Skies of Runea

14 1 1

On the skies of Runea, a splitting crack can be seen as if it breaks reality. From there, a small shadow emerged from the crack, and soon after. The crack closed down as if nothing happened, and yet, the shadow that emerged was still moving throughout the skies.

This shadow then flew at high-speed velocity, yet the shadow is as stable and steady as a hummingbird. As if, the shadow is enjoying the flight.

This shadow then descended quickly, just a few meters above the Runean oceans, slicing the waters as it flies above it at high speeds. No sooner, the shadow encountered a fleet, a fleet full of technologically advanced and deadly ships, ranging from small gunboats to full-fledged cruisers, and aircraft carriers filled with fixed-wing aerial combat vehicles, there were even experimental aircraft that really distinguishes them just by their appearance alone. However, the shadow doesn't slow down more so change direction.

In a few seconds, the shadow would be meeting the fleet head-on. And so, a few seconds have passed. The shadow, knowing there would be no turning back after approaching the fleet, suddenly warmed up. Then turned upwards to the Runean space. The shadow then rotated as if to scan the number of enemies. The shadow then unleashed a thin wave almost invisible, if it were not the fact that it can be seen in the form of a translucent orange wave.

4 Frigates
2 Missile Cruisers
2 Aircraft Carriers
4 Gunboats

The shadow quickly scanned. Seeing the number of opponents, the shadow didn't hold twice based on its movement and dived towards the fleet. The opponents began firing, unleashing their AA guns towards the unknown opponent and the aircraft carrier's fighters are starting to scramble and fly, and that wasn't enough. The Missile Cruisers began launching their missile-
A loud explosion suddenly echoed on the waters as one of the Missile Cruisers exploded! The fighters are now on the air as it follows the shadow that flew over the burning wreckage of the first destroyed Missile Cruiser! The shadow was being fired upon by the pursuing aircraft, including a few experimental ones! An aircraft fired upon their missile, locked on towards the shadow! As if a herd, the other aircraft did the same!

4 Frigates
1 Missile Cruisers
2 Aircraft Carriers
4 Gunboats

The shadow kept moving various maneuvers, gaining high levels of G-force being induced, it kept moving and dodged the missiles at the perfect time, every missile that was headed! Each pursuing fighter is distancing to have a wide-angle coverage to gain the maximum amount of view and lock on towards the shadow!

The shadow kept dodging many missiles, some of them narrowly missing. Yet, the shadow was moving as if it was a piece of paper that keeps swaying because of the wind. However, the next moment was disastrous! For the shadow! A beam suddenly penetrated a part of the shadow! And with it, the pursuers were overjoyed, however. It was only a fluke, for the beam that was supposed to pierce the shadow was reflected! The shadow suddenly turned blurry as the shadow, the color it is having, is slowly having colors. It was a fighter! Just like the others! However, knowing that the shadow was just a mere fighter, the pursuers were in joy once again, this time for real! They kept their previous pressure once again!

Inside the lone fighter... The cockpit's light kept going on green. The stick kept going in many directions, but mostly backward toward its user. The user is having ragged breathing as the plane the user is controlling is just avoiding damage at its minimum. The user's blue eyes kept moving on about the whole cockpit view to see the pursuers.

"Hm, I see~! It's like that after all~. Huh." A voice echoed inside the cockpit, and as if already expected the answer. The voice laughed lightly.

"And so, how are you gonna get out of this situation~?" The voice questioned the user. In which the user kept silent and operated the aircraft, and just like before as if the voice already expected the answer. The voice only let out a little laugh before the voice cut off

Going outside the cockpit, The enemy opponents are still having pressure on the plane as the AA-guns carefully aim to prevent their fellow fighters shot down by down, while the missile cruiser kept its missiles ready but not firing.

Indeed, the plane was cornered. However, that was the case if the lone wolf that they are facing was just an ordinary person.

The lone fighter, which we will just call the lone wolf, suddenly pulled up and did a cobra maneuver! The pursuing aircraft overshoot past the lone wolf they were supposed to laugh at and destroy!

