The Start Of Shellett

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okay, so im starting with a Shellett oneshot, might lead into something else, lets just see how it goes.. based around the time of bootcamp/judges houses :) George is gay, meets JJ, finds him hot, you can guess the rest ;))


'I'm sorry.. you're going home.' that one sentence echoing though my head.. i'd worked so hard for this, & that's it? I try not to cry, and just nod my head letting out a false smile as i leave, all im surrounded by is people crying & hugging each other, i push them away and find a quiet corner to sit and take in everything that's just happened.. I try to stop myself from crying but let out an almighty sob as would be expected in this situation. just as i come to terms with all that has happened, a guy walking past me dropped his bag and a can of pepsi rolled to my feet, i pick it up and run after the boy..

"'scuse me!" i shout, and the boy turns around. He was hot.. probably the hottest guy I've seen all weekend, he smiles and sees the pepsi in my hand, "y-y-you dropped this..' and with that i handed him the pepsi."oh, thanks.." he sees the redness around my eyes from where i had been crying and guesses what's wrong. "i guess you didnt get through then.." i try to change the subject, knowing what'll happen if i get onto that subject. "Im George." I said, putting out my hand. "JJ.." he replied, shaking my hand. " I didn't get through either, well, WE didnt.." he said, letting out a sigh. "We worked so hard for this, for so long.." We stare at each other for a minute, looking into each other's eyes.. theyre beautiful, i quickly snap out my trance when JJ realises I've been staring at him for an awkward 10 seconds without saying anything.

"Do you... fancy a drink?" I asked him. "theres a pub round the corner, could be just what we need after the day we've had." JJ smiled, "Yeah.. I'd like that", we swapped numbers, and he went off to find his bandmates, whilst i went off to the pub to get the drinks in.

About 10 minutes past before JJ came running into the pub, on his own. He loks around trying to spot me, when his eyes catch mine, he smiles and stolls over to me. I smile as he sits down and i pass him the drink. "Lager? now youre talking!" he looked at it like an animal to a piece of meat and downed half the pint in what seemed like a single breath. he didnt notice, but a bit of the beer head was smeared just above his lip, i chuckled at him but he didnt know why, so i reached over and gently wiped it away with my thumb.. our eyes caught again, but this time JJ winked at me.. What does he mean by that? does he like me?

In a state of confusion, i reach back to my seat and sip a bit of my drink.. Saturday night in the pub, Kareoke night, me and JJ look at each other, both knowing what the other is thinking, and we jump on the microphones and give a pretty good renditon (even if i do say so myself ;)) of Yeah 3X by chris brown (JJ chose the song.. i think his band sung it earlier?)

a few hours past, and the pub was shutting, JJ was a little worse for wear, so I felt it right to take him back to the hotel The X Factor bosses had put us in, but with him singing ABBA songs at the top of his voice, this was going to be a hard job. With his arm around one soldier and my hand around his waist i started carrying him back. "Tonight's been fun you know," JJ said, turning his face to mine." It was great meeting you George, youre a true mate" and with that he kissed me on the cheek, and burst into the chorus of 'Mamma Mia'. truthfully, i didnt know what to think.. saying I was a true mate, and the kiss.. and the wink.. I blamed it on the alcohol, and carried JJ up to the hotel room. As I opened the door, he threw himself onto the bed, because he decided not to let go of my neck, I fell straight on top of him. He winked at me again, and chuckled, this must mean he likes me, right? I went with my gut instinct, and kissed him.. that in itself (even though its a bit of a weird situation) was one of the best kisses of my life. I quickly pulled back, to see JJ staring at me with his eyes wide open. 'What are you doing?!'I didn't give him chance to continue, all i could do was apologise and run. I ran straight to my room and cried on my bed. how could I have been so stupid?!

I woke up the next morning to see '7 Missed Calls - JJ' on my phone, and a text message that simply said ' Call Me. JJx' how could i face him after last night? there was no way i could explain that! i felt it best to delete his number and forget him. As i walked out of the hotel with my suitcase, I saw two guys standing at the reception complaining about how'JJ was always late in the morning' I'm guessing these two are the bandmates? just as i was checking out, i heard JJ jat the top of the stairs shouting down to his friends 'I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!' Great. I really dont want to see i quickly ran out the hotel with my suitcase and got on my train home.

- a week later

Its been a week since all that stuff happened with JJ, I haven't heard from him since but he's all ive been thinking about. His beautful face, his cheeky accent, everything about him was perfect..

I got a call from the producers of X Factor, saying that they wanted to put me through, but they wanted me to join a band they had lined up, I was too estatic to say no and shouted 'yes' down the phone about 50 times.. On the way to the office to meet the band i would be joining, a member of the X Factor team filled me in on what would be happening. 'firstly, you'll be meeting the boys you will be working with from now on, then you will be flying to Vegas to be part of Louis' section of Judges Houses!' I was over the moon, I'd always wanted to go to Vegas! As we got to the X Factor offices, the woman who told me what was going to happen was guiding me to a room where the band were. As she opened the door, the first face i saw was JJ's.. He instantly smiled and ran over to me, followed by his band mates, Jaymi and Josh. 'Didn't think I'll be seeing you again!' JJ said, with the biggest grin on his face. Does he remember what happened? maybe this is just a front and he'll confront me later..

An hour or so past, after me and the boys had got to know each other, we all went off to our seperate hotel rooms, the time was about 11pm when i heard a faint knock on my door, i got up to answer it (in just my dressing gown, i was all ready for bed!) and JJ was standing there.. in just his boxers. surely he knows i like him?! why does he do this, surely hes leading me on for a joke or something? His Six pack is to die for! He jumped into my room. 'We need to talk.' he said, shutting the door behind him. 'Yeah...' i just stood there in silence, not knowing what to start with. 'you kissed me.' he started.. I didnt know what to say, but it all came out, like word vomit. 'WellAtFirstYouWinkedAtMeAndIThoughtYouWereHotAndWhenYouKissedMyCheekIThoughtYouLikedMe...' I didnt get chance to finish, because JJ threw himself at me, kissing me as we fell onto the bed, I was so confused, i didnt know what to think or what to do, he just looked at me and chuckled as he moved his lips from my face to say 'That night, if you'd have given me a chance to speak, you'd have found out that what happend that night was exactly what i wanted.. and now we're in a band together, maybe we can pick up where we left off?...' I just laughed and rolled on top of him, snogging him, as we got under the covers, he just turned to me and said ' you.. me.. in bed.. does every night with you end up like this?' this time I winked at him & just said, 'you'll find out soon enough,' and smiled.


okay, that was my first everrrr fanfic, so let me know what was good about it, and what was bad about it and ill try to make a better one soon?! x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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