Moody's Class

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A/N : I know I know!! Moody's Class happens earlier in the year but I forgot to incorporate it in and I wanted to!!


The Second Task, Satori won. She lost control and Harry got jealous of her and Draco.


I stare down at my food, I'm not hungry at all. I'm sitting by Draco and his friends. The Hufflepuff table still hates me.

Draco nudged me in the ribs and I looked at him.

Draco : " You gonna eat? "

Satori : " I'm not hungry.."

Draco : " Satori, you haven't eaten in two days.. your going to get sick.."

Satori : " I said I'm not hungry.. Besides, I'll be fine.. "

Draco : " Fine.. let's just head to class.."

I nodded and stood up, my head getting slightly dizzy. I quickly shook away the feeling and we headed to Professor Moody's class. The last task would be happening in a few weeks.

I sat down next to Draco, still feeling dizzy as Professor Moody started to go on about unforgivable curses. I shuddered at the thought.

Professor Moody started to use the Imperius Curse on a small spider like creature, my skin started to crawl as I shifted in my chair.

He then used the Cruciatus Curse on the creature right in front of Neville, his parents were tortured by this curse.

Satori : " Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him! "

Professor Moody stopped and made the creature come to my desk. I stared at the creature.

Professor Moody : " Would you like to tell us the last unforgivable curse Miss Umari? "

I shook my head, feeling tears in my eyes as I did so.

Professor Moody : " Avada Kedavra! "

Just like that the creature was dead in front of me, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom feeling sick.

Draco's Pov

I watched as Satori ran out of the classroom, her face white as a ghost.

Draco : " Now you've done it you mad teacher! "

I yelled before standing up and running after my girlfriend. She was heading to the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom to find her crying.

Draco : " Babe.."

Satori : " He's sick I tell you!! That's just sick! "

I sighed and walked to her, pulling her into a warm hug.

Draco : " Shh, I know, I know.. it's alright.."

She started to feel heavy as if she wasn't holding herself up anymore. I looked into my arms to find her unconscious.

Draco : " Shit.."

I carried her bridal style and started walking to the hospital wing. I knew this would happen to her, she hasn't been eating.

Of course I had to run into The Golden Trio.

Harry : " What did you do to her?! "

Draco : " I did nothing! It's that mad teacher who made her cry! And she fainted when I was comforting her! "

Harry : " Lies!! Your telling lies! "

Draco : " She's my girlfriend I would never hurt her! Just let me take her to the hospital wing! "

Hermione : " Harry, I think he's telling the truth.. he is her boyfriend after all.."

Harry : " I won't accept it! "

Draco : " Your not her dad, or her brother! You can't control her life! I would never do anything to hurt her! "

Harry : " Oh really? What about the time you forced her to study with you? "

Draco : " She was lying to help me keep my reputation! But I don't care about my reputation anymore! I love her! "

Hermione grabbed Harry and pulled him away.

Hermione : " Harry he's telling the truth! "

Draco : " Thank you Hermione.. now if you don't mind I'm going to take my girlfriend to the hospital wing.."

I walked past them and went to the hospital wing. I entered and called for Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey came running over when she saw Satori in my arms. She placed Satori on the bed and checked on her.

I sat next to the bed worridly, I really wanted to murder Harry but that would have to wait for another time.

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