The lone wolf then suddenly scanned once more.

6 Su-33
3 Su-57
2 F-35
3 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

Although there were many of them, the pursuers did not shoot down the lone wolf due to the fear of friendly fire despite their IFF recognition. Some were overshot past the lone wolf and some were still behind, it was the trigger.

The lone wolf suddenly fired upon its rotary cannon at the opponents in front of him, some were damaged, while a SU-33 was shot down, some were dodged or missed. The lone wolf then switched weapons.

6 in front, 6 at the back. Four of the aircraft were locked onto them. The prey panicked due to the lock, however, they were too late. Only one of them managed to deploy the flares on time. Three of them were shot down. two Su-33s and one F-22

3 at the front, 6 at the back. The pursuers at the front of the lone wolf slowed down, and the lone wolf overshoot. However, the lone wolf changed its glanced at the second aircraft carrier containing aircraft yet to scramble. The airspace would be chaotic and allies would fire onto each other if that would happen. The lone wolf took this opportunity. The lone wolf opens its bomb bays and dropped two bombs.

The two bombs made a gigantic explosion upon hitting the carrier's runway. A gigantic explosion followed soon after the first ones. It struck the ammunition storages. As for the stored aircraft, there is no need to ask of it.

The lone wolf then proceeded to the missile carrier and dropped a bomb on the missile launch bays.

Without saying, the Missile cruiser exploded, both from the bomb and the prepared to launch missiles.

4 Frigates
1 Aircraft Carrier
4 Gunboats
3 Su-33
3 Su-57
2 F-35
2 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

Although seeing their fleet getting destroyed, the pursuers are still bent on destroying the plane that eliminated their ships, it goes without saying that all of them are currently firing their cannons towards the lone wolf, some are hitting and causing damage to the lone wolf. Some are even bold enough to use missiles within proximity of each other.

Getting two locks on, the lone wolf quickly swerved to the left, which, what the pursuers failed to forget. Their missiles, while fast and will chase their target to the end of days until it runs out of fuel or stopped. struck one of their own. A friendly fire. A Su-57 was shot down.

3 Su-33
3 Su-57
2 F-35
2 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

A beam quickly sported through the sky, narrowly missing the lone wolf. Although there were two missiles, the beam shot off the rocket due to the sudden change, of course, the rocket took full power of the beam and exploded.

Another beam appeared just previously behind the lone wolf's location. The lone wolf was starting to get tired, yet, the lone wolf must hunt until the prey is dead. G-forces are starting to feel more and more, unlike earlier.

The lone wolf started to increase its speed. As if retreating. However, the pursuers won't let that happen. So, the pursuer's throttled to the maximum. Missiles started firing from all the aircraft that were pursuing the lone wolf, after all, the opponent they are facing is currently retreating and currently distances away!

However, what they expected, a cobra maneuver didn't happen. Instead, the lone wolf quickly ascended in heights and dived downwards the ocean, yet before hitting the ocean just a rough estimation of 50 meters, suddenly turned upwards from the back, a frontal flip. All the missiles were sunk to the ocean! The lone wolf adjusted and rotated its plane for the missiles to lock-in
Locked On. Four are locked, within the state of shock and confusion. The lone wolf fired once more, four missiles launched out from its wings. Four missiles and four explosions took place, undoubtedly four are shot down.

3 Su-57
2 F-35
1 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

The lone wolf started to fly towards the fleet, locking onto four gunboats, and fired! The missiles whizzed through the air, sometimes just surfing above the oceans! The missiles struck the gunboats whose AA didn't even fire yet!

4 Frigates
1 Aircraft Carrier

The lone wolf didn't waste its aircrafts movements as the lone wolf used the aircraft carrier to go through it by the small opening inside the carrier. The leading planes managed to see through this trick and flew above just before hitting, while an unlucky pilot's reaction time was slow, crashed into the aircraft carrier's lower deck and crashed into missiles. There was no need to know this unlucky pilot's fate. The aircraft carrier exploded from below, however, it is still functional from the top. The others managed to reach just in time, however.

