As i bring down the knife on the man's face making it more and more bloody and meaty, i think back on all the other people who took a delightful roll in my exciting maniac sprees, and thank them silently in my head for how interestingly amusing there deaths were. that moment i just never could forget was like a broken cd replaying over and over again.a scene that always enlightens my day.....My first kill. it was a beautiful tall blonde haired girl , with such magnificent peircing blue eyes, but unfortunately for that poor girl , she was wandering the streets all alone in the dark during my play time. Since i thought it rude to kill such an innocent girl i tried to help her but she kept on running away which really annoyed me knowing that i had to chase a brat. When i finally caught her she started to cry out a pool of tears from her eyes which were looking right into mine. Knowing that i hated to see little humans cry i decided to tear out her eyes to keep them all dry and pretty .it wasnt an easy task to do with your hands but i managed to rip out one to the other with only a few tortured screams from the girls mouth, but yet i have to say that pulling out her eye was very fun and interesting knowing that i could see all the little veins pop up like string.
My second victim was a snotty homeless man who's death was very hilarious due to his stupidity. As soon as i saw the man he stated that he'd give such a great time , only if i were to pay him tho, but of course his amusement straddeled me along with him into the dark dirty ally way ,not for only the pleasure he thought sure to get , but for my pleasure that he absolutely was not in store for . as he turned around to face me i slammed him into the wall and slowly began to cut off his head.his tortured screams were like music to my ears and his foul language was just another funny thing to make Me laugh.lucky for me no one came to the sounds of me silencing my human toy .i finnally got to the bones in his neck and Couldn't do nothing but smile to the splattering sound his head made as it dropped lifelessly on the ground . i licked the remaining blood that covered my body and face and threw the hobo's head back into his resting spot next to the garbage bin.
It just happened that two days ago i got a chance at killing my oldest victim, a lady who looked to be about 65 or 75 , and the lady who also happened to be my most unexcited boring kill ever .It really was ashame that she had to be the only one out that old people never really were that fun to kill .all i had to do was slightly push the old women down and slit her throat not even worrying about getting caught. She had not even had much of a blood bath for me to enjoy ,not a cry or a scream , just a silent kill of the night , but i guess not all kills are ment to be just for was then after i thought that this night would go on simple that i heard a scream from up the ally that snapped me back into reality.i had a feeling of silencing the screamer as i got up but i saw that some figures were coming down my way. I quickly grabbed my knife in the quickest way i could knowing that these figures were CLoser than i thought and climbed up a nearby stairwell just as they surrounded my Victim. " i was just trying to have a little fun from the old lady" i mumbled under my breath as i disappeared into the darkness, but what i really wanted to say was " who are you " ?. I thought it strange that there were so many of them out at this time of night , and what made it more mysterious was that they were all together in the same allyway i just so happend to be in. "who were they "?
the girl of death
Horrorshe's the girl of death and loves to play she never sleeps unless its day if you are out come time by night then u should run cause you will die you can not hide and best not cry for she feels nothing from inside the only way for you to live ...