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I had finished creating the Liquid Luck potion for Draco. I felt bad for helping him considering he's working for the Dark Lord.

I gave it to him and he smirked.

Draco : " Your such a good girlfriend~ thanks.."

Satori : " I'm not happy about doing this.. your forcing me to go against Harry.."

Draco : " I'm not forcing you to do anything, but if you didn't do this I would take you to the dark lord.. he wants you, your power.."

Draco caressed my cheek, I shivered slightly. He was going to use me for whatever he needed or he would take me to the Dark Lord.

Satori : " I'm not using my power to kill people Draco.. I'm not like you.."

Draco : " Your loyal, if I were you I would be running for the hills and telling Harry.. but no, your such a HufflePuff.."

Satori : " Shut up.. I'm only not telling Harry because I don't want you to get hurt.."

Draco : " Aww, you care about me.."

Satori : " Of course I do Draco.. I love you.."

Draco : " I love you too.. "

Draco left, I sat on the ground and sighed. I had to keep all these secrets from Harry now.

Time skip —

I went to the Great Hall and sat with my friends.

Harry : " Where have you been? "

Satori : " Nowhere.."

I felt so bad for lying to Harry but I had no choice. Draco would have my head if I told anyone about me helping the Dark Lord.

We have dinner with Professor Slughorn tonight, but Draco needs my help. He wants me to get more information on some things.

I'll have to miss the dinner, I told Harry and Hermione. They didn't question me, thank goodness for that.

We all talked for a while, I was telling lies every second, it was getting annoying.

Satori : " Sorry guys I need to leave.."

I stood up and left, I couldn't lie anymore. It was a nightmare, I went up to the Astronomy Tower and sat down.

Satori : " Ugh, this is so difficult.. I hate everything.."

I sighed and hugged my knees, what had the world become. It was all too difficult to understand and I just wanted it to be over.

After a few hours I grabbed my bag and walked to the HufflePuff common room before going to my room. I haven't been in here for a while.

I sat on my bed and started reading, finding out information for Draco. It was a difficult process because the information was hard to find, but I managed.

Time skip —

I was invited to Professor Slughorn's Christmas Ball. It was in a few days. I was going to invite Draco but he said he'll be busy that night.

I got a date with Neville instead. Neville was a nice boy. I think it will be a fun experience. I was lying on my bed still reading.

Draco wanted me to find out more about the vanishing cabinet, it was boring to be honest but I had to follow Draco's orders.

I was excited for the Christmas Ball, I would finally get away from all the stuff I've been doing recently. Helping out the Dark Lord mostly.

Time skip —

I made my way to Neville wearing a beautiful dress. I know it wasn't anything like the Yule Ball but I still wanted to look nice.

Neville and I danced for a while until Filch came in with Draco

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Neville and I danced for a while until Filch came in with Draco.

Filch : " Found this one lurking in an upstairs corridor.."

I glared at Draco, so this is what he's been doing tonight? Lurking around?

Draco : " I was gatecrashing, happy? "

Snape grabbed Draco and escorted him out of the room, I followed them and apparantly so did Harry.

I watched as Snape pinned Draco to the wall, talking about how he made the unbreakable vow.

Harry was listening from behind a wall, while I was staring at them. I knew all about everything.

Draco glared at me.

Draco : " What do you want Satori? "

Satori : " You can't just let me have one night Draco? You have to ruin everything! "

I walked off frustrated and Harry followed me when he knew Draco was gone.

Time skip —

I was sitting in the compartment with Harry and Ron. Hermione wasn't talking to Ron because of him and Lavender being a couple.

Harry : " What do you know Satori? "

Satori : " I know nothing! Okay? "

Harry : " Why was Snape talking about an unbreakable vow?! "

Satori : " Harry I don't know! "

I walked out of the compartment and went to find Draco. Harry wouldn't leave me alone ever since he heard Draco talking to me that night at the party.

I sat next to Draco and ran my fingers through my hair.

Satori : " Bloody Potter.."

Draco : " Holy, are you feeling okay? Your calling him Potter- "

Satori : " The bloody asshole heard about the unbreakable vow and he heard you talking to me.. he won't leave me alone.. I'm not telling him anything I know.."

Draco : " That's my girl.. "

He kissed my cheek and I smirked.

Satori : " What have you done to me Draco Malfoy? "

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