2 Su-57
2 F-35
1 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

The patience of the pursuers is reaching its peak, sooner or later, it will be chaos and there will be no more order in the skies. One's patience was too short and fired a missile locked towards the lone wolf. In which the lone wolf counter attacked the attack by baiting the missile towards a frigate. The frigate was damaged but not destroyed. However, the lone wolf swerved back towards the frigate while increasing the plane's altitude, the lone wolf then fired two missiles at the flooring of the frigate from above, piercing its ammunition storages, and exploding shortly after.

3 Frigates.
1 Aircraft carrier.

The AA guns that are stationed, began firing without regard for the interceptors that they have sent.

"Interesting. You only used that ability two times, what an improvement~ either that or your impromptu plans are working~" The voice echoed throughout the lone wolf's cockpit, soon after. The voice cut off.

The lone wolf's aircraft is sustaining damage. The two experimental or special aircraft began to turn away from the battle. Temporarily allowing the lone wolf to remove pressure even just a little. The lone wolf quickly throttled up to its maximum speed and focused on the frigates. The lone wolf unleashed another set of missiles for a single frigate, it only managed to deal damage with the superstructure, before the said structure snapped due to the explosion damage and fell on the deck below it, crushing the lower deck with its weight. It could be said that the frigate's crew is currently focusing on repairing its own damages due to their self-preservation instincts kicking in or just orders from the highest ranker after the high-ranks died.

2 Frigates
1 Aircraft carrier
2 Su-57
2 F-35
1 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

While the lone wolf is busy, the two special aircraft that temporarily withdrew landed on the aircraft carrier that has its runway still functioning. A part of the two aircrafts fuselage suddenly erupted, as an object began to shift out from the aircraft, yet still connected to it. The object then pointed at the lone wolf. The aircraft's pilots can be seen re-arming their special beams.
The pointed objects suddenly fired as an endless swarm of high-speed projectiles locked onto the aircraft! However, it wasn't lone to the lone wolf! The projectiles are unable to distinguish between friendly fighters and enemy fighters! The whole battlespace was enveloped in chaos! The pursuing planes of the Lone wolf were distracted by the sudden chaotic weapon being unleashed upon them!

Inside the cockpit, the lights are beeping between red and green! This was a sign it is no longer safe to continue the battle! The lone wolf has to finish it soon otherwise the lone wolf has to risk having its aircraft exploding or being destroyed!

The sky is darkening, not due to weather but due to its cycle! Although the process of darkness is slow, it is still guaranteed the area would get dark soon, and when that happens. The lone wolf's advantage of impromptu actions would plummet!

The lone wolf no longer stayed by the location and kept switching from point to point above the large Runean oceans, and below the enormous Runean sky and barrier, just to dodge the chaotic high-speed projectiles that kept following the aircraft both allies and enemies alike.
Fortunately for the lone wolf, three aircraft were unable to hold up with the barrage and were destroyed, making explosions on the skies that are turning orange, slowly tuning to night. The lone wolf soon took upon this chance to finish up the frigates that are currently also firing AA-guns. The two experimental aircraft are preparing to scramble and the pressure that the lone wolf has before would appear once again.

2 Frigates
1 Aircraft carrier
1 F-35
1 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

The lone wolf quickens up on its pace and aimed at the frigates, open firing its rotary cannon and unleashing rockets, four locks were made onto the frigate and immediately unleashed the salvo of rockets onto the frigate. Without knowing the result, the lone wolf moved onto the other frigate and did the same, after all. The lone wolf realizes its vehicle can handle no more damage or it will break apart in the sky while flying at such high speeds.

The special aircrafts scrambled on the air, the worst thing that the lone wolf needs at the current time, yet. The high-speed homing projectiles kept the lone wolf focused on dodging. The two aircraft launched out beams and missiles, the beams intersected with each other as if making a huge figure of X on the sky and the missiles kept entwining as if flying strings on a windy day. The wings of the aircraft, both the lone wolf and enemies are making tailwinds whenever they go.

