The Final Task

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I stood on the Quidditch Pitch, staring at a huge hedge above me that goes for ages. The last task was a maze and at the end of the maze was the Tri Wizard Cup.

Harry and I entered in the same way as the cannon went off. I nervously entered, holding Harry's hand. I was scared.

I walked around, standing by Harry keeping close to him, Snape insisted that I go with Harry because he doesn't want me getting hurt by anything.

We get further into the maze and hear a scream. It was Fleur Delacour. We ran to where the scream came from and saw Victor. He had lost control of himself.

Harry took care of Victor while I sent red sparks into the air for Fleur. I then saw the glowing of the cup.

I ran to Harry who was now standing with Cedric. We all ran to the cup, after helping Cedric when he got tangled in vines. I would have left him.

When we touched the cup we were teleported somewhere. The cup was a port key, we were teleported to a graveyard.

I looked around, Harry started saying that he had been here before and we needed to go. Suddenly then both Harry and my scars started to hurt.

We looked over to see Peter Petigrew holding a very skinny looking Voldermort. Peter came closer to us and killed Cedric, right in front of Harry and me. I held my wand out but I was disarmed.

I fell to the ground and watched Harry struggle in the grip of a statue. Voldermort was then placed into a cauldren and Harry's blood was taken.

Voldermort became a full sized human and he made the dark mark in the sky. Death eaters came and surrounded them.

Voldermort unmasked all of them, he was disappointed in them. He then unmasked someone I wished he didn't. Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father.

I grabbed my wand and pointed it at Voldermort but then Lucius used the Cruciatus Curse on me and I started struggling in pain. I was lying next to Cedric, getting tortured.

Harry was forced to a duel by Voldermort. Their magic collided and Lucius kept the spell on me. It was painful. I watched as a bright light shone around Harry and Voldermort and I saw my parents. Only for a split second before passing out.

Harry's Pov

I let go of the spell and ran to Cedric and Satori. " Accio Cup! " I yelled and the cup came to me, I touched Cedric and Satori as we all teleported back to the Quidditch Pitch.

I hunched over Cedric, crying. Trying to hide him from the crowd while I held Satori close to me. Snape and Professor Dumbledore came down.

Cedric's father saw that Cedric was dead and came running towards us.

Harry : " He's back, Voldermort is back! "

I cried and continued to hold Satori close to me, the poor girl didn't deserve this. Snape took Satori from me and Mad Eye Moody took me away. As I was leaving I heard the cries from Cedric's father.

Time skip —

Satori's Pov —

I woke up and gasped, sitting up quickly. I honestly thought I had died. I looked around to see the hospital wing and Draco sitting next to me.

I looked at Draco in fear.

Satori : " D-Draco.."

Draco looked up at me and hugged me tightly, I pushed him away and started crying.

Draco : " Shh, what's wrong? "

Satori : " Draco.. y-your.. your father.. he used the Cruciatus Curse on me.."

Draco looked at me with eyes of sorrow.

Draco : " I-I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain.."

Satori : " Y-you didn't tell me he was a death eater.. Voldermort is back.. I'm gonna die.."

Draco : " You won't die.. I'll protect you.. please, I know what my father did to you was wrong.. but I still am here for you.. "

I hugged Draco tightly, he really does care about me. But it looks like I'll be staying at the Weasley's house over the holidays.

Satori : " It looks like I can't go back to your Manor then.."

Draco : " It wouldn't be safe, I'm sorry.. "

Satori : " It's fine.. I can stay with the Weasley's.. they won't mind.. promise you'll write to me though? "

Draco : " I promise.. "

A/N : And that's the end of their fourth year!! UwU

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