1. Your first date - Rebekah Mikaelson

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As you slipped into your heels you hear a knock on the front door, you swiftly vamp-speed down stairs and open the front door to see Rebekah standing in front of you, she looked you up and down and smiled. You follow her to the black SUV that was outside your house, you drove for 10 minutes before Rebekah opened the door next to you. She held out her hand and you took it. She led you into a bright building, you could see through through windows people eating and talking as you walked in, there was an intricate pattern on the ceiling and you could smell fresh food being made. You both followed the waiter through a door, you started to get further away from the noise of the main restaurant, we were taken to a private room. There was a table in the middle of the room it was for two people, behind the table was a waterfall falling from the roof to a hole in the floor. Rebekah pulled out a chair for you and you sat down gracefully "thank you," you looked into her blue eyes and your heartbeat started to pick up, she noticed and smirked looking down at the menu. you pushed your hair out of your face so you could see the menu clearer, you left your head down but looked over to Rebekah who was staring at you, you blushed and lifted your head up "it's rude to stare you know." you smirked "how could i not stare when someone as beautiful as you is sitting so close to me?" you blushed and looked back down, the waiter stood next to the table "would you like any drinks?" He asked you looked up and nodded "please may i have a gin and tonic?" you looked over to Rebekah "i'll have a glass of wine please." the waiter nodded "i will be right back with your drinks." you and Rebekah talked while you waited for the drinks to arrive, when they did you ordered a steak and Rebekah ordered the same. It was pleasant, she was so mesmerising and you felt as if you had known her for years but you had only met her a couple days ago at the ball her family had organised.

Your food later came and you started to eat, the steak was done perfectly and tasted exquisite. You took sips of your drink between chewing and before you knew it your glass and plate were empty, you looked up at Rebekah and saw she was finished as well. It started to get later and later and you both realised that the night was coming to an end, you walked out of the restaurant together and got back in the car.

You both stood in front of your door, Rebekah put her hand on your cheek and kissed you passionately, her lips were soft and warm. You broke the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes "thank you for tonight." you blushed and looked down "it was my pleasure, i hope we can do it again," you nodded not being able to keep back your smile, you opened the door and walked inside. You closed it behind you and slid down it to the floor, you touched your bottom lip with your index finger and smiled remembering the kiss.

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