"What situation is this~? You only focused on dodging~? You wouldn't last long with your aircraft's current conditions and the gravitational force acting. Why are you not using it yet I wonder~? There's a stage next to this one~ Your mind is slowing down and your reaction speed slowed considerably. Your heart rate is spiking and your blood is slowing down in this gravity intense environment~, your brain is just circulating a quarter of the blood it is needed. It is not fatal but not safe either." A voice rang out through the cockpit of the lone wolf's aircraft while listing various effects on the lone wolf. A sweat rolls down the lone wolf's cheeks as the lone wolf's eyes kept being chaotic and switching its gaze, moving from one point to another. Yet the lone wolf's gaze still stayed firm.

The lone wolf's aircraft ascended to the sky in terms of height and decided to dive once reaching a suitable height, opening the bomb bays and dropping two bombs towards the aircraft carrier, for the result. The result wasn't necessary as numerous explosions occurred throughout the carrier.

Finally, one of the enemy aircraft was shot down by their own allies.

1 F-22
2 Special Aircraft

The lone wolf, removing its focus now from the naval fleet towards the aerial combatants, the lone wolf gaze or focus then became more firm and concentrated unlike before. The high-speed homing projectiles stopped suddenly, seeing this opportunity. The lone wolf started to become more confident.

The enemy aircraft unleashed a missile towards the lone wolf. The lone wolf would unleash flares while still looking out for the beams that the two experimental fighters would unleash, and as the lone wolf expected. Two bright beams pierced through the sky and almost rending the lone wolf's aircraft in half if it wasn't for the fact that beam cannons unleash light before the attack.

The lone wolf swirls throughout the sky from where the beam was. The beam was still persisting throughout the sky yet slowly evaporating. The pursuers were having a hard time as the lone wolf kept appearing and disappearing by swirling around the beam.

The beams stopped persisting and finally evaporated and there the lone wolf considerably slowed down. The lone wolf was behind them. The lone wolf open fired its rotary cannon and missiles while the two experimental aircraft managed to deploy flares, yet the last normal aircraft wasn't able to unleash flares to redirect the missiles. The final normal aircraft exploded being struck by missiles and having the missiles that are in the launch bays exploded.
It's just a duel of a lone wolf, and two predators within their respective fields now.

The two experimental aircraft performed their high-g turns to make the lone wolf overshoot, the lone wolf took this as bait and performed a high-g turn consisting of a tight loop on the sky. The experimental aircraft, as if looking at each other and agreeing onto something. Split off from being together. And as if revealing who they are, the lone wolf's IFF system identified the duo as Soliel and Lunariel.

Soliel unleashed a beam towards the lone wolf in which the lone wolf was only taking a scraping of paint while Lunariel fired the rotary cannons and missiles toward the Lone wolf.
The three aircraft would dance in this orange dusk sky. Unleashing a myriad of colors of beams, explosions, and bullets as the two fly against one, one can see this as a pair of lovers that are knights fighting against a demon. A demon that rends a city in which substitutes for the fleet.
Soliel and Lunariel kept switching positions, making the lone wolf do various maneuvers to remove this numerical and positional advantage.

A hail of bullets stormed past by the Soliel as the lone wolf immediately followed up with missiles, the Soliel deployed flares. In which the Soliel's partner, Lunariel, fired a beam towards the lone wolf, this time in a predicting pattern.

The Lone wolf was finally struck as its left-wing was destroyed on the wingtips. The lone wolf focused on the left-wing as it tries to stabilize itself from the damage. Taking this as a chance, the Lunariel fired off a missile while the lone wolf is still distracted. A missile whistled by as the Lone wolf just barely dodged the missile on time. The missile then made a circular loop as if still redirecting its direction before shortly exploding.

The Soliel then fired a beam towards the Lone wolf, however, the lone wolf decided to approach in a different strategy.

If the knights are surrounding the demon on both sides, then the demon must simply gain an upper hand by moving itself to where it has an advantage.

The lone wolf throttled to the maximum as it widens in distance between the Soliel and the Lunariel, seeing the reaction of the lone wolf. The Soliel and the Lunariel chased off the lone wolf by planning to close the distance.

