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    OMG!!!!! I am so excited that it is my first day of middle school! And I've already seen the school so I already know the area, it is like stuck in brain for some reason. I picked out the perfect outfit too. But then again I had like a thousand butterflies in my stomach cause from what I've heard, it sounds like there is going to be a lot of drama.

   I finished getting dressed so I look in the mirror, I completly forgot about my back brace...

   I am a level four gymnast that goes to Excalibur gymnastics. The coaches and girls there are amazing and I am so proud that I can say that I go there. But sadly in the summer I started getting really bad back pains...we went to the physical therapist and he said that I should start therapy to prevent a stress fracture. It was to late though, and when I got a bone scan it showed a stress fracture in my L5. This hit me harder then a rock would have. He told me what I had to do to get better. He said I nedd to stop gym, no swimming, no running, or jumping. That day I got my brace and my summer freedom was gone. That night I cried because gymnastics is my life and it really broke my heart. The tears were flooding my room and they poured out of my eyes like water falls. But the first couple of weeks I was cool with every thing...but it just got worse and I became more and more depressed. I had to visit the gym. When I went I wanted to crawl up in a hole and die because every one of my friends were moving to harder skills, and I was stuck at home sitting on the couch like an actual couch potatoe. I also felt that my friends from the gym didn't even want to see me. It was really hard for me, and my parents tried to get me to do stuff but I was so depressed I didn't want to any thing. They worried about me a lot.

       Back to present

   Well...okay you now know something important about me.

   My school is all the way down at the beach and it is at least an hour a way. I am zoned for Salem middle school but I'm in the gifted art program ,so to continue in the program I am going to Virginia beach middle school instead. The school was recently rebuilt too, so it is a really nice campus.

  I got to on the bus.

   I am super duper shy when it comes around meeting new people. The only person that I really knew was one of my best friends, Jillian.

    We have known each other since fourth grade. We are litteraly tied together. And it was all thanks to New Castle (my elementary school)

    I got to school at eight for stinking zero bell p.e. We got introduced and stuff like that. I was even reunited with my ol'sister, Merideth. We were so happy to see each other again and we talked the whole time.

   After p.e I went to English. I love English cause of wrighting. I'm no where close to being a book reader and I hate doing all that word stuff like affixes, preffixes, and other things like that.

   We sat down in what ever seat we wanted and I didn't say a word to any one.

   Then...he walked in. It was like love at first sight, ecept, it wasn't love cause I didn't know him. My hands started sweating, my heart was racing, then I really couldn't speak. There was still one empty seat at our table, he didn't so there though. I was kind of happy though, but then again kind of upset.

   First bell was fine and next I had science. I didn't really like science. The concepts were convusing for me, but I do like learning about space and doing expements.

   The guy I believe was called Tucker walked into the room and the reaction I had earlier happend again. I just couldn't help it, I don't want to be having these types of feelings yet, I mean I'm only eleven.

   The next bell I was so excited about though, art! When I got there, there were familiar faces, teachers ...smells. I walked into class and Jillian was there, so I wasn't completely lonely. Miss.Drake remeberd me (my art teacher)

    The next bell was so boring, teen living.

the teacher had the same name as me though. Tucker was also in the class too. Then there were these popular girls that I already knew I was going to hate and was going to start trouble.

    Then I had history! I love, love, love history, it is my most favorite subject ever! The teacher was cool too. Then there was... GIANT JOHNEY!!!! Oooohhhhh I got a code name.

       Okay. Social studies wasn't all I hoped it would be, from what I've heard. It sounds really boring.

   Next was math. If you knew me like Jillian knew me, you would know I'd rather be caught dead than do math.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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