Harry styles imagine

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It's 5:00 p.m. 

Harry texted you and told you to the pier. You sit down on the bench next to you and stare out into the blue bay. The sun was just about to set and it was getting cold.

You look next to you and on the bench, there is a white note. You open it up and it reads:

"Hey (Y/N)! You found the first clue. In order to find the second one, you must go to the place we first met."

The place you first met him was in the small park by the river. So you stand up and walk over to your destination.

When you reach the park, you sit down on the swing you used to always go on as a kid. It brought back so many memories.

You look down on the other swing and you find another note taped down.

You slowly open it up and read the scribbled hand writing on the inside.

"Remember all of the times we spent here? I remember them like it was only yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, where did we go?"

You went to the library with him to look for his favorite book. It was only a block away so you decide to take your time and walk.

When you walk inside the library, you walk up to the front desk and find another note. You peel it off and read it.

"Let's see if you can remember what my favorite book is. When you find it, look on the first page."

You shoved the note in your pocket and sped walked to the aisle of the book. When you got to it, You opened it up and looked in the first page. You took off the little piece of paper and read it carefully.

"Wow. You know more aboute me then I thought you did. But thats just another reason to love you more. Go to the place where I first told you that I loved you <3"

He told you this on your first date to an ice cream creamery. You walk out of the library with the note in hand and jog to the building about 3 blocks away.

When you reach it, you go to the booth you guys ate at and sit down.

You see there is the ice creams that you both got and you take a spoon ful and swallow it down. On the napkin, it has another note written on it.

"Your getting good at this. Maybe a little too good. Go to the place where we first kissed. Good luck love."

You take the napkin and skip to the movie theatre. You walk in and breathe the delicious smell of buttered popcorn. You walk up to the box office.

The lady smiles at you and hands you a movie ticket.

You walk into the theatre and look at the back of the ticket. It reads:

"Go to the movie and take a seat. I'll see you there."

You walk to the screen room and take a seat. There are lots of people there but it's too dark to make out their faces. The previews are going on so you take the only seat available in the front.

You look up to the screen and another preview starts. But Harry is on the screen. He says,

"Hey (Y/N) i've been dying to ask you this question for a long time now. We have known each other all of our life and I hope that we always do. That is why I am here to make sure that I never loose you. I wan't to wake up to your beautiful face every morning. I want to take you places. I want to spend every last penny I have on you and will never give up on you."

The preview goes off and your mouth is wide open in shock. The lights turn back on and Harry is standing in front of you. 

"Harry, what are you doing?" You ask

He kneels down on one knee and take your hand.

"(Y/N) I love you more than any one else in the world. I want to only be with you and have been dreaming of it ever since elementary school." He says nervously

He looks into your eyes and says, "Will you marry me?"

Tears well up in your eyes and you nod frantically. You both stand up and he picks you up and spins you around. The crowd cheers excitedly.

When he puts you down, you notice that the crowd was all of your friends, best friends, and families cheering you on.

This was the best night of your life.

Harry styles imagineWhere stories live. Discover now