The lone wolf would see this before suddenly plummeting in speed, just enough for it to slowly fly stably, the lone wolf then decided to aim the plane upwards, then land on the aircraft back. The plane's direction turned into a complete 180 from facing away to facing the knights who are Soliel and Lunariel.

The lone wolf's aircraft stalled as the aircraft's cockpit are directed towards the two, seeing this chance. The lone wolf switched to multiple locking rockets and fired before suddenly speeding once again, the aircraft rotated in its orientation due to the missing wingtip. The lone wolf used the wingtip to spin the aircraft so that the aircraft is in the correct orientation with its bomb bays facing below the ocean once again.

The lone wolf accelerated upwards the sky, the missiles that the lone wolf sent were immediately dodged, however, the Soliel and Lunariel suffered damages because the missiles exploded right before they are supposed to be struck against the aircraft.

Now both are damaged. Enemy and the lone wolf alike. The lone wolf would follow up the explosion with the rotary cannon towards the Lunariel, in which the rotary cannon managed to strike hits and hitting the missiles of the Lunariel, the aircraft exploded created a gigantic explosion, unlike the normal aircraft.

As if responding to his lover's death. The Soliel unleashed a beam, and switched to its rotary cannons, opened fired and then unleashed missiles to fire towards the lone wolf. The lone wolf would be having a hard time now that it has become a one on one. After all, both of them have to attack at the same time, however, hesitates or is forced back will lose.

The demon managed to kill the Knight's lover. Enraged at this, the knight would drop his shield, picking up the sword that his lover used with his other hand, and then both hands would be using swords.

The Soliel throttled its speed to the maximum, holding down the fire button on its rotary cannons. The lone wolf descended towards the oceans until a few meters above the sea surface.
Water splashed all over the area underneath the lone wolf as bullets passed by the aircraft and struck the ocean. The Soliel flies by the lone wolf at an extreme speed. However, the lone wolf chased after the Soliel seeing that it has an overshoot.

The lone wolf fired its rotary cannon before unleashing missiles. However, the Soliel quickly pitched the aircraft towards the sky before quickly diving on its back towards the lone wolf. An aerial maneuver was used!

The lone wolf quickly swerved to the right just before the area the aircraft was in was sliced by a beam. Missile warnings were heard throughout the lone wolf's cockpit. The lone wolf turned the gaze around to see the Soliel chasing the aircraft despite the earlier action.
The lone wolf sped up the aircraft to widen the distance.

Seeing that the other party didn't chase, the lone wolf turned the aircraft around and slowed down considerably. Seeing this, the lone wolf frowned.

"...Looks like it's ending~ End it~ The other party can't hold it anymore. Despite what it looks like, the fragments from the missile that airbursts earlier struck him. He seems to be using mana power to forcibly block the airflow, preventing him from being sucked out~" The voice rang out. Hearing this, the lone wolf nodded.

"I'll end this in one shot." The lone wolf said, after a long battle. The lone wolf finally talked.
The lone wolf would sigh out a little before focusing back. The lone wolf's aircraft tip began to illuminate within the sky that has become dark now. The aircrafts tip brightened once more.
From there, a beam launched out towards the final aircraft. The Soliel.

Finally, the pair of knights who are lovers fell against the Demon.

The lone wolf's gaze would then slowly turn black as cracks appear throughout the skies of Runea. This would continue until the lone wolf's vision could only see pitch black...

Game Over.

4x Frigates = 4,000
2x Missile Cruisers = 6,000
2x Aircraft Carriers = 8,000
4x Gunboats = 400
6x Su-33 = 600
3x Su-57 = 3,000
2x F-35 = 2,000
3x F-22 = 4,500
Soliel = 7,500
Lunariel = 7,500
2x Time Slow Ability = -5,000
Total: 38,500


You have passed.

Exiting Simulator.

Thank you.

Especially for reading this short story.

Started at an unknown time, on January 24th of 2021.
Finished at 4:21 PM, on January 27th of 2021.

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