Through the Hole to Splendoria

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 You are never going to believe me, no one could ever possibly believe me. *a boy comes in* I believe you. Well, duh, of course, you believe me you were there. Oh, yeah. Ugh, as I was saying, no one would ever believe the day I had last Friday. It would sound completely unrealistic to someone who wasn't there.

Austin and I were walking home from school on a warm spring day. Today was the last day of school. We were going to celebrate by going to the Grand Opening of the new water park Atlantis tomorrow. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.'' "I'll see you tomorrow, Ally Cat.'' My real name is Alissa, but he calls me Ally Cat as a nickname, I used to hate that name, but after a few years, it grew on me.''..."Mom, I'm home." "Hi sweetheart, do you have any homework." "No, Austin and I did it in the library at lunch.'' "Great, cause we are having Austin and his parents over tonight.'' "YES!" "Since you don't have any homework tonight, Buster dug some holes in the yard, again, I would  really appreciate it if you could fill them in.'' "Sure, Mom" So, I trudged out to the yard and my dog Buster had dug at least twenty holes in our yard. "Aw, Buster you naughty dog.'' So I proceeded to fill in the holes. Later That Night... "So I told him that Buster had dug holes in the yard, he came over a little while later he saw all those holes in our yard and he said, "You sure have a holy yard." Everyone laughed at my joke at dinner, having Austin and his parents over for dinner is always a blast, because we always have a Mexican train Battle Royale, of course, Austin and I always win. After Austin and his parents were about to leave I asked if he could sleepover at our house, since we were both going to Atlantis tomorrow, and they said yes. So Austin and I both stayed up late watching our favorite show on Netflix, Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. 

The Next Day... "Hey, Austin let's go hang out with Buster before we go.'' "Okay." "Hey, you missed one," Austin shouted from across the yard, where two oak trees stood side by side. "Missed one what,'' I replied. "You missed a hole,'' he said. "Hey, is there a light coming from that hole or am I hallucinating,'' I asked Austin. "No, I see it too.'' "Well, it's practically a lightbulb, it's kinda hard to miss an eerie, glowing, blue light coming from a hole in your backyard,'' I said as walked over to where he was standing. Then, suddenly I tripped over root by the tree and fell in, Austin tried to grab my hand, but he fell in along with me. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,'' we screamed, as we plunged into pitch, black darkness. "WHAT'S GOING ON,'' Austin screamed, to me. "I DON'T KNOW,'' I screamed back.'' THUD! "OW! Definitely NOT dead,'' Austin said groggily. "Yep, definitely NOT dead, over here,'' I called back just as groggily. "What a bizarre place!'' I exclaimed. "Hey, Ally Cat why don't we take a stroll through that forest and see where it takes us,'' Austin said. "Sure, why not,'' I said, rather exasperated with our condition. As we trek through the forest we saw many strange creatures such as a horse who had wings, a frog with horns like a bull, and a monkey with spider legs. "What is this place!'' I exclaimed. "Beats me, hey look a sign: NOW EXITING THE LITERAL FOREST OF Splendorious." "Well that explains where we are,'' I said. As we continued walking we passed through a field of flowers, a rainforest where we had to run through, because it was raining cats and dogs. Then after walking for what felt like days, we stumbled onto an intricate maze of some sort, I said, "What's this?'' "I dunno, let's find out,'' Austin replied. "Austin'' I said it's already almost dark, we should get some rest for the night.'' "Okay,'' Austin replied. So we discovered a treehouse, in a nearby tree, clambered up, and found some pillows and blankets, and went to sleep, dreaming of what we would find in Splendorious when we awoke tomorrow. 

                                                                 THE END

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