Blame Dean

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"A family portrait? You want to do a family portrait?" I asked Dean who was trying to appear calm, but I could tell he was excited by the idea.

We didn't have a case, so I was spending time organizing the library, Dean was in a chair trying to appear relaxed but I could tell he wasn't as relaxed as he wanted to appear.

"I mean yeah, there's a place downtown that does them. There's a discount right now, we don't have any photos with Jack yet..." Dean continued to try to persuade me, not realizing I was already texting Cas and Jack about the idea.

I've been doing this for six hours already, I needed a break, and Jack has been wanting to get out of the bunker. He's as restless as Dean sometimes.

"Good idea, Cas and Jack said they would love to do it," I said looking back up to see Dean already up, going to his room. I wasn't paying attention to him enough, I didn't realize he had stopped talking.

"Tell everyone to be in the car in five minutes. We have to go shopping!" Dean called already at his door, I sent them the text and went to my room for my wallet.

Cas and I were the first ones in the garage, I used it as an excuse for a makeout session. Usually, we research together and kiss randomly throughout the day, but on lazy days like this, he watches Netflix or is organizing our room. Sometimes he does laundry, by the time we see each other again, we're both craving each other's attention.

Jack was caught taking a photo of us, no doubt he was sending it to Claire. We got into the car, Jack and Cas were in the back, I sat in the front.

Dean was the last one in the car, he was on the phone, and hung up before getting in.

"Alright, we have three hours to shop, Cas you are not wearing the trench coat, Sam no flannel, and I'm helping Jack. I already called ahead to a store I had in mind, they'll have a couple of options ready for us." Dean said not giving us any room to argue, at least he's not pretending he's not excited for it.

He turned on his music, said screw the law of physics, and pulled into our first stop.

It's a wonder we didn't get pulled over, he made it to the store in ten minutes despite it being a thirty-minute drive.

Looking back at Cas and Jack, Jack was smiling, while Cas looked very displeased. He got out at the same time as Jack.

"Come on, we're wasting time!" Dean yelled, I rolled my eyes and got out, Dean was already entering the store with Jack, talking his ears off.

"If only he was this organized during hunts," I muttered, Cas smiled and we went in together holding hands. I was surprised to see Jack and Dean looking at colors and patterns.

"You two are the couple, correct?" A lady asked immediately, already holding up a couple of outfits. We nodded and she handed them over to us. They were darker than what Jack and Dean were looking at, as well as not as detailed, but they fit our style.

We figured out whose were whose by setting them down, sorting through them. We took turns trying them on, I went first. Cas kept liking everything I tried on, so I had to decide what I liked best.

The outfit ended up being blue jeans, and a deep dark blue collared shirt. Dean saw the outfit and grabbed a leather jacket to go over it before giving me thumbs up.

It was Cas' turn next, I was just as frustrated as him. I liked everything he wore and kept getting distracted by what we were doing. 

Despite our distractions, Cas picked out an outfit. His outfit consisted of black pants, with a dark blue collared shirt, we ended up wearing the same blue, I unbuttoned the first button when Dean wasn't looking and waved Dean off when he tried to add onto his outfit.

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