Akame Silverwing!

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Age: 17

Height: 164 cm (5'4")

Blood Type: A+

Bounty: $300,000,000

Appearance: Akame is a young girl with long black hair that reaches down to her back and deep red eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless tank top with a white collar and a red tie, and a red belt that has a red side skirt cover over a black, pleated skirt. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves. She sometimes wears a long dark coat in battle.

Personality: Akame appears to be a very serious and coldhearted person which stems from her hellish training that the Empire forced her through, but she is just socially awkward. She cares about her comrades very much and she is always worried that one of them may not make it out alive, due to her first-hand experience that war always has a high mortality rate. After her bother fought a Celestial Dragon, she stripped him of his clothes to check his body for wounds and Akame rushes to Mt. Kageboshi to aid her friend who was about to be killed.

She also tends to hide her emotions when a comrade dies, making it easy to mistakenly and incorrectly assume that she deals with it easily, because she is used to it. However, this prompts her to break into tears, saying that she can never be fine when she loses a friend, for it is the most horrible thing of which anyone can experience.

Upon facing her enemies, however, she shows absolutely no mercy towards them, shouting words such as "eliminate" and "consign" to show the lack of mercy she has, and also to strengthen her resolve to kill them. After donning Murasame's curse, she barely said such words.

Akame is a person that refuses to take command and refuses promotion, unless she was mandated to do so.

Skills: Akame displays several superhuman level physical attributes such as superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, senses and durability due to her rigorous training. She is also immune to most poisons.

Akame possesses tremendous speed, agility and reflexes, being able to dodge and counter-attack with deadly results, and is also skilled in hand to hand combat. She also gives off no killing intent at all when she fights, making it difficult for the enemy to sense her presence.

Akame is an extremely skilled master swordswoman, able to wield her katana, Murasame, with utmost dexterity and precision, able to slay numerous enemies, even highly skilled and powerful enemies with incredible ease. At her full strength, Akame managed to hold her own against a tremendously powerful master swordsman and ultimately killed them with a single precise thrust.

Devil Fruit: None

One-Hit Killer, Murasame:

Murasame, or "Autumn Rain", is a cursed blade that can kill a person with a single cut. Once the sword pierces the skin, a poisonous curse spreads through the victim's body, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart. The curse appears as black markings that originates from the wound and spreads across the victim's skin. These markings vanish once the person dies. The markings, however, remain permanently on the victim's heart. Cleaning Murasame is very dangerous because of its ability, which is why Akame uses gloves when wielding the blade. However, this ability only works on living, organic beings that have a heart, rendering it ineffective against undead creatures, as well as machines. It is possible to survive the curse by cutting off the affected body part before it can spread through the rest of the body. However, this must be done quickly. The curse's black markings remain visible on the amputated body part.

A flaw of the blade being if there are two souls in one body, only one soul can be killed at a time.

Murasame's trump card is a performance enhancer titled Little War Horn, that strengthens its user with the power of its poisonous curse. When the trump card activated, the user's eyes turn black with purple markings appearing around their pupils, and a dark aura envelops their body. Red markings also appear all over the user's body and remain as scars once its effect ends. These scars continuously cause the user to feel pain all over their body, even after the attack is over. The trump card places considerable strain on the user's body and only lasts for a short amount of time.


A big, but light bag that can hold an immense amount of items.

Endless Log Pose:

A compass that can lead you anywhere in the Grand Line, simply by saying the location's name.

Red Drop Medallion:

A priceless necklace that once belonged to Akame's mother, it is said to help her to finding the keys to unlocking the family treasure vault.


Jewel and her family:

Jewel is a Blue Spix, an incredibly rare and incredibly endangered species of macaw that was nearly hunted to extinction, due to their feathers. Akame found Jewel, her mate, Blu and their three eggs when she was searching a pirate ship for a very important map. She searched the captain's courters where she saw the birds, locked up in a cage on the captain's desk, covered in scars and scratches. Akame quickly unlocked the cage and carefully picked up the injured birds, before looking around one last time. Thankfully, she found the map and sailed to a nearby populated island, where she healed their wounds. Seeing Akame's bravery, determination and kindness, Jewel and Blu decided to stay with her, and from then on, were Akame's most trusted friends, and at times, Jewel was her protector, due to her fierce protective personality.

Some time after, Jewel's eggs hatched, and she and Blu became the proud parents of three healthy hatchlings. Two girls, Bia and Carla, and one boy, Tiago.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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