Knockturn Alley

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It seems that with this being Nora's 6th year at Hogwarts, she would've learnt how to navigate Diagon Alley by now. Nevertheless, somewhere somehow along her trip she stumbled upon a wrong turn. Walking quickly down the winding path she held her wand close to her chest, hoping that one of these broken marbled paths would lead her back to civilization.

 As she started down yet another winding path she could've sworn she saw a tall figure out of the corner of her eye. "Pull yourself together Nora. Just find a way out." She started to pick up her pace when she saw a light and heard the chatter of people. 

Just as she rounded the corner she was slammed into the side of a wall. Towering above her stood a large, vicious-looking man with matted grey hair and whiskers. He had pointed teeth and long yellowish nails that drug across her cheek. "Who are you? What the hell do you want?" "Aw sweetheart, I'm almost offended you don't know my name. Fenir Greyback at your service, love." Nora's heart sank. Here in front of her was one of the most notorious Death Eaters she'd ever heard. Her eyes flickered to the ground to see her wand was now kicked about five feet away from her. How was she going to get out of this one? 

"You see." started Fenir, "I remember paying your Mummy and Daddy a little visit during the first war. I tried to get to you, but your damn aunt got there too quick." Nora vaguely remembered the screaming of her parents as she sat crying in her crib. If she could forget those memories, she would. "I'm just here to finish what I started."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

" did this to me. You tore my family apart. Do you have any idea how hard it's been for me?!" 

"I do indeed, sweetheart. That's why I did it, but now I'm bored, so why not put you out of your misery? Sounds like it'll be a win, win for the both of us." 

Greyback bared his teeth. She could feel his wretched breath on her face. Just as she closed her eyes a bright red flash of light shot out from the distance.


When she opened her eyes another fairly tall man wearing extremely shabby robes stood in front of her. That's about all she could notice of her knight in shining armor at the moment.

"Hurry! We don't have much time!" he exclaimed.

With that being said, Nora scrambled for her wand and sprinted toward the man and the light. They popped out on the main strip of Diagon Alley winded, hunched over and out of breath. 

"Thank you." she wheezed, "Thank you so much I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come." 

"It's quite alright, I saw you and I couldn't just stand there at let that happen. Greyback is a malicious, hostile, and ill-natured being. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Well I'm okay now, thanks to you." she smiled

"I don't mean to intrude, but did he bite you? Are you hurt at all?"

He prayed she wasn't bit, he didn't think he could take it if he hadn't got there in time.

Nora lifted up her leg showing her tattered pants.

"No bite, just a busted knee."

"Oh thank Godric" he muttered "If you don't mind, I know my fair share of healing spells. I could get that all cleared up."


She stuck out her knee and the man pulled out his wand. As he worked she could take a closer inspection at her savior. He had light brown hair flecked with gray, though he looked quite young. With further inspection she noticed his face plastered with scars here and there. One thing for certain he looked ill and exhausted. 

As he finished up her knee she decided it was best to introduce herself. 

"Oh and by the way, I'm Nora. Nora Nott."

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Nora, I'm Remus Lupin."

Now that he stood upright, this gave Remus the opportunity to take in her appearance. She had long semi-curly hair, with big blue eyes staring into his. Taking this closer look made him realize that she was indeed someone quite pretty. Nora was the first to break their stare off.

"Well I must repay you somehow, we can go grab drinks or something. They're all on me."

"After a shit show like that, I could definitely use a drink."

With that they started down the path to the Leaky Cauldron. Walking and talking like they'd known each other for some time. She found him to be great listener and he found himself actually wanting to hear each and every word she had to say. Just as they were approaching the entrance none other Albus Dumbledore strode up to them. 

"Ah, Professor Lupin, I see you've met Miss Nott. Quite the student here. I ensure you'll have no problems with this bright witch."

Nora and Remus looked at each other dumbfounded. Student...professor. The words running themselves through their minds. This handsome, kind man was her professor. This intelligent, beautiful young woman was his student. Albus looked between the two.

"Well, I best be off. It was wonderful seeing the two of you."

"Uh...uh yeah you too Professor." she croaked. I mean this wasn't that big of deal anyway, she only offered to go for harmless drinks to show her gratitude and he only accepted because it was rude to decline. Definitely not because they both wanted to spend more time getting to know each other. 

"Well, I uh best be off. I actually should get settled before school starts back up." 

Load of bullshit, he has had his stuff unpacked for at least a week 

"Yeah, yeah me too. I have to go grab some books, quills, and things like that." 

Yeah right, she picked up her books before wandering into Knockturn Alley. 

And with that, they both split into opposite directions with bright red cheeks and heavy on each others minds. 

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