Love, Sex, Dreams

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Hello beautiful readers!

I have a million new ideas for fanfics everyday. I thought I'd condense some of them down into short stories for you all to enjoy.

This is one of them. I was going to post all of my short stories and one shots in one place, but you guys seemed to love this one so she's getting her own moment.

Down the line, I may take this and turn it into a longer story, but that depends on if you want to read more.

Don't be shy- vote and comment and leave all the love that you always do. Your support and kindness makes my day.

-sexual content (duh)
-alcohol use
-coarse language

And of course... this is all a figment of my imagination put into words. In no way do I feel any of these content themes reflect Harry or his beliefs in any way.

Happy reading, my darlings.



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