midnight talks

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It was past curfew, maybe midnight. The stone floor felt cold, but you didn't care. The stars danced through the sky, some of them brighter than others. It always felt good to be alone in the Astronomy Tower, ironically, it made you fell less solitary. 

You shrinked, shaking a little. This night was way colder than the last ones - a sign that winter is arriving. The wind made your hair flutter.  Dammit, I should've brought my coat. 

- It is a beautiful night, isn't it, Draco? - The person that was sat next to you took some time to respond. Draco has been looking lost in his own thoughts recently. Afraid? Happy? No one knew.

You shrinked once more, trying really hard not to freeze.  

The big and omnipotent towers made you feel small, and that was your most-liked thing about it - there, you didn't need to fit into nobody's expectations. It was your favorite place. 

- Yeah, it is. - He answered, but looking actually elsewhere. You. 

He didn't look cold, even though he was without his coat too. You felt the urge to scoot closer to him, since he seemed like a good source of heat. 

As you hugged him by his side, his hands wrapped your waist and brought you closer. His hair was soft, as always. It smelled like green apples, your favorite scent. 

- Do you promise we'll always be together? - You said, still stunned by the recent events. How you wished your parents were still alive, still being able to hug you and saying always the right things. You couldn't bare to loose another beloved one. 

- Of course I do. - Draco whispered, stroking your hair slightly. Maybe the Astronomy Tower was actually your second favorite place. Being with him made you always happy.

There you sat, at the same place, same hour. The night was still cold and the stars were still there. Everything was so alike but, at the same time, so different. There was no more curfew, there were no more classes. 

You looked behind you back. Seeing Hogwarts destroyed, a place you considered your second home, made your heart break even more. 

This time you were wearing a coat, but still felt cold nonethless. Not even the biggest fireplace could warm your heart, you felt broken - even betrayed. He was not there to hug you anymore, so you hugged yourself.

A few tears rolled down your cheek as you remembered the times you spent with him. He said he would always be with you

and you made your biggest effort to actually believe in his promises.

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