C'est la vie (As Seen Between Me & The Proverbial Mirror of knowing)

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I often mention that a certain kind of perception can be like a skeleton key; having the ability to unlock the door for just about any kind of understanding there can be.

Depending on the perception; the most simple understandings can become even more rich than at first observed...for instance:

'know thyself.'

...I remember thinking; "oh, how simplistically profound that statement is."
At least until that ancient mantra gently came and invaded my brain much like an inverted version of water drop torture; to provoke something much more out of my pineal.
Drip...drip...drrriiiping like Visine into the eye of my mind. Insight that I might be able to peer into this proverbial mirror and perceive my clearer mind; constantly wondering and adhering there...off in the deep and into the never-ending developing of questioning...everything.

Questioning about how uncertain I felt to simply 'know thyself'...I mean really?
How in the world does anybody ever absolutely get to know themselves?
Everytime that 'simplistically profound' statement resounds throughout my mind I found out just how much doubt I actually had about being me and who I am.
I was all too often trying to convince my psyche that I am confident in who I am becoming, realizing the more I resisted this surge of questioning; urging to better know not only myself, but every surrounding thing.
It was then clear to me just how unsure I was beneath the surface of me.

(Eventually, I will learn to become enlightened to not only adequately realize me; but acquire the experiences in who I am and am coming to be.)

As I understand; to know something, information must first be obtained about the subject in question.
Among countless other lessons within this individual Life of mine, each experience presents an opportunity to better know this inquisition of understanding the nature of me, measured by how I decide to better apply the proficiency in mindful living.

When attaining information about the subconscious mind, one can better decide to recognize themselves in Life.
It is for sure considered wisdom to me; when knowledge is consciously applied.
It's like...
Getting to know the unknown.
This is now how I understand to better 'know thyself;' as I now keep in mind that Shakespearean line in hamlet...

'To thine own-self be true'

...Now, this utterance; also seduces me inwardly as my mind collides it with that well-known rhetoric of...

'Life being what we make it.'

Which is, to me; kind of a cosmic mockery...least we forget, Life must first make us.
After we have taken into mind the Life as it has made us; only then can we begin to comprehend how we can make Life all over again.

Much like a mirror, Life tends to introduce new views about you when presented in new situations; or, retrospectively seeking to expand the knowledge of your present-self.

Our strengths and weaknesses  can be seen as two sides of the same coin. Balancing the scales in character then trading in it's currency, buying into the increase of harmony when attention is payed in full.
To willingly place ones own frailties on the front line, is the vulnerably strong.
Taking no shame in not wanting to stay that same ole, underdeveloped version of that old already 'known self.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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