Dumbledore's Army

12 1 19

Smut warning!

I was in the graveyard. Lucius standing there using the curse on me. I squirmed around, Cedric next to me. Dead on the ground.

Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder, I woke up in a cold sweat. Draco sitting there next to me, holding me close.

Draco : " That nightmare again? "

Satori : " It's like your father is haunting me.. it hurts.."

Draco : " I'm sorry.."

He held me closer and kissed my forehead. I lied my head on his chest and cuddled Draco.

Satori : " It's fine Draco.. I still love you.. just, you better not turn into one of them.."

Draco's body tensed up. I looked into his eyes, with a bit of confusion.

Satori : " You won't will you? "

Draco : " I don't know.. my father is very forceful.. I can't promise anything to you.."

He kissed my forehead.

Satori : " Promise you won't hurt me? "

Draco : " I could never hurt you.. after all, your my future wife.. "

I giggled softly and got out of bed, getting changed into my Hufflepuff uniform.

Satori : " I'm going to meet up with Harry and the others.."

Draco : " Alright, be careful though.. "

Satori : " I will.."

I left the room and the common room before heading to an area where Harry and the others wanted to meet so we can form an army against Umbrige.

Everyone there was only there to hear about Cedric's death at first, but then they started to believe the things we said. Lord Voldermort is back.

People started signing up to join the army. The Weasley twins and other people aswell. Luna LoveGood, Cho Chang and other people aswell. I was happy.

Now we just had to find a place to train.

Time skip —

Hermione : " You found it Neville, the room of requirement.."

Satori : " The room of requirement? "

Hermione : " It opens up for someone in need of something.. "

Harry : " It's like the school wants us to fight back.."

We started practising. Learning new spells and how to do them. It was fun and very informative, even more than our classes.

Umbrige started to make more rules, taking over the school. She made and Inquisitorial Squad for students to track us down and find out what we were doing.

Time skip after Christmas holidays —

We were practising spells when suddenly there was banging and shaking. Cho Chang wasn't in the room. I had a feeling this was bad.

Suddenly the wall got exploded and there was everyone from the Inquisitorial Squad. Just then Draco came, holding Cho Chang. She ratted us out.

I stared at Draco in fear. What was going to happen now.

Time skip —

We all headed to a classroom where Umbrige would be giving us all punishments. I was taken to another room. I entered the room and Draco was sitting on a desk.

Satori : " D-Draco.."

My voice shuddered, I was terrified. Was he going to hurt me? He said he wouldn't. Umbrige left the room and put a spell to lock the door.

I walked closer to Draco, he smirked and got off the desk, walking closer to me. I froze and let out a deep shaky breath.

Draco : " Don't tell me your scared of me? "

He asked in a concerned voice as he grabbed my hands. I flinched.

Satori : " Y-you won't.."

Draco : " Never! I would never hurt you! "

He pulled me closer and hugged me.

Draco : " You didn't think I would do that right..? "

Satori : " I wouldn't put it past you.. "

Tears streamed down my cheeks, I felt Draco press his lips onto my forehead as he wiped away my tears.

Draco : " Come here baby.. I would never try to hurt you, I promise.. "

I lied my head on Draco's chest and let out all my tears. He held me close and smothered me in kisses.

Draco : " I love you baby~ "

Satori : " Love you too.."

He started to kiss my neck which made me moan out softly. He smirked and placed me on a desk.

Satori : " Draco..~ "

Draco : " Shh, let me have some fun with you~ you need it..~ "

I giggled softly as he started to fondle with my breasts. I moaned softly. We haven't done this in a while. I've missed the feeling.

He kissed down my neck as he took off my robe and shirt. He unclipped my bra and played with my breasts. I moaned at the feeling.

He started to kiss my chest and suck on my nipples. His hand made it's way down to my now soaked panties and he rubbed his finger over my clit through the fabric of my panties.

I shuddered and moaned, this was way better than getting tortured that's for sure. He moved my panties to the side and slid his finger inside of me. I moaned out loud.

Draco : " I love your cute moans~ "

I kept moaning and arched my back as he added a second finger inside of me. I pulled at his hair gently as he moved his fingers faster.

Satori : " Fuck Draco..~ "

Draco : " That's it, say my name..~ "

I moaned out his name as he added a third finger. I was close to my limit, he thrusted his fingers inside me as I reached my orgasm. I moaned out loud.

He pulled out his fingers and smirked.

Draco : " Such a little slut~ "

I panted softly and giggled.

Satori : " I'm your little slut~ "

Draco held me close and let me rest on his chest. I slowly fell asleep.

Time skip —

Draco and I made our way out of the room, Harry was already waiting there with Hermione and Ron. Umbrige had us in there for 6 hours, geez what a bitch.

Harry pointed his wand at Draco.

Harry : " What did he do..? "

Satori : " Harry, he didn't do anything to me! He protected me! "

Draco : " I would never hurt my future wife, do you think I'm that crazy? "

Hermione : " Harry, Draco really is a nice guy.."

Harry : " Tch fine.."

Harry lowered his wand. I smiled and hugged Harry.

Satori : " Thank you for being supportive Harry.."

Draco nodded at Harry and smiled genuinely. We then all walked to the Great Hall. Today was exhausting and terrifying. I wonder what will come next.

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