The Second Task

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Bulimia trigger warning!


It was the Yule Ball, Draco and Satori had sex. Lmao.

Satori went to Draco's Manor for the Holidays!

Now! 24th of February

Harry had found out what the next task was and it was the day of the second task. We were going to the Black Lake.

Thankfully I can turn into a mermaid so it won't be difficult for me. We were all lined up at the deck.

I looked around and didn't see Draco, Nor Hermione and Ron. Just then the cannon went off.

I hopped into the water and transformed into a mermaid. I swam around, noticing Draco tied up.

Ron and Hermione were there too. I quickly swam to Draco, he was my target. I used a spell to remove the rope and helped Draco to the surface.

Draco gasped for air and I started giggling. I was the first to save my target. I helped Draco up onto the deck.

Satori : " You got saved by a girl~ "

I chuckled, Draco rolled his eyes and helped me out of the water. My tail turning back into my legs.

I shivered and waited for the other contestants. Soon enough Cedric and Victor came up with their target.

Fleur Delacour didn't get her target, she was attacked by something. Now we were waiting for Harry.

Soon Ron and a little girl came up but there wasn't Harry. I waited worridly, Draco held my hand.

Harry then came up and landed on the deck. I sighed in relief. I was mostly dried off.

Dumbledore : " The winner of the second task is Satori Umari! "

I smiled happily. Cedric came second, Harry third, Victor fourth and Fleur came in fifth.

I hugged Draco tightly. Draco chuckled.

Draco : " I was saved by a girl! "

Draco said sarcastically. I laughed and nodded.

Satori : " A very pretty girl~ "

Draco : " Can't disagree there! "

I giggled playfully as Draco and I made our way through the crowd, I hated big crowds so I didn't care if I won.

Harry ran after us.

Harry : " Oi wait up! "

I looked at Harry and tilted my head.

Satori : " Yes Harry? "

Harry : " Is something going on between the two of you? "

I looked at Draco. Draco sighed and nodded.

Draco : " Harry, I don't care if you have a problem with it.. but Satori and I are dating.."

Harry snarled.

Harry : " So you've been hanging out with this filthy git Satori? "

Satori : " Harry! He's my boyfriend, I can like who I want! And frankly Draco is alot better than Cedric, he cares about me! "

Harry : " Yes but, he's a Slytherin and your a Hufflepuff! He's going to break your heart one day! "

Satori : " Harry that's enough!! "

Harry : " He's a filthy spoiled brat, nothing more! "

My eyes turned red.

Satori : " Harry!! "

I said angrily and Harry went silent, I walked closer to Harry and grabbed him by the neck. My eyes were blood red and my fangs had already grown.

Satori : " Draco is my boyfriend.. whether you like it or not, understand? "

I growled. Draco grabbed my hand and looked at me worridly. Harry looked at me in fear.

I quickly let go of Harry and grabbed my head. I got out of Draco's grip and ran away. Draco ran after me.

I kept running away, I ran into one of the girls bathroom and into a stall, locking it behind me.

I hunched over and threw up into the toilet, I fell onto my knees, hunching over the toilet and throwing up.

Draco ran into the bathroom.

Draco : " Babe..? "

I threw up again and Draco ran to the stall. He tried to open it but I had locked it.

Draco : " B-baby.. open it.. "

Satroi : " N-No.. you can't see me like this.. "

Draco : " I'm worried about you.."

Snape came into the bathroom.

Draco : " Professor Snape.."

Snape : " Satori open the stall door.."

Satori : " No! "

I was now shoving my fingers down my throat to force myself to throw up. I wanted to rid everything from my system.

Draco : " Alohomora! "

The stall unlocked and Draco grabbed my hands to stop me.

Draco : " That's enough baby.. "

I started crying.

Satori : " I didn't mean to lose control.. I really have been learning how to control myself.."

Snape : " That's good to hear.. I'm glad your learning how to control it.."

I sobbed quietly and cuddled Draco, feeling safe and warm in his embrace. Draco held me close to him and sighed.

Snape left without saying another word.

Draco : " Let's go to dinner shall we? "

I nodded and stood up, flushing the toilet and going to the sink to wash my hands.

Draco : " You've got to stop forcing yourself to throw up.."

Satori : " I know.. I'm sorry.. "

Draco helped me to the Great Hall and everyone came to me, congratulating me for winning the second task.

Draco pulled me away from the crowd so I could go and eat, I was starving.

After the dinner feast we all headed to our common rooms. Draco took me to the Slytherin common room again because knowing the HufflePuff's they would be celebrating Cedric's win in second.

I got into one of Draco's shirts and lied on his bed.

Satori : " Ugh, I'm exhausted.."

Draco : " What from saving me? "

I chuckled as Draco lied next to me.

Draco : " Thanks for saving me baby.."

Satori : " I'll save you any time.."

Just like that I drifted off to sleep. Today was a hectic day.

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