His eyes

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I'm overwhelmed by this wave,
But I continue to fight against the tide.
I need to be strong, I need to prouve I'm brave.
Yet the current prevails and I slide.

My heart goes through every storms,
Passing through all the clouds,
To snuggle up near the sun,
And being careful not to burn.

The torrent wins me,
The current is too strong.
Faced with his eyes immerge in the water.
I'm still drowning. Drowning. Drowning.


The sea won the victory,
She's going to build our history.
Promise me to try to forget,
Who was your first target.

My tears merge with rain
But you're the only one.
He who feels my pain
And you're not someone.

The torrent wins me,
The current is too strong.
Faced with his eyes immerge in the water.
I'm still drowning. Drowning. Drowning.

The torrent wins me,
The current is too strong.
Faced with his eyes immerge in the water.
I'm still drowning. Drowning. Drowning.

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