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Hermiones POV

I was in diagon alley when I saw Harry coming with Hagrid. Harry, I screamed and he ran towards me. Hes glasses were broken. Oculus reparo, I said. Im gonna have to remember that, Harry said. Come on everyone is worried about you, I said. We both went to the bookstore and met the weasleys. While we were waiting in line Harry got recognized and got the entire book collection for free. Us kids got told to go wait outside so we did. Just as we reached the door we ran into the Malfoys. They smirked at us and started talking to us. But of course Draco had to call me a mudblood. When I looked at him he looked sorry, weird right. I mean the Draco Malfoy looking sorry. We walked out and our parents came to meet us. (skip to when they are at Hogwarts.) We are all in the great hall and all I can think about is when I first came here. The sorting hat said that I have qualities of all the houses. I knew I had more qualities for Slytherin and Gryffindor. I was wishing and hoping to be in Gryffindor and the hat obliged. This is my second year and I just know that something big is gonna happen. The first few days went by the way they did last year except that Draco was hardly calling me a mudblood. Currently we are all in the great hall for breakfast. Owls started to fly in the room. That only means one thing the mall is here. An owl I have never seen before came and dropped a letter off to me. I looked at the letter and the handwriting was really nice and neat. I opened the envelope and took the letter out. Here is what the letter said.

Dear Hermione,

I know you are probably wondering who I am. Well my name is Tom Riddle or more commonly known as the dark lord or Voldimort. Know you are probably thinking why would you be writing to me. Well you see I am your father and Bellatrix is your mother. When you were only 3 years old you got taken from our home in the middle of the night. You were given to the grangers and any memories of your mother and I got taken away from you. I know that this is all really confusing but I know you are a smart girl and you are also very powerful. Your real name isn't Hermione, it is Ava Grace Riddle. With the amount of spells you know I bet you already know how to remove a glamour charm. Once your glamour charm has been removed all of your memories and powers will come back. You are a descendent of Salazar Slytherin which makes you the heir of Slytherin. I can understand if you have some questions so on saturday you and draco will floo or apparate to malfoy manor. Sorry for any inconvenience and your mom wants you to know that she loves you very much and misses you more and more everyday. Once you have read this letter go see Draco and he will give you any information that he can and help you be prepared for Saturday.

Hugs and kisses


I put the letter in the envelope again and stood up. I walked out of the hall and sat down in an abandoned hallway. Hey are you ok, someone said. I looked up to see Draco standing there. Not really I mean I just found out everything I knew was a lie as well as who my real parents are, dont forget the part where the 2 of us are going to malfoy manor together on Saturday, oh and the fact that I have no idea how to take this stupid glamour charm off, I said. Listen I know that your life and everything you knew just got turned upside down but look at the plus side I mean this is a whole new adventure that you get to explore and I will help you through it if you want me too, Draco said. Thanks Draco, I said. He gave me a hug and a small smile. Do you want me to take the glamour charm off, Draco said. Please, I said. He waved his wand in front of my face and with a small flick of his wrist I saw white and gold all around me. When it disappeared I saw my reflection in the full length mirror Draco conjured up. I have silky Dark brown hair with my moms white streak that is wavy and goes down to butt. My eyes are no longer brown but instead they are an electric blue. My curves show more and Im thinner. I also grew a good like 4 inches. Wow I look amazing, I said. The mirror disappeared and when Draco saw me his jaw dropped. I giggled slightly snapping him out of his trance. You look beautiful but we should let the professors know who you are, Draco said. That is probably a good idea, I said. He held his hand out for me to take and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and we started walking to the great hall. Once we were outside the doors he dropped my hand and we walked in. All eyes turned and looked at us. We walked up to the professors table and told them who I am and what was happening. They all understood and Dumbledore looked scared. When I looked at him a memory came back. Memory- I was 3 and a man in a dark cloak along with a woman and another man were all standing in my room. It had to be about 1 in the morning. Dumbledore walked forward and picked me up out of bed wrapping me up in my red and pink blanket with black dots on it. Next thing I know is we are outside and it is freezing then I see a bright light and when it is gone I am in a different house with new memories and a different family. Back to reality. I tensed up and Draco must have noticed because he started rubbing circles on my back. Hey whatever it is will all be ok, Draco said. How do you know that, I said. Because as long as I am here everything will be ok, Draco said. Then another memory came back. It was me and Draco. We had to be about 2 or 3. I was crying and Draco was hugging me. Hey everything will be ok as long as I am here nothing bad can happen and when you arent happy it is my job to make you happy, Draco said. Promise me Drakey, I said. I promise Gracey, Draco said. (real world) I smiled and Draco looked at me. Whats got you so happy, Draco said. Drakey, I said. Oh no, Draco said. I smiled and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I sat down and did nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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