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I'm really bad at writing, sorry
This is my first fanfic.
Ok, now the story
"Dora, would you put Luna in her crib please?" Xenophilius Lovegood asked his wife Pandora Lovegood. "Of course Phil, do you have another idea for an experiment?" She asked. She walked upstairs and put little Luna in her crib, gave her her Nargle-cuddly toy and went back downstairs. Three hours later Luna's godfather Remus Lupin, his best friend Sirius Black and his godson Harry Potter came in the house. Little Harry was very excited to see Luna, they were best friends. He said "Lun, Lun, Lun!" They walked trough the living room, up the stairs, trough the diningroom/kitchen, up more stairs, into the lab. There they saw it. Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. Dead. Then they heard Luna crying. They went to her room. Remus lifted her out of her crib and told Sirius to floo to Dumbledore. Sirius put Harry down and went to the fireplace. He grabbed a handfull of floopowder and said:"dumbledore's office, hogwarts." Remus summoned some babyfood and a spoon. Luna was, apperantly, really hungry. He fed her. Sirus, Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge came out the fireplace. Dumbledore walked downstairs to the lab and said:"how did this happen? They were always very careful! It's especially sad for little Luna. So young... I believe you are her godfather Remus?" Remus looked very sad, although he tried to hide it. "Yes" he said. "Why is the Minister here?" "He has the will of the Lovegoods" Dumbledore answered. Then the minister started speaking "the will says: all our stuff will go to charity, except Luna's stuff, she can keep that. She needs two guardians, but I believe you and Sirius live together?" They all nodded, except Luna. Harry asked "Luna daddy mommy gone?" "Yes Harry, and now Luna is going to live with us, do you like that?" Sirius answered. "Yay!" Harry said. They all laughed. Sirius, Remus, Harry and Luna flooed to the Lupin-Black house. They decorated the spare room light yellow and pink, with magic of course, and Remus summoned a crib.
What do you think?

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