Just the other day you said you were surprised.
Surprised that after everything i've been through.
After everythig that YOU put me through.
I still wasnt broken.
I responded with saying
"No ma, im not broken. Chipped maybe. but not broken"
I have never told such a lie.
I have never lied to you.
But sometimes things are just better left unsaid
I am sorry.
I couldnt handle telling you.
Seeing the look on your face after saying.
"Ma, im not broken. Im shattered."
That was the truth.
But i couldnt stand to see you cry. Because your ma.
And ma. I love you.
But i couldnt tell you.
I am so shattered that not even the best fixer, with the best glue.
Could fix me.
But, that isnt your fault.