventeenth birthday.

            Winnie had not been like other kids her age. Other kids would spend their time playing with their friends, enjoying their youth. As for Winnie, she had spent her days thinking about her choice. Winnie could choose to live forever and live with Jesse forever. However, she would have to bear through the pain of knowing that her entire family would be dead while she was still a seventeen year old girl. If she chose otherwise, she would have a full life. She would live until she died. The problem with that option was that she would never get to see her dearest friends, the Tuck's. Winnie just couldn't decide which was worse.  

            Winnie dozed off into a trance. All was peaceful until the old grandfather clock chimed midnight. Winnie's eyes shot open, full with awareness. For it was her time. The crisp autumn wind blew in from the slightly cracked window, drawing Winnie's attention. She had two options, escape through the window or take the risk of escaping through the front door. Possibly even the back door.

            For a slight second, Winnie had contemplated on escaping through one of the doors. After all, her night gown had a high risk of getting stuck in the tiny opening of the window. Winnie then realized the situation that she was in. For, she was about to run away. And for the third time, too. If she had gone through the front or back door, her mother and father might have caught her. They had already retrieved Winnie two times before. Every time they had caught her and gave her an even horrid punishment. What would they do this time? Could they have locked her in her room, perchance?

            Just thinking about punishments made Winnie cringe. She was running away for good this time. And she was not coming back. Winnie opened the window higher, the autumn breeze rushing past her face. It was like school kids being dismissed. Rushed and Exited. The smell of autumn filled Winnie with a sudden sense of delight. Winnie smirked. This was the day. Her decision had been made.

            Winnie shut her eyes and fell face first out of the window and onto the dirt ground. A trickle of blood found its way down to her lip. She stood up and whipped the dirt off of her night gown. Her Mother would have yelled, "Winnifred! That is not lady like what so ever!" Winnie pushed the thought of her mother out of her mind. She was going to start a new life. No more cage. The trapped bird would be freed.

            It was extremely difficult for Winnie to see even her own feet in the autumn darkness. She held her arms in front of her like a zombie, lost in the darkness of night. Winnie continued forward until she could feel the grass tickling her toes. It was a mistake not bringing slippers. The ground was awfully dirty. But after experiencing the extreme darkness, Winnie was grateful she hadn't.

            Winnie had visited the spring dozens of times before. She had trained herself to locate it without even looking. However, on this night, Winnie could not focus on her directions. She bumped into several trees. Ever time, she swallowed back her urge to yell at the trees. She had blamed herself for being so careless and lost in thought. She kept on thinking about Angus Tuck's words. "We are like rocks besides a road." He had said. From that moment, Winnie wondered if she had made the right decision.

            Of course she had. If living the rest of her life in a prison like home was a good life, than she thought she might as well not have one at all. Winnie had wondered what it would be like attending her mother's funeral...

            And then there was a croak. Winnie felt something cold land on her feet, causing her to yelp. Winnie slapped her mouth. If she screamed again, her mother would wake up and reprimand. Winnie located the toad and scooped it in her hands. "You scared me to death." She whispered to the toad. The toad blinked sleepily. "Would you happen to be the toad by the gates?" She asked the toad, as if it would respond. The toad blinked again. Winnie was almost certain that this was the toad. Winnie crouched down to set the toad free. "You be good, now." She whispered and walked past the toad.

            The toad fallowed Winnie. She put her hands on her hips and shooed the toad away. "Go on, now. Leave me be." She demanded, a tad louder. The toad just sat there. Clearly, it was in no hurry. Winnie let out a sigh. She lifted the toad onto her shoulder. It did not move from her shoulder as she navigated herself towards the spring. Alas, Winnie had found it. Even in night time, the waters of the spring were as dazzling as ever. A grin swept across Winnie's face. This was the moment she had waited six years for. Winnie scanned the wood for any eavesdroppers. No one.

            Winnie cupped her hands into the water and bent her head over to take a sip. Instantly, her nose had healed and she felt refreshed as ever. Winnie had felt as if all the weight on her shoulders had been lifted. It was over. Winnie Foster would be seventeen forever.

            "You wouldn't happen to be Winnifred Foster, now would you?" said a female voice that Winnie did not recognize. The girl emerged from the bushes. Fear crept into Winnie's throat. Had this girl seen her drinking from the spring as she had seen Jesse? "Who might you be?" Winnie replied. She decided not to ask if she had seen her drink the water. "Why, I am Briannica Whittum. The Huntress of Treegap." She replied, bowing down at me. Winnie could not make out her facial features. All that she could see was her purple brown hair which was tied to the side with one strand in a braid.

            "Now who are you?" She asked, sitting up from her polite gesture. "Winnifred Foster." Winnie introduced, shaking Briannica's hand. "Why do you ask?" Winnie anxiously asked, trying not to freak out. "Oh, I heard of what you did to help a criminal escape..." Briannica started. Winnie swallowed back a sigh of relief. Briannica continued but Winnie zoned out in thought of what would have happened if Briannica had found out about the spring. Then she thought about the day that she freed Mae tuck from prison.

            "We would love it if you would join the Hunt with us." She finished. Winnie was not listening to anything Briannica was saying. So, she tried to make sense of the situation. Briannica was a huntress. Briannica had admired what Winnie had done and gotten away with. Briannica wanted Winnie to join her. That made a little more sense to Winnie. "I'm sorry, I have to go, Briannica..." Winnie said and took off deep into the wood.


            Winnie stopped because she bumped into something. Or someone. She was close to falling but caught her balance quickly. It was Jesse. "Winnifred?" Jesse said confused yet excited. Jesse had not changed a bit. Literally. However, Winnie had. She was taller now and even her facial features had changed a bit. Jesse wrapped his arms around Winnie. Winnie smiled. His presence filled her with joy. Jesse's smile slowly faded. "What are you doing here? Did you drink from the spring, yet?" He anxiously questioned.

            Winnie laughed. "Jesse, let's get married!"

My Ending for Tuck EverlastingWhere stories live. Discover now