Is he dead? (part 2)

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Jennie´s POV:

“So how about ice cream and a film?” I asked Sarah. She did´t answer me she just starred out the kitchen window.

“Er hello!?” I said and waved my hands in front of her eyes.

“What?” she said, sounding very distant.

“Sarah is everything okay?” I asked her and sat down on the chair next to her and took her hand. She turned her face to me and there were tears in her eyes.

“Jen, I have done something horrible” she whispered. “I´m a horrible person”. The tears started to slip down her cheeks and I tried to dry them with my thumb as I pulled her into a embrace.

“Shhh” I mumbled. “You´re not a horrible person. What can you ever have done that is bad babe?”

“I bought drugs Jen” she mumbled and I tensed up a bit.

“Did you take them?” I asked her, scared out of my mind. But it wasn´t for Sarah I was scared if was for myself. I can´t have her here if she is going to do drugs, not with a baby on the way. But I can´t imagine having my child without her either sens she has been the one helping me when I was sick and in pain.

“No, but I was about to” she confessed. “But then I could hear someone coming through Harry´s front door so I panicked and poured them into a beer can in his fridge”.

“Oh thank good you did´t take them” I mumbled and rubbed her back. “Why did you buy them in the first place?”

“Bad memories” she cried into my chest. “It´s two years ago now that my step dad killed my mum and got sent to prison”.

Oh I am a horrible friend, how could I forget about that?

“Sarah babe, you have to promise me that you will never do anything like this ever again” I told her. “We have so much good things in our lives right now. Damn it, we´re having a baby honey! That is something I thought would never happen”

“I promise” she mumbled.

“Good. Now go into the living room and watch some telly while I call Harry and tell him to gete rid of that beer can” I told her and pushed her of me. I pulled up my phone and called Harry but he

did´t answer.

“Hey Sarah...” I started but when I came in she starred at the TV like it was going to eat her. I turned my eyes to it and saw a picture of a shirtless Harry with his arms around Louis and a woman said,

One Direction were suppose to preform at charity benefit tonight but things did´t go according to plans. Band member Niall Horan is in a critical condition and the doctor has confirmed that he was being poisoned. His band members are finding comfort in each others arms and we are not surprised that it is just Larry Stylinson”.

“Poisoned?” I croaked. “Sarah you don´t think...?”

“...That the drugs were bad ones and he drank from the beer can?” she asked, just as chocked as me.

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

“Tell them the truth?” she asked.

“We can´t tell the police but we can tell the boys” I told her. “Harry won´t force us sens the world then will know about my pregnancy”.

Liam´s POV:

I was sitting next to Niall´s hospital bed. I just starred at his pale face and his lifeless body. Apparently he was between life and death right now and I kept on praying that he would live through this. I mean he was my Nialler, my flying leprechaun, how could I live on without him?”

Suddenly someone knocked at the door and without turning my head I mumbled,

“Come in”.

Zayn older sister Doniya walked in with a troubled look on her face.

“Hi Doni” I mumbled, still not turning my head just peaking at her through the corner of my eye. Even though she looked troubled and tired she looked beautiful.

“Hi Li” she mumbled and sat down next to me and put her hand on top of mine. It had been a long time sens I had held it. Last summer when we were visiting Zayn´s family somethings happened betwwen me and Doniya but we decided to end it sens her little brother is my best mate.

Sens I did´t take her hand she intertwined our fingers without my help.

“He is going to be fine” she whispered in my ear and put her head on my shoulder.

“Doni don´t” I mumbled. “It´s not right. Nothing is right. Not the time and not the place”.

“There´s were you´re wrong Li” she whispered. “Niall could have died tonight on New Years eve, but it could have just as well been you that went to Harry´s house and got poisoned. It could have just has well been me that crashed on the highway as I drove here and not the guy that did it. Don´t you get it? A new year is coming in about two hours and tonight the world has shown us that we maybe will have tomorrow”.

“So?” I asked blunt.

“Li, what would tomorrow be without love?” she mumbled and kissed my neck a little. Chills went down my spine.

“He´ll kill me you know that right?” I told her.

“You did´t answer my question” she said and nibbled my earlobe.

“If Niall survives this I promise you that I will give love a try” I told her and lightly pushed her away.

“He will babe, he will”.

Hello everyone :D how are you all doing? I am doing great :D

Tomorrow is Christmas eve and Louis birthday :D Sens I became a Directioner I have found a new perpous with Christmas ;) so tomorrow I am going to wear suspenders in Louis honor <3 I know I´m a bit CRAZY but I can´t help it okay?

Speaking of nothing at all, have you guys ever meet a guy that is trying to "play" four girls at the same time?

I thought that they only existed in movies like "John Tucker must die"(one of my favorite movies by the way) but I was SO wrong.  There is this guy in my class you see and he has been working harder then santas elves the last two weeks:O He has been going after me(why I don´t know sens we can´t stand each other), two of my best friends and one of the girls in my class! 

Unfortunately for him we girls talk to each other and decided to confront him and do you know what the bastared said?

"I just want to be friends with you, at least not enemies"

Yeah right dude, that´s why you text us things like "My hands on your ass= perfect"

I mean who does that? And to girls who actually hang out and talk to each other? Come on!

I just felt like telling you guys and warn you about all the idiots out in the world. If you guys have a bad dating or flirting story please share it with me ;) 

Please vote and comment and fan me :D You know I appriciate it :D

XOXO Muddybuddies  

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