{The start of a new beginning}

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Kai's P.O.V
    I woke up to the sunlight shining down on the bed. I looked down to see him peacefully sleeping, said sunlight was beaming down highlighting his features...and the best part is, he is all mine, no-one else gets to see this part of him. I don't notice his eyes open, such a beautiful sapphire they are..the way light will show the sapphire blending in with the white lashes. He truly is an angel in my arms."Well good morning to you kai~," he cooed with a soft gentle voice. I caress his cheek which made him gently blush." you're so adorable" I purred softly in his ear. He responded with a slight sigh of content. "I love you..." Hari whispered."Mhm..." I answered back before kissing his neck gently. He blushes faintly. "We need to get up hun-" he said gently. I hummed in response and picked him up to walk off. "K-KAI!!" He said very flustered."What!? i didn't do anything wrong~" He continued to mummble until he calmed down, which was when we got to the living room. It was worth taking a day off work for this.

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