Chapter 1: Her First Kiss... And Second

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Chapter 1:

Her First Kiss... And Second

I was a player even when I was in preschool. I really liked this cute guy (or I thought he was cute) named Michael. His best friend was Cody. I knew Cody liked me. All 3 of us were really close and we all rode the same bus. I really liked Michael and I knew they only way to get to him was to get to Cody and make him jealous. So, that's exactly what I did.

I liked them both but I only like Cody as a friend, now looking back I realize I was stupid for doing that, but we were all friends in the end, it didn't change anything between us.

We all sat in different seats on the bus but that day I sat with Cody. When I sat next to him on the bus ride home, I could tell he was nervous. Even though we were just in preschool, I knew that kind of stuff.

"Hey Cody." I said with a smile.

"Hey." Cody nervously replied.

"I know you like me. Soo." I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

I had never saw his face go so red before. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. He looked at our hands then at me.

"W-what are you doing?" Cody asked, stuttering. By then he knew exactly what I wanted. None of the kids at my preschool were that stupid.

I started to lean in and so did he. I kissed him on his lips. Right after the kiss he looked at me wide-eyed and his entire face turned as red as an apple. Still to this day I have never seen him smile that big before.

At the moment I knew I was going to get what I wanted within 2 days.

The next day on he bus ride home Michael asked me to sit by him, and I did gladly with a smile. Michael sat by the window seat and I sat by the aisle. I couldn't help it but to smile and kind of blush. Nobody really knew why my face was turning red because we were only in preschool. As the bus started to move to take us home, he turned to me and just stared at me before he said anything.

"Hey, Mara?" Michael sheepishly asked.

"Yeah?" I asked with a innocent smile.

"Is it true that you kissed Cody on the lips yesterday?" He asked

"Yeah." I replied with a grin.

Michael looked down at his lap with a slight grin on his face. I knew he was gonna ask me any minute. I just had to be patient and wait. I know this sounds weird coming from a preschooler, but I really liked Michael and back then just one kiss would set me free.

"Mara, would you be willing to kiss me?"

That's what I did, I kissed him on the cheek. It was cute preschool stuff that was pointless. I knew what he was talking about but I wanted to make it special and last as long as possible. Stupid right I was only in preschool. I don't know by I wanted this so bad, I just did.

He looked confused at first and then realized what I did. He looked dumbfounded. It was kind of cute actually. He was just so cute in all reality, it was mind blowing to me as a little girl. I knew in the back of my mind, I knew he just wanted to be like Cody. I knew he wanted more than what Cody had but I'm not sure why. It had always been that way, although most of the time Cody was the one wanting what Michael had. Of course he did Michael was cute, smart, and funny. Who would want to be like him?

"I mean a kiss on the lips, Mara." He said "Would you be willing to kiss me on the lips?"

There! He had finally asked! My heart skipped a beat, my stomach exploded into butterflies and I couldn't speak. After all the time waiting for him to ask me, he finally asked and I was speechless. I knew I wanted to say yes but I was just so excited I couldn't speak. To be honest, I wasn't completely sure that my plan would actually work, but I'm glad it did.

"Y-yes. O-of course."

In my head I was thinking the I couldn't believe that I just stuttered. I did a face palm in my head. I finally get the chance to kiss my crush and I stutter my answer.

Then, I realize that Michael was leaning in towards me. I realized I had to think fast and get myself together. I leaned in and he put one of his hands on my cheek to bring me in closer. Then, our lips met half way between us.

In my mind sparks were flying and electricity was going through my body. Maybe it was my mind running wild, but you can't get feelings like that in preschool. I pulled away he had his hand still on my cheek and his other hand holding mine. It was a dream come true. I knew I like Michael and I knew he was sweet, but not this sweet.

I said goodbye to him as I got off the bus. I didn't talk to him again until that Monday, but we never talked about the kiss, ever. I didn't mind, maybe he didn't feel anything when we kissed like I did. Maybe he didn't even like the kiss.

Even though I had kissed both of them, we were all still best friends. Again, it was preschool. We were best friends and I don't think anything could have changed that.

That next year for kindergarten I moved out to Summerville, California. Cody, Michael, and me still talk ever now and then on Facebook, but thats about it. We had a great year in preschool, but it ended there and didn't go any farther.

******Authors note*******

Thanks for reading... Sorry it was short. I will update every chance I get. Keep reading, I think you will like what comes up. The picture is of Mara when she was a little girl. I haven't decided who will play who. But I have ideas.

I was thinking that I just might post a picture of what she looks like and not do characters.

What do yo think?

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