A very bad idea (bxb)

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We were doing nothing. We were just chilling in the woods near his house. I had called him tonight, telling him we should hang out there. Of course he was in, he was bored out of his mind; it was night and summer vacation. We found the collapsed treehouse and sat down on the planks. I got less and less comfortable over time, until I decided to just lay my head in his lap. He looked at me as I laid down. I stared back at him, until he looked at his phone again and I closed my eyes.

I imagined what it would be like to live on mars, all alone. With just a little garden, and maybe a little pig. I wouldn't eat the pig, I don't know how I would get the meat. Maybe I packed a lot when I departed from earth.

I felt my best friend shift a bit. He probably wasn't comfortable. I wondered if he would come with me. I wondered if he would want a life with me. My mind was going places I shouldn't allow it to go. It happened more than it should, but I never let my mind to go further. That's dangerous and it could mess me up.

He put his phone down and laid his hands on my body, one on my chest and the other in my hair. He played with the edge of my shirt and twirled his fingers in my hair. I liked it, it felt nice.

I opened my eyes to find him looking at me. I looked at his eyes, I could hardly see them but they were a beautiful shade of green. His lashes were long and his skin was smooth. His lips were full and it looked like he had been biting them.

If only, I thought. That was too far already. I shouldn't have admired him, I should've just kept my eyes closed and enjoyed his hands playing with my hair.

I shouldn't look at his lips. I shouldn't wonder what it would be like to kiss him. I shouldn't feel the urge to softly press his lips against mine. I just shouldn't.

But I did. And so did he.

He leaned in a bit, waiting if I would do the same. Of course I did, how could I not? He leaned again until our lips touched. This was wrong, but didn't feel like it. We parted, just a little bit. Though the kiss wasn't intense, we were both breathing heavily.

"We shouldn't..." I managed to whisper. He nodded, "yeah, it's not right." We looked each other in the eye, and our lips touched again mere seconds later. He turned and laid down on top of me, all the while our lips were still touching. His tongue shyly touched my lip and I granted him access. He was a good kisser, and I hated him for it.

Why couldn't he just be a repulsive kisser? Then all my worries would be over. I pushed on his shoulders and he pulled away.

"I really hate you," I stated as I avoided his gaze. I knew he was sad, as I fell him lay down next to me. "Why?" His voice was shaking.

I felt bad. "You just had to be a good kisser. If you weren't, I could just say that I hated the kiss. Then I would tell myself that all the wondering about you I did was just my stupid teenage brain wanting some drama. But, now I can't do that. Now, I have to live with the fact that my gut feeling was right. I might just like a guy, my best friend at that," I ranted. This wasn't the ideal situation. This wasn't how I wanted him to know. This wasn't how I wanted to end the friendship with my best friend.

He chuckled softly, "yeah, we're fucked." I looked at him. He was watching the moon. I felt my hand search his. I laced my pink with his and he secured them. "Well, I guess we got our drama." I chuckled with him, as we slowly forgot that we had to deal with any consequences.

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