Fourth Year

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( Draco's Ring )

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( Draco's Ring )

I woke up to the kettle boiling, today we go back to Hogwarts after Harry's hearing. Molly and us girls will be going to Diagon Alley first for some supplies.

I got dressed and went downstairs. It was still early, Sirius and Lupin were still there. I helped Molly make breakfast.

Time skip -

We walked through Diagon Alley, I was worried about Harry. He's having his hearing right now and I hope he'll be okay.

I went into a shop with jewelry, I needed to find a ring for Draco. I looked around and found the perfect ring. It really screamed Malfoy.

I picked out the ring and paid for it before heading back to the girls.

Satori : " I got a ring for Draco! "

Hermione : " You two are really a perfect couple aren't you? "

I giggled softly and hugged Hermione.

Satori : " Thank you for being supportive of me.. I heard he even called you Hermione when him and Harry were fighting.. "

Hermione : " He did! I was shocked, it was like he wasn't even Draco! "

I chuckled, we slowly made our way to another shop to get our books. I'm excited to see Draco.

Time skip -

I ran through the wall to Platform 9¾. I grabbed my bag and got on the train. Looking around for Draco's compartment. I found him with Blaise and Pansy once again.

I opened the compartment door.

Satori : " Mind if I sit? "

Draco looked at me and a big smirk appeared on his face. He gestured for me to sit down and I did so. I looked through my bag and got out the ring.

Satori : " I got you a ring aswell Draco.."

I gave him the box and he smirked wider.

Draco : " You shouldn't have~ "

I giggled and kissed his cheek, showing him the ring on my finger.

Draco : " It looks great on you.. "

I smiled softly and lied my head on Draco's shoulder. Draco put the ring on his finger and then held me close.

Draco : " Your scared.. why? "

Satori : " Why do you think..? He's back, and he's after Harry and I.. "

Draco : " Yeah.. but like I said.. I'll protect you.."

I nodded gently and sighed, Draco kissed my cheek. I purred quietly and smiled.

Time skip -

I woke up to Draco shaking my shoulder. We were at Hogwarts.

Satori : " Hm? "

Draco : " We're here baby.."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Blaise and Pansy were leaving the compartment. I stood up but Draco pulled me back down.

Satori : " Hm? "

Draco : " I haven't got to kiss you yet~ "

I smirked and he pulled me closer. Draco pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around him and played with his hair as I kissed back.

He pulled me closer and bit my lip, I let out a small moan causing him to smirk.

Draco : " Heh, so cute~ "

I giggled softly and intertwined our fingers.

Satori : " I can't wait until were older so we can get married.."

Draco : " I can't wait to marry you.."

He placed his lips against mine once again. I gladly accepted.

Time skip -

We made our way into the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table with Draco. Dumbledore was making announcements and I saw a lady wearing all pink. Disgusting.

Satori : " Ew, all pink.."

Draco : " I wanna die- "

I chuckled softly and kissed his cheek. This year would probably be a very long and entertaining year.

We headed to our first class, Defence Against the Dark Arts. With Umbrige, the disgusting pink lady from the Great Hall.

I sat next to Draco. She started to talk to us like we were dumb 5 year olds. I hate this lady already. We weren't going to be using spells either.

Harry : " How are we supposed to defend ourselves!? "

Umbrige : " Why would you need to defend yourselves? What could possibly be out there that you'd need to defend yourselves? "

Harry : " Oh, I don't know.. how about, Lord Voldermort.."

I shuddered at the name.

Umbrige : " I can assure you that Lord Voldermort is not a threat to us.. "

Harry : " So your saying Cedric Diggory dropped dead at his own will!? "

Umbrige : " Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident! "

Satori : " That's a fucking lie!! "

I yelled. Umbrige looked at me and smiled.

Umbrige : " Don't speak to me that way Miss Umari.."

Satori : " I'll speak to you however I want to bitch! "

Umbrige : " I'll see you at detention Miss Umari and Mister Potter.. my office.."

I groaned and crossed my arms, Draco looked at me and sighed.

Time skip -

I walked to Umbrige's office with Harry and knocked on the door.

Umbrige : " Come in.."

We went inside, we were going to be writing lines with a special quill. I grabbed the quill and started writing " I will not tell lies. "

My hand started to sting, I looked at my hand and the words I will not yell lies were carved onto my hand. I looked at Harry and he gave me the same look.

We were then dismissed from detention. I hid the scars on my hand, they hurt badly. This woman was torturing me, haven't I had enough?

I went to the Slytherin table and sat next to Draco. Draco grabbed my hand with the scars on it and I winced in pain. He looked at the scars.

Draco : " Did she do this to you..? "

I kept silent and pulled my hand away.

Satori : " I'm fine.. "

Draco : " What did she do..?! "

Satori : " Nothing okay?! I'm fine, I'm used to being tortured by now.."

I got up and left the Great Hall. I washed the scar in the bathroom. It was hurting badly and so were my scars. I cried quietly, I was used to being tortured.

Draco : " Baby.. I'm sorry.. but you need to tell someone about this.. "

Satori : " I don't.. it's fine, it's not that easy okay? "

Draco : " If you don't then I will got it? "

I nodded softly and walked to Draco, he pulled me into a warm hug. I cried onto his chest. Everything hurt, I was getting hurt.

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